Chapter 255 Looking for Shen Wansan

Yet it is.

Shen Wansan has always been a pure businessman.

It is precisely because of this that his ten thousand family wealth is not wronged.

In short, it is to turn the rich man back into a poor pariah, and he can also rely on his smart mind to make money again and become a rich man.

Because the real way to make money and be saved is not to devour after breaking the precept, but to maintain a calm and calm heart and wait for the opportunity to come.

Once a business opportunity arises, bite it with one mouth and try hard not to let it go. Naturally, you should let go at the right time, so as not to bring unnecessary trouble to yourself.

Although many businessmen can seize the opportunity to make a fortune, they do not know how to stop the profit and keep making money, which will inevitably be framed by people's red eyes.

When the government is touched, the trouble comes one after another.

But Shen Wansan is different. He has always tasted the way of making money, and he knows how to leave opportunities for his peers. He never monopolizes a lot of resources and ignores the feelings of others.

Until later, when his wealth has accumulated to a certain level, he will inevitably bring himself a lot of trouble.

This is also inevitable.

Because no matter what era, wealth is always omnipotent.

Xi Yingfeng asked in surprise: "Since Lord Rui Beast values ​​this person so much, he must have decided that this person must have something special."

"It's just that I really don't feel good about him."

"Daqin has outstanding people, and there are thousands of people of insight. I wonder if the princess can give me a few more candidates to recommend to visit?"

He still asked reluctantly.

Ying Yinman shook his head: "If there are other things, maybe it is still possible.

"But in this matter, he is none other than him, and no one else knows. 99

After she said these words unswervingly, Xi Yingfeng, who was in front of her, was suddenly stunned.

"It seems that the problem can be solved only by looking for him.35

"I should have thought that it would definitely not be that simple.

But there is no way.

Bai and Hei had already given relevant explanations to Yin Man.

The peak of the development of the fire gun was in the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

In the later period of any dynasty, two inevitable phenomena will inevitably occur, one is corrupt officials, and the other is that the army is rotten and incapable of fighting.

But this was not the case in the late Ming Dynasty. The dynasty continued to the late stage of the Ming Dynasty, and it still had the power to fight in a war, and even the ability to return to the Northern Expedition still existed, but it was because of the civilian officials and the Donglin Party that the fighters were in danger. All, and improper command, was summoned to the disaster of destroying the country.

In the Ming Dynasty, the development of various kinds of folk knowledge was relatively rapid.

In the war with the Portuguese, a lot of Fran cannons were captured, so imitations soon became "bluer than blue", and based on the principle of analysis, a more powerful and accurate "big general cannon" was created, even in In the later battle of Ningyuan, a bombardment killed the Houjin general Nurhaci.

Even the late Qing Dynasty was embarrassed to record the cause of Qing Taizu's death, because the cause of death was too unrecognizable...

Therefore, the development of fire guns is essential.

However, Shen Wansan happened to be from the Ming Dynasty, and now the Fortune Space has summoned him to Daqin, and he is very happy to share what he has seen and heard.

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't come into contact with the firearm manufacturing industry at all during the current dynasty, he would have been the first candidate for today's work.

And it is precisely for this reason that the title of "Technical Guidance", which does not exist at all, is best hung on him.

Because now apart from him, no one has the concept of fire gun artillery in their minds.

Most of the Qin Dynasty people are still in the era of cold weapons, and they don't know anything about hot weapons.

Therefore, in terms of how to make good use of gunpowder, he is definitely the first candidate to be recommended, and there is no other.

No matter how puzzled Xi Yingfeng was, he could only do it.

After all, this is Princess Yinman's order, and Baihei has no objection to it. It seems that they stand on the same point of view, and there is no reason not to follow it.

"Well, since that's the case, I'll give it a try to see if he's really that good. He has traveled across the country and seen so many things, so he's always better than us.

After saying this, he soon went to find Shen Wansan.

Looking at the back of his departure, Yin Man nodded.

"If it wasn't for your firm agreement, I definitely wouldn't reuse Shen Wansan.."


【Do you know who he is?】

Ying Yinman shook his head: "Although I don't know who he is and what great things he has done in future generations, but I know that he is not good-looking and looks like a villain. 35

"What he has done is even more brazen and immoral.

[Put down your face, let go of your morals, this is life. Every bit of life is full of commercial value. As long as you master this wealth code, you can quickly accumulate a lot of wealth. 】

Today's manufacturing industry in Daqin is developing very slowly, and it can almost be ignored.

And wealth appreciation is a necessary means, if even the treasury of the Great Qin Empire does not have much money, let alone do other things.

Overseas expansion is not as simple as conquest by force, it is more about a business, the nature of a transaction.

Sometimes it is possible to capture an entire country without a single soldier, relying on the coin offensive, fighting a trade war, controlling the country's economy, making it completely under its own control, and even relying on Daqin's supply.

This is the means of overseas expansion.

Once Daqin stopped providing them with food or aid, then they would have to live in dire straits, and so on, who would disobey Daqin?

This kind of violation is imperceptible, it can be said to be carried out quietly in this era, it will not alarm anyone, and it will not attract anyone's attention.

But at the same time, this is also the safest and most efficient way to expand externally.

A big country only needs to have a higher economic strength than many small countries, so in the end, no matter how the small countries struggle, they are doing nothing.

Because in the face of the peaceful acquisition of the great powers, there will always be domestic businessmen who will betray the country in the face of interests.

In the eyes of businessmen, there is nothing else but profit.

This is also a matter of course, otherwise it would not be called a businessman.

What Bai Zhi hopes is that after the road of overseas expansion is on the right track in the future, if conditions permit, he will spend money to open the way, and use the means of active trade with other countries to create a friendly image of the Great Qin Dynasty.

In the end, "protection fees" can even be charged in countries where they do business with close ties to protect them from being invaded by other countries.

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