Chapter 260

After the first emperor's order was issued, the army under his command really turned back to kill.

Not only the Panxiong Battalion but also the Flying Flood Dragon Battalion sent by his subordinates, the troops who had withdrawn to the front line all returned to the archer group on the way.

At this moment, the archers and crossbowmen of the Qin Dynasty have almost been killed and injured, and it is no longer a climate, which can cause mass destruction to the Xiongnu.

Heavy casualties.

The morale of the Daqin soldiers was low.

And Fusu followed everyone to the battlefield in the rear.

Looking around, it was full of floating corpses.

Like human defense.

The Xiongnu's positions, their military tents, were thousands of miles ahead.

Although the attack has stopped at this moment.

But no one knows when their cavalry will attack again.

In the place where Daqin's army can't see "August 27".

I saw a large number of Huns retreating one after another.

Don't dare to be sloppy at all.

"Why retreat?"

I saw a sturdy man wearing a big white mink on the hurried marching road and asked.

The Xiongnu general sneered: "Our destination now is very clear.

"If we don't leave, the enemy will soon send troops to clean us up, and then we will be attacked on both sides, and we won't be able to leave if we want to."

The man in the big white mink regained his senses and then asked puzzledly, "Then if we are now, we must rush back to support the front line? 35

"When the enemy sees our camp there, they will definitely think that we have sent heavy troops to their food routes. Maybe in order to maintain the supply of food and grass for the hundreds of thousands of troops, they will soon dispatch a large number of troops to attack.

"After the division of their troops is over, we will storm the front army of Daqin, and it will definitely have a miraculous effect."

"When the Qin people are gathered together, their strength is indeed strong, but once we disperse their strength, they will suddenly become scattered, and it is not enough to be afraid of."5

After he finished saying this, the Xiongnu general in front of him smiled and said, "You said it well, but the task Huyanchi gave us is far from simple. 35

"According to our internal response, we have received important news.

"Emperor Qin is among the hundreds of thousands of troops we are facing."

"He thought that it was this imperial expedition that would greatly dampen our morale."

"Unexpectedly, his position has already become our goal.

"Under the nest, there will be no eggs.

"Our cavalry team of tens of thousands of people raided in the dark, no matter how strict the defense is, it is difficult to protect him.


"General, I'm at your command."

"This time, we are bound to win!"

At this moment, in Shangdang County, which is the closest to Handan County.

"The situation ahead is urgent, please send troops for reinforcements quickly."

"Why don't you fight?"

After Xiao He came here with a large number of troops, he inspected the military camp but found that there were hundreds of thousands of troops doing nothing.

The general here did not know where he was fooling around at all, and only when he asked, did he determine his mansion.

So he quickly came to the general's mansion with a few guards with him.

Resolute and resolute, straight in.


The door was slammed open.

Xiao He stood in the room with a few entourages.


On the couch... The general quickly grabbed his clothes and stood up.

In addition to being frightened, he couldn't even think about it at all, so Xiao He grabbed his ear and pulled it under the bed, giving him three loud slaps.

He raised his leg again and kicked him with a kick.

The more this is the case, the more frustrated I feel.

"Good man, forgive me!

"The hero spares his life, the hero spares his life..."

This Shangdang County General Li hurriedly held his head and begged for mercy. Such a violent beating really made him feel the fear of his life. In order to survive, he could only make this humble gesture for the time being.

to keep yourself safe.

Looking up, I saw, "Xiao, Master Xiao?"

"You are old, why are you old?

"Family and country matters are ahead, and the situation is urgent. You are here to have fun, but you delay in disobeying the military order and don't send troops to help. What's your motive?"

Xiao He asked straightly, his brows furrowed into a Sichuan character.

However, the general said with a smile on his face: "Send troops here, send troops here, and send troops immediately.

"Hmph, if the fighter plane is delayed, are you delayed?"

Xiao He sneered, "I'll settle the account with you later."5

Saying that, he followed and walked out.

"Let's go, this time I will personally count the number of troops, don't leave any of them, drag them all to the battlefield for me.."

The orders that come down from the head are always implemented differently.

Good things can do bad things for you.

"70,000 people in total!"

After counting the number of people, a follower opened his mouth to report.


Xiao He's face instantly became puzzled, "How come there are only 70,000 people? 35

"Didn't you say that Shangdang County claims to have an army of 200,000 people?

"Why are there only 70,000 people left now?"

Seeing the disheveled and demoralized army in front of him, he suddenly became angry again.

"Say, where have everyone gone?

His eyes changed suddenly, and there was a lot of murderous aura.

Suddenly, he drew his knife and aimed it at the neck of General Li who had just been caught in front of him.

"Stop talking, Laozi slashed you with one knife!"

General Li was so frightened that he immediately knelt down in fear.

"Don't, don't..."

"I say, I say, I say everything, isn't that okay?"

"Because of the cultivation of immortal grains a few days ago, most of the army was taken to the remote countryside to plant potatoes. Now the army in Shangdang City, even if it is full of people and guards, is only more than 80,000 people. .

"Our food and grass are not sufficient. If we send troops rashly, we will definitely be self-sufficient and need to be transferred from other places. But it has been difficult to transfer a little bit, and the quantity has never increased. Increasing grain can be said to be difficult. 2.2”

Xiao He was even more puzzled: "Isn't there an order from above, saying that the neighboring counties and counties should transfer food for military supplies?"

"Why don't you stand up for help?"

After he finished asking, General Li in front of him showed a bit of bitterness, "Deliver help?

"You don't know, the local county governor, and the waiter, there are some things that are not easy to say on the surface, but secretly, everyone understands that this kind of thing definitely exists, but it is not easy for us to directly There are not many people who have this ability since ancient times. No one will joke about their own life and future. After all, they are officials.

Can not afford to offend. "3

Xiao He frowned, "Go on."

"What's the matter?

General Li carefully glanced around, and after confirming it was correct, he said: "One word.

"What word?


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