Chapter 250

Another time!

Baihei sat on the seat of Xianyang Palace and became his own little emperor.

I saw him lying on the soft couch, with a little golden yellow hat on his head and a yellow jacket on his body, exuding a strong auspicious omen.

Yin Man sat beside him but said nothing, pursed his lips and smiled.

The following ministers began to speak one by one, expounding the behaviors and actions of the senior officials of the six kingdoms during the period of the First Emperor's personal expedition.

"Lord Rui Beast, there is a message from the front line, this time the Xiongnu army is only a few hundred thousand people, your Majesty has ordered, you only have the right to supervise the country, and you have no right to mobilize the army without permission.

"Also, all the cities, counties and counties on the border have dispatched a large number of troops to the King Qin around Handan County.

"Your Majesty tells you that you only need to do a good job of supervising the country, and you are not allowed to mobilize any troops. If there is a problem, "820" asks you."

[He has made it clear that he doesn't want to let himself take action. It's okay, eat our food, sleep with us, just lie down, don't worry about anything, don't have to do anything, such a life is really comfortable. 】

[Hmph, who would take care of him, if he really can't stand it, why don't he obediently ask himself for help?]

Bai Zhi thought about it, turned over, and lay down comfortably, without saying a word.

Yin Man smiled and said: "Bai Zhu said this is the best, Your Majesty Shengming."

The ministers in the audience echoed and flattered.

In their opinion, although the white and black in front of them look a little old and unsightly, they are mythical beasts who can understand the past and the future.

Even the first emperor, who was famous for his entire life, respected him, so how could he not be convinced?

Who dares to question the authority of its words, isn't that questioning imperial power?


Even the first emperor regarded Bai Zhu as a treasure, who dares to stand up and say that he is not, that is, he is not happy for himself.

[I don't want to hear the news that all the local counties and counties have dispatched the King of War. Let them tell the specific content, which county and county, how many troops and horses were dispatched, how much food was reported, and how long did it take to reach the battlefield? 】

【These contents are not reported, what is the use of this memorial?】

Yin Man conveyed its meaning: "Since this is the case, can the specific content be said?"

After she finished saying these words, she could only hear the Minister of War in front of her saying: "Hedong, Shangdang, Yingchuan County and other counties have dispatched a total of 200,000 soldiers and horses to Qinwang Road, and at this moment they are rushing non-stop. To the outside of Xianyang City, vowed to besiege the enemy army."

【Have the food and grass ever been prepared?】

Yin Man conveyed his meaning on time.

"It's all right."

After she finished saying these words, even the Minister of War, who could only see in front of her, nodded and agreed: "Because many counties are not actually rich, this time King Qin has really exhausted everything, and the food and grass are not rich. But at least it was sufficient, and by piecing things together, we could barely get 240,000 shi of grain.

【Have you ever had potatoes?】

With an embarrassed look on his face, he said: "Immortal grain potatoes are food bestowed by the emperor, and they have not been fully sown yet, and the quantity is scarce, so the price is high, and it is really difficult to accompany them as military rations. 35

"At present, the army is short of food and grass, why not report it?

After hesitating for a moment, the Minister of Military Affairs said, "It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the resistance to the local grain collection is too great..."

"Furthermore, the three counties are not without grain, and more than 300,000 stone of immortal grain potatoes have been hoarded. However, these potatoes are not grown locally, but imported from other places by local businessmen. Therefore, due to the low local production, they don't care about them. Putting a high price, we can't buy it.""

"During the war, how dare these unscrupulous businessmen make a fortune?

Yin Man asked in surprise.

"It's not that the country is in trouble, but the price of immortal grain has always been the same, and it has not changed! 95

[The fundamental reason is that the immortal grain has not yet been sown in all parts of Daqin, so it is natural that the local grain and grass cannot be supplied. 】

"Can't the people collect food?" Yin Man asked again.

The Minister of War shook his head: "I have collected several times, but it is really impossible to collect."

[If there is no sign, I don’t think so. 】

[It must be caused by the stubbornness of those rich people. 】

Bai Zhi thought about it, and then came up with an idea again, so his eyes looked directly at Yin Man in front of him.

Heart sounds began to ring again.

【What are the rich and famous?】

[Sign up one by one, and after he leaves, send the Black Ice Platform spy to sneak in, spy on the details, and investigate the root cause. 】

Yin Man nodded and said: "The wealthy people must be people with little reputation in the local area. You should report their names truthfully, and we will investigate clearly and raise food."

"There are countless small rich people in the three counties, it is not enough to say, but there are three representatives of the big rich people, one is the Li family from Hedong County, the Yang family from Shangdang County, and the Han family from Yingchuan County. All of them belong to the most representative wealthy families in the region.35

"And I heard that the ancestors of the Han family and the Li family were the descendants of the nobles of the Six Nations, and it was because of the family property left by their elders that they were able to sit and enjoy wealth.

"Hmph, it's cheaper for them!

Yin Man's eyes were full of strong murderous intent.

She has always had no good eye for honors and honors in the Six Kingdoms. Her childhood experience told her that they were a group of rat people who hindered the development of the country's great cause. the king.

There is simply no grandfather's majesty.

Oppressing the people, killing people and setting fires, they can do anything and do everything they can.

But there is no way, the people can't even get enough to eat, let alone fight against it.

For a while, Bai Hei never thought that Yin Man would be so disgusted with those nobles of the Six Nations.

Because after the six kingdoms were unified, the first emperor did not kill all the nobles and nobles left by them, but gathered them in Xianyang to be a rich and noble person with a soft heart, and she had doubts in her heart, and even more Seeing them in the ocean 2.2, how can people who lost their country still have such elegance to do those unethical pleasures?

She couldn't understand.

But even at this point in time, as a female class, she is unable to handle these thorny troubles.

Before she knew it, she came back to her senses.

But he didn't know how terrifying his face suddenly became in the moment of contemplation.

Her Royal Highness, who has always been gentle and delicate, has now transformed into this shape.

I really don't know if the first emperor would be happy or sad if he found out about this.

[Don't worry, the fish hasn't taken the bait yet, just wait. 】

[None of these people can escape, but it’s just that it’s not time yet, we’ll clean them all up sooner or later!]

Under the simple and honest expression of white and black, there is an extreme insidiousness, which makes people daunting.

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