Chapter 245 Return the arrow!

The two sides were soon intertwined.

In the chaos, Kankan could see the army of the Six Nations being defeated and retreating, and they were not the opponents of these Great Qin Tiger Cavalry.

However, in the stream of Qin soldiers who were constantly charging forward, there was such a small team of men and horses, who supported a wounded general and retreated in the opposite direction without stopping.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, this minister... I'm sorry... You, ahem, this minister is because... I fell for the treachery of the Xiongnu and ruined... how many heroes of the Qin Dynasty, I deserve to be stabbed with a thousand swords, not enough to die. Pity!" 9

The embarrassed Wang Ben opened his blood-filled mouth with difficulty.

The first emperor's majestic eyes were always watching the wounds on his body have not shifted.

He even stretched out his hand to touch it, the black filthy thing, I thought it was just the sand on the battlefield, but I didn't expect that "August 17" was his flesh and blood that was almost indistinguishable!

"I should have died in battle for the country, but now I am still alive. It is really shameless to come back to face you and the millions of Qin people behind me..."

His eyes were red with tears.

The soldiers who had been following him in bloody battles all fell to the ground without exception, wrapped in white cloth, with tears in their eyes, weeping bitterly.

However, the first emperor's eyes were blood red, as if anger had poured into his mouth from his chest.

Gritted hatred!

"At this moment... at this moment, this soldier... this scene is not a sign of a defeated army."

"They are all loyal and loyal men of the Qin Empire!"

At this time, General Wang Ben, who was sitting on the ground in front of him, said with difficulty: "My minister, thank you for Your Majesty's grace, minister.

"Shut up and stop talking to me!"

The First Emperor shouted anxiously:

"Military doctor!

"I'm here!" A middle-aged man in a green robe really hurried out with a toolbox.

"Quickly show him how the injury is!""


The military doctor really stepped forward and simply flipped over the flesh on his body, looking around, but slowly shook his head and said, "Life is not long!"

"He has no good flesh all over his body, swords and swords on the battlefield, and poisonous evil. He has fought for so long, and the wounds on his body have already been pus and necrotic. Even if his life is hard and he survives, he will inevitably fall. The end of a lifetime of crippling...

"Possible to save?"

"This is not a pain, but the root of trauma, the foundation of moving people. Once damaged, it can be rejuvenated without medication.

"The flesh on their bodies has to be cut off with a knife, and the amount of bad flesh on General Wang's body must be cut off. The pain is no less than that of Ling Chi's execution of a person. Whether he can survive or not depends on his own good fortune.

"However, this method of treatment is the best strategy. The world is natural, and the human body cannot be disturbed. This has already broken the law of this Tao. Since ancient times, no one has tried it."

"Then... if you treat him according to the method you said, how much of a certainty can you survive?" Shi Huang asked with a puzzled look in his eyes.


Suddenly, the military doctor in front of him was in trouble.

As a doctor who follows the military, how can I have such a good ability to use surgery to match the human body?

Just know the temperament of the current first emperor of Daqin, he likes to kill, as a doctor, if he can't treat the soldiers, it is already a sin of death.

What's more, the first emperor now values ​​General Wang Ben's life and death so much in the eyes of the first emperor. If he died by himself, he was not doing his duty as a doctor. Others could die without saving him. Inevitably will not escape death!

Again, not only that.

Once he is not cured, or is cured, he will also offend the emperor Longwei and be beheaded and killed.

"Say, I want you to say it right away."

"Hesitating for what?"

The first emperor said in a puzzled face.

However, he could only hear the military doctor in front of him say: "He is already dead, and I can't save him.

"Aren't you afraid that I will send someone to execute you immediately?"

"I asked you to save me, but you resisted your orders and chose not to save me in the face of death. You are in vain as a doctor who hangs a pot to save the world!

"Cough, cough, cough...

Wang Ben, who was dying, coughed violently at this moment. After he caught it with his dusty palm, he saw that it was all bloodstains, and the bright red was eye-catching.

"Your Majesty, how can you castrate your parents hastily with your body and skin?"

"I have no virtue and no talent, but I am a horse-riding warrior. I don't know how to write and lead troops. I only have some experience in leading troops. I live as a maim for the rest of my life. I would rather die on this battlefield..."

"I hope your majesty will be fulfilled!

Wang Ben's red eyes were filled with hot tears, and his hatred hair fluttered in the wind, which seemed to strengthen his faith.

Unyielding spirit.

The First Emperor was furious and said: "You also know the simple and easy-to-understand truth that parents are affected by the development of the body?"

"It's good to know.

"Your parents worked so hard to send you into this world, and they raised you in the turmoil. Where has the conscience gone?

"Your Majesty, this minister, because of underestimating the enemy, the minister has wiped out the hundreds of thousands of Daqin's troops, I'm sorry, the family members of the Daqin sons, the ministers should die in battle, and they really shouldn't live in the guilt of future generations.

After he finished saying these words, the first emperor in front of him waved his hand and said, "Where are you!"

"Your Majesty?" General Wang Ben looked astonished.

"What are you going to do?"

As soon as the words fell, before he had time to wait for him to react, two or three Daqin guards had already helped him up and brought him to the carriage.

"Quick horses gallop, send them back to Xianyang, and send them to the hands of Baihei, the auspicious beast who protects the country. It has a way to bring the dead back to life. 35

Only the first emperor could be heard shouting angrily.

"Go quickly, make no mistake!


The guard immediately agreed.


The whip whipped, and soon it moved.

The flying block drove in the direction of Xianyang.

After Shi Huangdi sent them away, he turned his hatred eyes and stared straight at the Huns army not far in front of him.

"Send my order!"

"Let the vanguard retreat three hundred paces!"

"Arrowers get ready!"

As soon as the words fell, the tens of thousands of bowmen behind the Daqin infantry formation were already on the strings.

The strings of the arrows were tight and trembling, as if they were on the verge of being fired, and there was no delay!

This release will be a bloody massacre!

The rebels of the Six Nations had been beaten badly, but now they finally saw the advantage coming.

So as soon as the order came out, the whole shock!

Soon, such a strange scene appeared on this battlefield where the number of participants was quite spectacular.

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