Chapter 259 The Holy Life

"What's the meaning?"

"The Huns don't know how to survive, they only know how to fight right away.

None of the generals in front of me understood what the First Emperor meant.

He only heard him explain: "If they set up camp on our food route, maybe soon, a large number of cavalry will attack our front.

"why would you say so?"

A general did not understand what he meant, so he asked again.

"It's simple.

"If we cut off our food supply, will they leave or stay?"

"Although it is a good thing for them, it may cut off the supply of food and grass for our Daqin army, but our team of food and grass is not without military escort, just by virtue of this, they will not have any chance to get it. This batch of grain."

"So, this war has turned into a war with fairly balanced numbers and fair rules so far.

"The reason why I don't ask for help from white and black is to prove that our Daqin iron cavalry army, even without the help of immortals, can conquer the wild world!

"Your Majesty Shengming."

A general nodded in praise.

"But now that the food supply has been cut, we must make a quick decision. The soldiers have run out of food, and they won't be able to fight for long."

"Find a quick way to win!"

After the general finished speaking, the First Emperor nodded and said, "You are right, this is exactly what I am thinking about now."

"Quick victory, how to get quick victory?

The general opened his mouth and said: "Our army of 300,000 people originally came from the main attack, but now it has turned into a defense, and has fallen behind in the war. If the casualties in this war are too heavy, even if we win, it will be a tragic victory. A shameful thing."

"If you lose, you will inevitably be ridiculed, and it will strengthen the morale of the Xiongnu. Even if they are repelled this time, they will make a comeback next time, because it will make people feel that our Daqin army is weak. Egg buns, let others pinch."

"Well said.

"Is there a good strategy for defeating the enemy?

The other party was silent.

Looking at the crowd, no one spoke a word.

The First Emperor nodded.

"Should this food be left behind?

After he finished saying these words, even the general who only saw him said: "Of course you should stay.

"The route of food is the top priority of our army's food transportation in Daqin, and it is indispensable. If it is lost, it will inevitably cause the army to be short of food. Once it is short of food, it will immediately lose its combat effectiveness. The more eager to win, the easier it is to reveal weaknesses. ."

"Once we are caught by the local government, the tide of the battle will soon be turned around.

The First Emperor nodded, "Nevertheless, does anyone have other ideas?"

Meng Kuo, who was on the side, thought about it, but he still took a step forward and said, "Your Majesty, I have an idea, I don't know if I should talk about it or not.


"Why don't you talk?"

With the first emperor's order, he really opened his mouth to speak.

"I ordered the original rear defense forces to retreat across the board, give up food supplies, and gather heavy troops to go to the front line to wipe out the main force of the enemy army."5

The first emperor was shocked.

No one in the tent dared to speak.

Because everyone knew what General Meng Tian's words meant.

"Do you know how much risk it takes to do this?

Once it fails, the entire Great Qin Empire will be in a precarious state, because the First Emperor will be in danger.

As a general, Meng Kuo was not at fault when he said such words, but it was really inappropriate to say it in front of the emperor.

The proposal was ultimately rejected.

The reason given by the First Emperor was, "Although the enemy's army is in front, and the cavalry in the rear is only a small group of troops, in the end, food is the most important thing.

"It's too risky."

"If you kill the main force of the enemy army, it will cost a lot of soldiers' lives, and at the end, what will you use to fight against these tens of thousands of elite Xiongnu cavalry?

Hit the head?

The First Emperor knew this very well in his heart. In ancient times, wars were not as quick to see results as in modern battlefields.

The efficiency of war is also very low.

Meng Kuo refused, "Your Majesty, it is not groundless for me to make this decision."

"Although the Xiongnu cavalry are brave, their manpower is limited. The best way to deal with cavalry is the shield and spear formation.

"And now our main threat is the hundreds of thousands of rebels from the Six Nations ahead. Most of them have the strongest hatred for the Great Qin Iron Cavalry and the strongest sense of fear."5

"Not to mention how close their cooperation with the Xiongnu and Donghu is.

・・For flowers....

"Once our Daqin army has the absolute upper hand, its interior will inevitably split. At that time, if we recruit them again, it is very likely..."

"At that time, let's turn around and make dumplings for this group of Xiongnu cavalry, and everything will be done.

The First Emperor nodded, but in the end he still shook his head and said: "The situation is unknown, the risk is too great.

"If this is just an ordinary battle commanded by you, then it doesn't matter, it may be feasible. But today is different. This is a battle about the dignity of the Great Qin Empire, which can only be won, never defeated."

Seeing Shi Emperor's resolute expression, everyone said nothing.

"Listen to the order, the people from the Panhu Camp and the Feijiao Camp must gather all their men and horses, fifty thousand horses, and immediately move towards the rear, and they must annihilate the Xiongnu cavalry!"

Meng Tian asked inexplicably, "Your Majesty, why is this?"

"The Xiongnu cavalry is very powerful in combat. Often a single cavalry can be worth the attack of three or five infantry at the same time without falling behind. How can such a man and horse be enough?

After he finished saying these words, the first emperor replied: "Occupy our grain route, maybe the first batch of grain and grass transportation will be intercepted by them, but as long as this is the case, then Xianyang City will soon receive grain. The news that the road was cut off, and a large number of troops were sent to attack."

"It is impossible for the Huns to be so foolish as to allow themselves to be passive, so I conclude that they will not stay."

"Establishing a camp is nothing more than a sham, just to make us think that they will occupy our food for a long time, and they will kill us here, and the idea is to let us divide our troops again and go back to encircle and suppress them to regain the food. .35

"Go and daydream about him!

"My Da Qin not only wants to regain the food supply, but also kills the traitors of the six kingdoms in front of him!


Meng Kuo never imagined that the First Emperor could actually think of this.

But it's actually a gamble.

Just another form.

This form, I want to compare with his previous proposal, to be more secure.

Once defeated, it will not fall into passive, but leave a lot of room to play, there is still a chance to win.

It is indeed the state of mind of a king.

It was a completely different knife from what I thought in my heart,

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