I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 246 The Qin army has been broken, and the infantry is fighting the cavalry!

Chapter 246 The Qin army has been broken, and the infantry is fighting the cavalry!

The Daqin generals were ordered to retreat 300 paces, but the rebels from the Six Nations thought it was the dawn of victory, and instead pursued the victory.

Want to annihilate Daqin's vanguard troops in one fell swoop, to boost morale.

But what they didn't expect was that the trap had already been dug for this big fish.

The First Emperor watched as more and more people rushed towards his army, and when the vanguard returned to the way the phalanx had opened, the gap in the phalanx suddenly closed.

"Their arrows have run out, now it's our turn."

The arrows in the hands of tens of thousands of Qin bows and crossbows are ready to be fired, and each person has more than one arrow in his hand.

"not good!


One of the leaders of the Six Nations rebel army immediately smelled something wrong, and after shouting loudly, he turned his head and was about to evacuate with his subordinates.

Unexpectedly, it was still a step too late.

They have fallen into the shooting range carefully prepared by the Daqin army for them, and it is a difficult thing to go out safely!

You have to ask Daqin soldiers whether they accept the bow and crossbow.

The answer is of course obvious.

However, the archers of the Qin Dynasty who did not receive the general's order did not dare to shoot arrows rashly, lest they would scare the snakes away and scare them away.

Even so, there are still a lot of rebels from the Six Nations who are particularly unconvinced, thinking that they have already rebelled anyway, and they have all hit the door of the other party's camp, how can they retreat?

If you win, you can turn the tide of the battle.

Losing is a humble life for himself and others, and they have already put their life and death aside.

This is not at all that they are unwilling to cherish life, but because they know that they have betrayed Da Qin and will not be able to live for too long.

Just don't die, just rush up and kill to the end!

Anyway, I can die happily, and even pull a few backs!

Some of the rare bloody men in the rebel army of the Six Nations were about to rush to the front of Daqin's infantry phalanx, but what they did not expect was that at this moment, a loud and bell-like voice suddenly entered their ears!

"Fire arrows!"

The first emperor's order.

Swish swish swish!

Arrows in the sky washed the earth like raindrops in the sky.

There are a lot of armament arrows in Xianyang City, and such a large-scale projectile can almost keep coming for four or five rounds.

The archers in Daqin did not fire at the same time, but fired indirectly, a rain of arrows with no regularity, so that they had nowhere to hide.

Only after the other soldiers died, hiding under their bodies, could there be a chance of life.

But even so, it is not easy to do so.

Very few people survived.

The Six Nations rebels were unprepared, and those with light clothes and thin armor had no defense at all.

When they were captured by the Huns, all the armors had been stripped away, and now the Xiongnu's equipment was ready, at least a few levels ahead of the first two Xiongnu kings.

A large number of Six Nations rebels fell one after another, and they did not know why the people around them died so quickly?

Almost at this moment, most of the people have lost their lives.

The courage has been broken, let alone any fighting spirit.


"The Qin army's ambush!"

After they shouted these words one after another, most of the people have become corpses lying on the ground...

Few warriors could risk their lives to kill the front of the Daqin infantry phalanx.

It was dozens of steps away, almost whoever came and who died.

Regular Daqin troops are not only capable of large-scale projectiles, but at short and medium distances, flat-string direct shots are more deterrent and more powerful.


After countless rebels from the Six Nations fell to the ground, some people wanted to escape, but it was too late. The front of the Daqin infantry phalanx was not far away. It was supposed to be a desolate area, but now it is bustling and bustling. The piles of corpses as tall as mountains.

The First Emperor laughed arrogantly and said: "This is the fate of the traitor, treat the traitor and kill him!

But they didn't expect that the silent risk was approaching them step by step.

Dangerous breath can be smelled from the nose at any time.

But the archers of Da Qin did not stop shooting.

However, just at this time, a surprise attacking team suddenly rushed out from the side, and the unprepared Daqin soldiers did not have time to assemble the lineup, and were directly knocked away by the huge horses!

The soldiers on horseback wielded big swords to madly kill the enemy, beheading many Qin soldiers.



"Kill! 39

"what's the situation?"

I just got the good news that the frontal Six Nations rebels were lured here by their own bait and killed by bowmen, but I was shocked again.

"Where did this crowd come from?


The First Emperor was stunned, and the casual people around him were also stunned.

The surrounding veterans with status and status were also puzzled, "Are they thinking of taking advantage of the war outside to invade Xianyang City ahead of schedule?"

"It's obviously an unlikely thing."

"There are strange soldiers guarding Xianyang City, and they can't deal a fatal blow to Daqin Jiangshan with their petty fights."

The First Emperor had already seen the tricky things in this, and he immediately said: "No matter where they come from or how mature they are, listen to my orders, "Kill me!

This group of cunning Huns, if they don't fight for a day, 817's tail can go up to the sky!

The deafening shout resounded through the sky.

Even though the Daqin army made a counterattack, the formation had already been broken, and now a large number of infantry were fighting against the odd soldiers, and it was reasonable to be at a disadvantage.

The cavalry is a flexible arm, and can deal a fatal blow to the infantry.

Once Daqin's infantry phalanx is broken, the second person must immediately block the gap, leaving no chance for the Xiongnu and the others!

The Daqin soldiers waved their swords vigorously to meet them.

It was as vicious as if it was going to devour people alive.

But what they never thought was that another bad news was passed into the ears of the First Emperor.


I saw a commander of the army rushed back and said: "Your Majesty, the situation is bad, the archers' position was also attacked by a group of Huns, and some of them were descendants of Hu people, and a large number of them were attacked. After the archer fell, the arms that could fight at a distance were almost gone.

In this case, there is no solution to this problem.

The First Emperor was furious, "These damn foxes, do they know how to clone themselves, why did they return to the other side, is this their plan to attack the west?

Immediately, he said with a puzzled expression, "That's not the case, and I take myself for a fool too much."

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