Chapter 258 The Doubtful First Emperor

These Hun soldiers who died one after another gave the generals behind them a lesson for reference.

Although playing this important role, the generals led by the Huns were still gnashing their teeth in anger!


"Just a bunch of idiots!""

"Didn't I say retreat, why do they continue to attack?"

After he finished saying these words, when he could only see a Hun man in white sable fur beside him, he explained embarrassingly: "The brothers are excited to kill, and the enemy archers are vulnerable to a single blow. They didn't expect to rush to the enemy's army camp so quickly, so..."

"The speed at which our military orders were communicated did not even have time to receive them, and they rushed up..."

"A bunch of killers!"

"I know Sha Sha Sha, I never know how to move my head before doing things. What is such a big thing on the head for eating, is it used as a chamber pot?

"The number of enemy troops is not less than ours at this moment, and they have come to their senses. The biggest advantage of our cavalry is completely clear. Even so, the goal of 823 that should be achieved has already been achieved, and there is no need to catch up and die. .35

The Xiongnu general explained to his subordinates: "What we cut off is their food route.

"As long as we cut off this road and stay here for a long time, then all the food that they have shipped from Xianyang City will be distributed to our brothers!"

"So in fact, as long as we keep this piece of land for Huyanchi to guard, in the end, although the army of Qin soldiers on the front line has many people, but there is little food, let's surround it for a few days, cook delicious food, let them smell Weier, don’t be afraid that they won’t be able to withstand it!

As he finished speaking.

The Hun soldier commander with hundreds of mink fur in front of him quickly nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, what you're talking about, General, this move of yours really counts as a good plan."

"Then in the next step, the army of Qin Bing has stopped and headed to the front line to support the front line. Now it is basically all in place, and the formation has been formed. I guess they are waiting for us to pass by shouting slogans. To die!

"If the previous khans had led us to fight this battle, the current order would definitely be to continue to rush up, break the shells of the Qin soldiers, and then fall into endless hard battles, relying on a large number of casualties to win the war. victory.

"But this time, we don't need to continue attacking."

The Xiongnu general with a gleam in his eyes seemed to have thought of an excellent trick.

And seeing his big hand wave, the Xiongnu cavalry, who were originally very fast, all followed him and retreated a few dozen steps before stopping.

"Set up camp on the spot!"

Another military order came down, and none of the Xiongnu tribes dared to disobey the Khan's order without authorization, so they all began to hurriedly set up military tents.

Laying is also quite simple.

Some people in the Daqin army soon saw this scene of the Huns, and immediately the news that they had set up camp on their own grain road spread to the ears of the first emperor in front.


"What kind of dog Xiongnu thing dares to set up camp on our grain road, he is not worried, it is not the grain truck that comes out of Xianyang City, but the army?"

"It just doesn't know how to live or die!"

"Hurry up and send someone, let Master Fusu, send a capable general representative to lead the existing hundreds of thousands of troops to encircle and suppress this group of Xiongnu cavalry.

"The rebels of the Six Nations in front of you, the sky will not fall for a while!"

After he finished saying this, when even the person in front of him said, "Your Majesty, you must think twice before giving this order!

"The other party is the rebel army of the Six Nations, with an advantage of more than 300,000 people. We are a single army to fight deeply. The other party can be said to have a great strategic depth, but we don't have it. In fact, the resolution of this war was already doomed at that time, and it is very likely that the loser will be us.

After the lieutenant general of the Great Qin Army finished speaking, the first emperor in front of him nodded, "Then what do you think should be done?"

"The Huns are not particularly weak, most of the Huns are just like the craftsmen with infinite power in the Central Plains. The reason why the first emperor was able to easily eliminate the main force of the Huns was purely through the exchange of white and black rewards, such as various powerful arms. , as well as the holy beast, the white tiger, etc., they have everything, and they basically fight hard battles where everything is ready.

"And now, when I meet these dying Xiongnu soldiers, I still feel very tired.

After all, without using the white and black needles, the first emperor himself said these words, and no one can change anything.

A gentleman speaks his mind.

"Now facing the Huns who have been entrenched in the cold winter area in the northern Central Plains for many years, they are no match at all."

Many recruits were not very sensible. From the beginning to the end, they thought that the Huns were nothing more than the defeated generals of Da Qin, and they had great self-confidence because of the fact that the First Emperor was in charge of the army.

But they simply don't know how exciting the opponent's means will be.

After he finished saying these words, his voice became majestic and domineering, "The men of Daqin are all good."

"Rack! 35

Lead by example!

Don't be afraid of hardship!

The mighty emperor's division started in a mighty manner, and it was almost discussed at the entrance of the military tent.

Soon, this huge army drove to the burial ground after the war.

It is a good thing to have soldiers in battle. And if the person who lacks soldiers and soldiers didn't wear a mask, he followed the guy in front of him and said slowly, and after he finished saying these words, even the First Emperor fell into contemplation.

"Listen to orders!"

With the first emperor's order.

A man slowly knelt down in front of him.

"Your Majesty, you must not send troops at will!

With his crying and persuading, the first emperor did not take his words to heart after all.

"The Huns who are going to fight, I must fight, will never want to come to the Central Plains in the future!!

Seeing the expression on the First Emperor's face meant that he was impatient.

All the people in front of the First Emperor had no problem and passed his examination. After all, they were all really good soldiers.

"You are all veterans who kill and fight. If you look at it with your many years of experience fighting on the battlefield, how could those Huns post it over and over again? Could it be possible..."

"Have a gamble!"

"The Huns are so treacherous that they can think of any tricks, so that they still missed the most important link after all.

The First Emperor was puzzled, "Could it be, is this another trick?

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