Chapter 257

All the generals and soldiers of the Qin soldiers who were shot and killed by this meal were caught off guard.

No one at all could have imagined that not long after they had withdrawn their troops and returned, the Huns would suddenly appear out of nowhere with hundreds of thousands of troops out of nowhere.

This is really hard to accept.

Seeing the Xiongnu iron cavalry charge towards him, the feeling of coercion became stronger and stronger.

All the generals of Da Qin were retreating.

Because at this time, if they don't retreat, they will all die here.

The formation has been completely chaotic, if they are still fighting to the death at this time, sooner or later they will die one by one under the saber of the cavalry.


After hearing the news of the other party, even the young master Fusu, who was wearing black armor, yelled, "Isn't it saying that the Xiongnu in the rear have been completely repelled, where did these tens of thousands of enemies come from?"

The soldiers in front of them bowed their heads, and no one dared to say anything.

"It's just a matter of being broken into by the enemy and smashed into the food passage."

"So many cavalry quietly detoured to the rear of the army, but no one found it?"

After saying this, his eyes couldn't wait to stand out.

What a shame indeed.

Daqin has never eaten such a fool since the founding of the country!

"His Royal Highness, the top priority is to think about how to face these tens of thousands of enemy troops. 39

"Tens of thousands?

"They came with great momentum, and we don't know how many tens of thousands of people there are."

"It's a miracle!""


Fusu clenched his fists tightly and looked at the smoke of the wolf that could be seen outside, and suddenly a sense of grief and anger rose in his heart.

"Report! 99

Suddenly, a shout came from outside the tent.

"Come in!"

Fusu gave an order, when even I saw two soldiers dragging a wounded Daqin scout in and put him on the ground.

Glancing at the soldier lightly, Fusu pointed and asked, "What's going on?"

"It is said that there is important information.

"But when he returned to the camp, he was already on the verge of death. He just drank water before he fell into a coma and just woke up.

After the soldier finished explaining, Fusu nodded.


"What news do you find out, tell me quickly.

The scout's eyes were red, but there was not a single tear, and his lips were chapped, but every word was heart-wrenching.

"The enemy army...there are...30,000 people!"

"I followed the defeated Xiongnu cavalry back to their camp, only to find out that their den is nearby, and the wolf's ambition, I don't know where so many cavalry teams are stationed, I thought of coming back to report the letter for the first time, but I was helpless. Being discovered by the other party..."

"Being in a plain area, wide and wide, with no shelter, the small one was shot through the spine by the enemy with an arrow, and crawled back with his last breath..."

He tried his best to open his mouth to finish these words.

"The 30,000 people are in the rear of our army, such threats are self-evident, please tell the general, absolutely must not send troops to the front line, absolutely not!

As he spoke, blood began to flow from his nose.

The red eyes were also full of bloodshots.

"Master, I don't want to die..."

"I, I, giggle, there is an old mother in Jingyang's hometown, my name is Li Ergu, son, you save me..."

"I'm definitely going to die.

"After I die, my mother's life, her old man's life..."


A large mouthful of blood spat out of his mouth.

"It's over!"

After saying this sentence, his eyes lost the original brilliance.

As if it was covered with a thin layer of gray.

Seeing this scene, Fusu couldn't calm down for a long time.

How tragic this scene is.

His chest heaved violently, as if anger was about to burst out of it.

"Order the whole army!"

"All the divisions are canceled, turn the direction, turn back and clean up the Huns cavalry!

"Here! 35

After the voice of a general in the army answered, the troops who had just rested on the spot immediately became alert.



"The Huns, they are all killed again!"

After tens of thousands of Qin soldiers were assembled, Fusu Gongzi stood on a high platform, inspected the army, and vented his anger uncontrollably.

"They are all murderous demons, ghosts who eat human flesh and drink human blood, are you afraid?

"Don't be afraid!

The masculine voice of thousands of troops resounded, deafening.


"As expected of the good son of my Daqin!

"Raise the swords and spears in your hands!

"The Huns are treacherous and use a team of a hundred people to confuse our sight. I didn't expect that tens of thousands of troops were secretly assembled and hidden in the vicinity of the archer group behind our army."

"..they didn't launch a surprise attack right away, but sent a small group of elites to inquire about the real situation. When we thought they had withdrawn their troops and divided their troops to the main battlefield to help, they completely killed them. It's really ulterior motives!"

"They are very fast, and they are about to kill us right before our eyes, are you ready? 99

"Kill them all for me!

"Kill them without leaving a piece of armor!"

"Kill! 35


"Kill! 35

The three consecutive killing characters highlighted the strong morale of the Daqin army.

In an instant, the battle formation was completely set up, just waiting for the Huns who were roaring in front of them to rush over to die.

The shield is equipped with a long spear, and there is no dead angle at all. Hundreds of thousands of people gather here to make a roar that resounds through the sky, which is really shocking.

After seeing this situation, the Xiongnu army did not dare to act rashly for a while.

I saw his general waved his hand, and the people behind him, although their faces were puzzled, stopped according to his (money is good) gesture and did not continue to charge.

Because in fact he also knew that he was just a reckless man who only knew the courage of ordinary people. At present, only by obeying the orders of the general in front of him could he have a chance of survival.

After all, it was also a moment of life and death for the Huns.

But after all, only a few people can see clearly.

Most of the people still did not have such a consciousness, and some desperate Xiongnu warriors finally rushed up because they failed to hear the order in time.

However, the Daqin soldiers, who were furious, had already set up their battles and waited for them to come.

After the scattered cavalry rushed in, they did not break through the first line of defense of the Daqin army formation immediately, but died tragically under the spear like a poisonous snake.

Even when the warhorse was running at high speed, its mighty force slammed into the Qin army's shield formation, but it was still unable to shake it, as if it had hit a tree with deep roots.

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