Chapter 256 Killing a Carbine

And once the Daqin army was stationed in the past, it was equivalent to building new counties one by one, infiltrating the political high-level of other countries step by step, marrying them, and finally incorporating them into the Daqin territory.

After a long time, it can be completely assimilated to become a part of Daqin, so why not do it?

Compared with directly fighting with swords and guns, this kind of expansion and development is Baihei's heart and soul.

But how difficult is it to do so?

He is still preparing for it now.

The sailing career that should have been put on the agenda was now postponed because of the sudden arrival of the Huns.

In fact, not only the first emperor was angry about this, but Bai Hei was also very angry about it.

After all, this matter is the existence that can really affect the fortune of the Qin Dynasty.

But when you think about it, it's unavoidable.

In the feudal empire period, such a thing existed, in fact, not a few, in fact, it can be regarded as a matter of course, it is not uncommon.

If the Huns were so easy to deal with, the Shi Emperor would be helpless and go to build the Great Wall.

The influence of many factors made him make this expedient measure.

However, the Han family of later generations actually achieved the point where the Xiongnu almost became extinct.

It can be seen that the Xiongnu people in the north are actually the biggest enemies of all dynasties and generations in the Central Plains.

They are savage, greedy, plunder, rob, kill, and do all kinds of evil.

It is not their fault that resources cannot be supplied to survive, but banditry is not the choice they should make.

Therefore, it is only natural for the Central Plains region to generate due voices of opposition.

The cycle of cause and effect, if you rob something, you will not get retribution, but the axe of retribution is slowly hitting the top of your head.

Let's say that the Heibingtai spy personnel at this moment were conducting investigations in Shangdang County, Hedong County, and Yingchuan County according to Baihei's instructions.

So ever.

In recent days, a large number of plainclothes people have flowed into the three counties of Shangdang, Hedong, and Yingchuan, and they have been scattered into various shops and even the servants of the rich.

Unsurprisingly, they were all composed of personnel from a spy intelligence branch under the Black Ice Platform.

They are the one in a thousand martial arts practitioners, and they are also military sentinels who are proficient in gathering intelligence.

Undercover work in three counties, monitoring every move of the six surrounding nobles.

Although it is said that during the initial clean-up, the First Emperor wisely gathered all these wealthy Liu Guoxungui in the area of ​​Xianyang, and under the eyes of the world, it would be difficult for them to leave their own territory again.

On the contrary, Xianyang has become the most prosperous area in the country, because the economic level of these rich people has driven the economy of Xianyang.

I thought that this would prevent the nobles of the Six Nations from accumulating their own strength to the greatest extent, and even facilitated the quick resolution of problems or conflicts after they occurred.

But it definitely didn't make him think.

The disadvantages of this behavior are also very obvious.

That is, most of the people who captured Xianyang were the famous Six Nations, while some small and powerful ones were ignored.

Unexpectedly, it was this group of small and powerful nobles who took over the positions of the great nobles, and after so many years of development, Zou Yu became stronger.

Only then did it regain its local prestige.

Become a tyrant in a famous village.

Split one side, take it for yourself, develop strength, and be your own emperor with peace of mind.

Perhaps under the leadership of the First Emperor of Qin, they did not dare to make too many times.

But once there is a large-scale natural and man-made disaster in Daqin, or a critical war occurs, they will come out at this time to add oil.

Afraid at this point.

Da Qin usually treats you well, but at critical moments he always thinks about stepping forward and stepping on his feet. He is very proficient at being ungrateful.

And now, the net has been cast, and it's up to the fish to take the bait.

Baihei waits quietly, but don't let yourself get caught, otherwise, you will suffer the consequences...

The front line at this moment is outside the city of Handan after being captured.

The rumbling of the hooves was endless.


Under the Daqin infantry phalanx, the army in the rear really withdrew to the front line, precisely because the 500,000 rebels of the Six Nations in front were the main opponents at present.

That's right.

The first emperor's decision was right.

Any emperor with an IQ online is right.

At this moment, the rear is undoubtedly the safest. After the 100-strong cavalry team that had just repelled the Huns, the Huns should have suffered heavy casualties.

According to common sense on the battlefield, the Huns would not attack from the rear for the time being.

Because of such a small number of people, it is really inconvenient to make such an offensive behavior, in fact, it is to die.

The main threat to the 300,000-strong army of Daqin still came from the rebels of the Six Nations, which numbered 500,000.

Whichever Emperor is left will feel that the best strategy today is to divide up the frontal army in order to deal with the large number of Six Nations rebels ahead.

So split up to defend.

But at the same time.

The Xiongnu general, who was wearing mink armor, watched the changes in Daqin, and quickly asked the scouts to report the news. After some investigation and waiting, he thoroughly understood the movements of the Qin army.

"It really is a split!

"At this time, the Qin army will definitely think that our 100-strong cavalry team has just been defeated, and it is impossible for us to turn around and counterattack for the time being. Now is the time when the enemy's defense is the most slack and weak, and we have an excellent opportunity to attack!

"The 823 Army is wise!""

"Wan Sheng!

"Wan Sheng! 39

After the Huns made a deafening cry, they immediately raised their strange weapons in their hands.

"Children, for our wives and children to survive this winter, kill—"




A large number of war horses roared and suddenly appeared from both sides.

The archer phalanx of Daqin, who had just withdrawn, hurriedly said that it was not good.

Suddenly, a large number of tens of thousands of Hun cavalrymen came to develop.

The rolling momentum is like a giant wave!

The guards had no time to form a formation, and the vigorous Xiongnu horses passed their defenses and completely killed them.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

The news quickly spread among the Daqin team, but at this time, it was already too late. In the chaos, Daqin's troops fell into a passive state.

Infantry had no advantage over cavalry, let alone facing so many cavalry attacks.

Even more forced to retreat.

The cavalry's tactics are known for being "fast", and they believe in the concept of one-hit kills.

The large Qin archer group like seaweed was completely engulfed by such a large wave of cavalry.

Wherever the cavalry went, large tracts fell, and no one was spared.

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