I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 249 Information Dangerous Situation

Chapter 249 Information Dangerous Situation

The vanguard of several hundred people is still difficult to deal with.

Only less than a few hundred elites broke through the guards outside the Daqin bow and arrow group with lightning speed, causing great casualties to Daqin's archers.

It even affected the trend of the war for a time. While they were slaughtering from behind, unless the main force of Daqin in the front was going to risk the risk of being encircled, they could only split their troops to support the rear, so as to stabilize the situation.

But Wan Mo had such an idea that the inexplicable evacuation of the Huns was not because the so-called Daqin army had defeated the morale, and it was not because they suddenly became aware of themselves.

More because, this is a well-designed conspiracy from beginning to end!


He had to go back and tell the First Emperor that all this was an illusion, and he had to send troops to the rear.

If you let it go, it would be just as the Huns wanted to open up and let them in to slaughter.

Evacuate quickly.

But when he left, he was caught by the sharp-eyed Xiongnu general.

"That must be the Qin army scout.

"I didn't expect that we would be divided into countless teams and attacked, and eventually they would inevitably find them. 35

"General, I'll take someone to chase him and kill him!" A burly man with a beard beside him said with wickedness in his eyes.

"No need!"

After he finished saying these words, he immediately said to the men behind him: "Usually, hunters on the grasslands tend not to scare the snakes.

"He must have discovered our plan, so he wants to rush back and report the letter as soon as possible. 39

"Never mind. 35


"The Khan's military order has not yet arrived. If you rashly launch an attack at this moment, in case something goes wrong... We have so many brothers..."

"It will be... forever!"

The Xiongnu chief said worriedly.

The Xiongnu general, dressed in a domineering black armor, took a hard bow and said, "Look."

Only then did he understand the other party's intentions.

It turned out that this was an open area. Looking at it from a long distance, there was basically no place to hide, and there was no half a bunker, except for some small hills that were full of potholes.


The arrow is wound.

Aiming at the sky, aiming for an instant, there is no doubt in his eyes.

Let go suddenly.


The ethereal breaking wind sounded.

Seeing that the Daqin scouts were about to completely escape their sight.

Or maybe he has already found that the Huns army in the distance is staring at him immediately...

So he ran faster and faster, faster and faster!

So soon, it reached a safe distance.

However, suddenly, a pain in the back caused the whole person to fly out like a rabbit caught in a trap.

A large amount of blood spurted out of his mouth.

It almost cost him half his life at once.

Lying on the ground, dying, his heavy eyes want him to fall asleep slowly...

not moving at all.

"Good archery!"

Putting down his double bows, the young Xiongnu general next to him couldn't help but praise.

"It's really a hundred steps through Yang!


After returning the bow and crossbow, he immediately said to a number of Huns cavalry behind him: "Don't look at me waiting for the advantage now, but once the Qin army relaxes, all the men in our tribe will be finished!"

"The new Khan, Huyanchi, is wise and wise, and a man of both wisdom and courage. After the original Xiongnu army failed against the Qin army, it was a mess."

"But under his leadership in just a few days, our tribe was reunited among the ruins.

"Many grassland tribes are united, and only then can they have the ability to fight against the heavy army of the Great Qin in the Central Plains.

"It shouldn't have been divided, he's doing it wisely.

"If we are still a plate of loose sand, then our children and wives will still suffer from hunger and cold, and our cattle and sheep food will be taken away by other tribes sooner or later!"

"Do you want to see such a result? 35

"Of course I don't want to, but every time we return to the grasslands after a defeat, there will inevitably be a split ending.

"And this time we didn't choose to fight within ourselves. Huyanchi threatened to lead us to gather a large number of prairie men again at the time when we just lost the battle. They are the seeds of the future. Once they die, the outcome of the entire prairie tribe will be It is extremely painful!

"We won't have enough to eat for years, and our wives and children will starve to death."

"And we, these men, will not be able to develop for several years because of this, and we will not be able to plunder the Central Plains."5

··For flowers....

"You can only watch them suffer, but in the end they are powerless and can't do anything."

"So, this time, there is no retreat.

"A whole team of 60,000 horses, divided into two groups, launched a surprise attack on the left and right sides of the Daqin phalanx! 35

"You are the elite of the elite!"

"The Qin army has suffered many setbacks in your hands, and the Qin army is also not invincible!

"In this battle, we must go all out!!! 35

"Wan Sheng!

After he finished saying this, the person in front of him asked: "General, then we have waited for so long, when will we be able to send troops?"

"Brothers can't wait. 99

"hold on!


"not the right time yet!"

"At that time, the Qin army will have a large number of troops transferred to confront those 500,000 rebels from the Six Nations. 35

"As a result of this, it will inevitably lead to the scarcity of troops in the rear, and a large number of archers as backup forces, in the absence of preparation, they are not our opponents at all.

"Once you rush up, in just a split second, the battle situation can be completely reversed. 39

"We are going so fast no matter what, so fast that they can't be prepared, so fast that they can't convey the message."

"It is even more necessary to encircle and suppress the main force of the enemy army together, and take advantage of the massive chaos on the way to take advantage of the enemy generals."

"The Qin soldiers are just a group of scattered sand without their leaders. As long as they are beaten at will, they will fall to our ranks, and they will become the vanguard soldiers and horses of my Xiongnu. They will continue to fight for us to deal with the great Qin soldiers and horses in other places.

"In this way, Daqin seems to be unified, but in fact it is torn apart. Once the capital is destroyed, senior officials of the six kingdoms will come out to rebel."

"Then Khan will have a way to deal with it."

"This time, we attacked the enemy's army several times with a small number of soldiers and horses. Not only will we be able to win a big victory, but we will also be able to occupy the Central Plains and make this rich and rich food-producing place our land."

"At that time, our children and wives will be able to have enough to eat, and they will no longer have to starve to death."

"Of course, these great Qin and Han people will also become our slaves and will never pose a threat to us again! 35

"Long live Khan!"

A joyful cry.

Suddenly, in Daqin, there were traces of the movement of soldiers and horses.

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