Chapter 248 Huns Elite

In a short time, the suppressing power of Da Qin Jianyu appeared again, making the army of the six countries in front of them miserable. They marched in a hurry and rarely wore shields, so that the casualties were serious, and there was no way to integrate a shield formation, and they could not block it. All round, it is easy to be hit by arrows passing through the gap.

The rebels from the Six Nations, with countless casualties, could only retreat back in time, waiting for the arrow rain to end, and they would attack at any time.

Because they all know the greatness of the Daqin bow and arrow phalanx, no one will take the initiative to confront such a hard bone, and only when Daqin's arrows are used up will they have a chance to go up.

Otherwise, it's a waste of money.

Let's say that the cavalry on both sides were scattered and returned to one place, and a strong man in a fur coat like a wolf king between the Huns said: "The elite of the enemy has arrived, and we will never find an opportunity to attack.

"For the time being, the troops will be divided into two groups, going all the way to assassinate the dog emperor, and continue to look for opportunities to attack the Qin Thief's grain depot all the way!

"it is good!"

The subordinates raised the odd-shaped machetes in their hands in high spirits.

As soon as the words fell, the two teams began to move in different directions.

But what they never expected was that the first emperor at this moment was also thinking about one thing, that is, after cleaning up these troop of flies that were harassing 820 on the side, launch the general attack again.

The general attack on the entire line did not leave the enemy with a chance to breathe.

After the archers inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy, if they launched an attack, relatively speaking, it would be much less difficult for their own troops to kill the enemy.

In terms of numbers, although the 300,000 soldiers that Da Qin brought this time are far less than the 600,000 of the other side, in terms of combat effectiveness and the ability to arrange troops, then Da Qin's soldiers are definitely not on the same level as these Six Nations rebels.

"Your Majesty, dragging it down is not the way to go. Even if all the arrows shot by the enemy were pulled out of the ground and reused, it would almost be possible to fire a salvo again. 99

I saw a Qianhu captain in the bow and arrow group came out and said: "Please, Your Majesty, distribute swords and heavy armor to everyone in our bowman team, and let us go to the front to kill the enemy! 99


The First Emperor rejected his proposal, "As the backup force of Daqin, you must not use it just like that. Once lost, our army will embark on a desperate road of no return."

"As long as you are still there, then in the end, you are the trump card of the trump cards.

The meaning of the first emperor is actually very simple, but he is telling the thousand households in front of him in disguise that he attaches great importance to the special arm group of the archer group.

These seemingly frail soldiers are all good at piercing through every step, with very sharp eyes, and they are all teams in the Great Qin Army that can only be recruited after layers of selection.

One less, one lost.

This kind of loss is obviously not worthwhile, and it is better to die three infantry than one archer.

Another important reason is that archers put down their bows and put on heavy armor, and pick up a knife, they are infantry, and when an infantry picks up a bow, it is very likely that they will not be able to open the bowstring and hurt themselves...

So he put the archers at the end, the purpose is very simple, is to let them recharge in the rear, as long as the time is right, they will become the last main force to destroy the enemy army.

Of course, the first emperor's idea was right, but he was also wrong.

The mistake is not knowing how much he weighs, and the mistake is not knowing how much the other party weighs this time.

In ancient times, before the war, almost who the opponent was, how many generals under his command, and what tactics each general used was almost clear. battle.

Because I don't know who the other party is, but the other party knows me very well.

The First Emperor shook his head, frowned and worriedly said: "If these flies are not removed, how can I launch a general attack with peace of mind?"

"Isn't there some flies buzzing around?"

"Send my order, eight thousand cavalry quietly out of the city, find out the details of these two groups of enemy cavalry (bbcc), and try to kill them!"

"According to the order!

An official withdrew silently after agreeing.

The First Emperor was actually more angry than anyone else.

He wasted so much money to pay for the army, but what he did not expect was that the so-called indestructible guards were even more vulnerable than the archers who were their protection targets.

Crash in one hit.

What's the use of such a guard?

Full-time and dedicated arms sprouted in the emperor's heart. This way, the army is divided. Only in this way can the quality and ability of a team be brought into play.

It also strengthened the emperor's control over his army.

Each arm is responsible for different things, and once there is a hairpin or an error, it can be corrected immediately.

Because before that, although the main goal of the guards was to defend the archer group from sneak attacks by small enemy troops.

More members of the guard were selected from ordinary soldiers, and their physical quality was the same as that of ordinary soldiers, but they were ordered by the emperor to protect the bow and arrow group as a guard.

But generally speaking, whenever there is a rigorous team, the bow and arrow group will be placed in a relatively safe place, and countless army packages will be set up inside and out, so that the bow and arrow will become the core of the war.

After all, in the age of cold weapons, the crossbow could be said to be a god-like existence.

However, due to the waste of branches and strings, although the bow and arrow are extremely lethal, the loading speed is slow. After a round of shooting, it takes a short period of time to buffer.

It was this small moment that gave those hiding rebels from the Six Nations a chance to advance a few hundred meters forward, still far from the Daqin phalanx, so they were not particularly anxious at all.

The Huns marched in a mighty way.

With the first emperor's order, a small scout of the Eight Thousand Horses quickly shuttled over the loess hills. He was also wearing yellow-brown clothes, lying on the ground. come out.

He kept hunched over and walked forward with cat steps.

Its goal is nothing else, it is the previous Huns who attacked from the side.

It turned out that he accidentally found the old nest of the Huns based on the feces and footprints of the horses.

Now he covertly turned over a hill, and suddenly, his eyes suddenly more than doubled.

"My God..."

I saw in front of him, just below the hills.

The Huns cavalry with brand-new weapons assembled in pitch black, dark and shiny weapons, heavy armor, and even the horses were armed to the teeth.

They are all elites among the Huns!

Looking around, there are more than 30,000 people...

This is... a disaster!.

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