Chapter 251 Surveillance

[Serial order: Li, Yang, and Han's three nobles, respectively, dispatched soldiers from the Black Ice Platform to monitor them closely, and infiltrated the slaves to eavesdrop on their mansions to ensure that they would get the news as soon as possible. 】

After Bai Zhu's thoughts were conveyed, Yin Man opened his mouth and said: "The white and black have orders, and from now on, the Black Ice Platform will send all kinds of people to closely monitor the three nobles of the Li, Yang, and Han families. If you have important information, or collect evidence of conspiracy, report it immediately.""

"That is to say, you can send people disguised as servants to sneak into his mansion and monitor them meticulously, in other words, I want to know all their every move.

"Including how much alcohol they drank online today, how much meat they ate, what clothes they wore, and which woman they slept with at night, all of them should be reported to me truthfully."

"After this is done, there will be a great reward!"

After she finished saying these words, the people around the Black Ice Terrace with dark eyes really nodded, and after agreeing, they silently backed out.

"Yes, obey.

They carried out the orders given by the princess without hesitation, without any doubts that normal people should have, not because the princess treated them well on weekdays, but because the Daqin was orthodox, and the royal family's orders could not be desecrated.

Things like monitoring other people's eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. are really a loss of royal majesty, but if the object of monitoring has the intention of rebelling, it is another matter.

It's like a voyeur.

In the ideologically extremely conservative Daqin era, it was difficult for ordinary people to accept such an order.

But the three Black Ice Platform soldiers in front of them are different. They have served as spies or envoys on the battlefield.

It is usually used to deal with some small forces that can turn enemies into friends by word of mouth. Of course, it is better to fight less wars.

Daqin is not a warlike state, nor is it fighting for the sake of war. More often, Daqin uses a peaceful means to let the other side know its powerful military strength, and then feel ashamed and surrender with a flag.

When he had just defeated the Six Kingdoms, many small and powerful vassal states were still resisting Da Qin's iron cavalry, which really caused him a lot of trouble.

But what I didn't expect was that these so-called small vassal states were not good at all, and the trick of rich money and food was tried and tested.

The cooperation between countries pays attention to the relationship of interests, and the best interests lie in Daqin. Although the neighboring countries between neighboring countries should stand on a united front, what they did not expect is that the most valuable The point of interest actually appeared on Da Qin's body.

It is a benefit to keep your wealth!

How many vassal states have completely become the mortal enemies of many other vassal states after surrendering for the verbal promise of Da Qin.

In the end, they were killed one by one by their companions, and they fought inwardly. Daqin sat on the mountain to watch the tigers fight, and in the end, he directly reaps the benefits of the fisherman at the smallest price.

Doing so is simply the best of both worlds.

But the only shortcoming is also fatal, that is, after the war, the nobles of the six countries must be treated with a candid attitude, because they comply with the great wishes of the Great Qin and are willing to belong to the people of the Great Qin.

The first emperor's benevolent government was reflected in the preservation of the honors and honors of the six kingdoms.

Usually, these six kingdoms are just petty troubles to create some unwarranted contradictions, but recently, it has become more and more serious.

This caused Bai Hei's suspicion, and when a person becomes suspicious, he will do a lot of unwarranted things.

And today's black and white is exactly that.

The reason why the people from Heibingtai were sent to monitor the nobles of the Six Nations was because although they were still in Xianyang, they were not actually here.

More often they think about restoring their country.

It's just that the first emperor has been deliberately issuing decrees to suppress, so the fire did not burn.

And if it is said that this fire does not exist, then of course it does not make sense.

The remnants of the Six Kingdoms cannot be wiped out, just like weeds, it is useless to cut them with a knife.

Cutting grass without eradicating the roots is basically digging a hole for oneself.

However, the careful thoughts of these nobles from the Six Nations are now strictly guarded by Bai Zhu, and there are basically no flaws, which can allow them to see the needle.

It certainly makes sense to do so.

If it was in the past, these so-called nobles of the Six Nations would not have the courage at all, but Bai Hei was not worried about them rioting from the beginning to the end, but worried that they would make some trouble when this national disaster was at the head.


Basically it doesn't exist anymore.

The big picture is set.

In this time and space, in the minds of the common people, the First Emperor is a true dragon who carries a thousand-year mission and is their savior.

Large-scale projects such as the construction of the Great Wall and the opening of canals are for the benefit of future generations.

The name of the tyrant will no longer exist.

At best, he was just too impatient to do these things as an emperor.

Although his various actions are still infringing upon the interests of the vast peasants and squeezing their living space, in fact, they will not arouse the dissatisfaction of the people.

Instead, let more people love him and support him.

Because Da Qin also has this very prestigious protector of the country.

All the 820 places where the auspicious beasts go, there are blessings.

Of course, it is inevitable that some people have crooked ideas and bad thoughts about it.

The people of Daqin have a strong sense of attachment to the country because the auspicious beast can make them eat, fill their stomachs, and even satisfy their spiritual needs.

No matter what dynasty or generation the people at the bottom are today, for them, as long as they can fill their stomachs, this should be the top priority.

The people of Daqin actually have most of the population transferred from the original people of the six countries. When Qin destroyed the six countries, in fact, only the military nobles of the six countries were destroyed, and most of the people kept their lives. .

They have a sense of fear for such a powerful country, but they did not expect to become a member of this country after turning around and receive great benefits.

In fact, the first emperor in history did not lack any so-called heroic talents. He has always been an emperor with lofty aspirations through the ages. It is a pity that he succeeded and failed. The people who suffered from the war were not able to rest and recuperate. Instead, they had to participate in hard labor and died of exhaustion on the vast and cumbersome infrastructure projects.

But now in this life, the Great Wall plan has been temporarily stranded.


Of course it's because of the black and white.

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