Chapter 244 The Teacher of the King!

It was too late to withdraw, and the six-nation rebels of 400,000 to 500,000 were bitten. After such a long period of fighting, there were only 300,000 left.

They are really scared, they don't know if they don't fight, they are startled when they fight!

Whether it is the army led by Wang Ben before, or the large Qin army that is approaching Xianyang now, they are the real division of the king!

When they were still in the military system of the Qin army, they felt that these Qin troops were almost the same as ordinary soldiers in normal times, but now, standing on the opposite side of them, I realized that the Qin army after the establishment of the Qin Dynasty was not pampered. , even stronger than the period of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period!

Only now did they know that they were probably on the wrong side. They didn't even know how powerful their country was now. It was the stupidest decision to go to the enemy.

The intestines are all regretful, but how can all this be salvaged?

Wang Ben's team is still so difficult to deal with, that a few Qin troops who came from the direction of Xianyang did not even know the number of troops, and they came up so mighty, just looking at it, they even thought that there should be no less than 300,000 people!

The corners of Huyanchi's eyes were twitching, and he had moved his heart to cherish his talents, and wanted to summon the group of Qin troops in front of him to attack Xianyang City as his minions.

Unexpectedly, they were dragged by them to this time. The large number of Qin army reinforcements have arrived, and now the big battle has come ahead of schedule.

This was beyond his expectations.

But there is no intention of destroying him!


Huyanchi shouted: "Let it go!"

A large number of arrows flew out, and suddenly the front row of the Daqin soldiers were hit because they were too late to react and fell down.

But their deaths bought precious time for the Qin troops in the rear, and they raised their hard shields, blocking the enemy's arrow rain attack in an instant.

However, the arrows were still stuck on the ground, and under some oblique shots, even if they held up their shields to resist, they still brought a lot of casualties to the Qin soldiers.

The consumption of such a large-scale projectile is also huge, but even if the number of arrows assembled in three counties is already large, it is still unable to support it.

In the third round of projection, the arrow rain has stopped

The arrows have basically been used up.

"Da Qin!

"Wan Sheng!""


"Roar!" 5


The deafening shouts exploded like thunder, and even the ground trembled.

As for the Xiongnu, the huge siege crossbow was brought over by the carriage at this moment, and Huyanchi gave an order, "Release! 99

Whoosh whoosh!

The giant crossbow made the sound of breaking the wind!

rustling rustling!

Before Da Qin's army could approach, they were already dead and wounded.

But as soon as there is a gap in the formation, there will be successors rushing up to fill the gap, leaving no room for the Xiongnu cavalry to play.

Old trick!

Huyanchi saw this move, and immediately ordered the rebels of the six countries in front to rush up, break the gap, and let them die for the Huns in the rear to win a chance!

"Break the gap, create chaos, and create opportunities for our cavalry.

"My Xiongnu cavalry is invincible, as long as we break up the Qin army, we can make them lose their advantage!"

This is what he ordered when dealing with the Six Nations rebels in front of him.

However, in turn, he said this to his cavalry: "The Qin people regard traitors as more sinful than the Xiongnu, and letting them go forward is just to attract firepower.

"Our soldiers and soldiers are all precious. The soldiers are divided into two groups, and we will outflank from the left and right sides. Once the Qin army is divided, its strength will inevitably weaken, and the advantage will be in our hands.

"Once our cavalry unites together, we will be able to annihilate this group of Qin troops!"

After he finished saying these words, all the Huns cheered and became more convinced of him.

No previous khan has ever had the scheming of his.

After the Xiongnu general listened to the order, he really allocated most of the troops to carry out the order to divide the enemy's forces.

However, this Huyanchi stayed in place with his 20-person bodyguard, without any movement, he seemed to be waiting for something, and his eyes were looking in the direction of Xianyang.

"These goddamn traitors! 35

The first emperor saw his own Great Qin soldiers fall one after another under the arrows of the other party, and his heart ached.

All these fresh lives are lost to Daqin's army!

Such a huge number of crossbow arrows must have been caused by the gathering of prisoners from several counties and counties that had been broken. …

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

While heartbroken, he vowed to kill the opponent under the iron cavalry of Da Qin.

"Since you're here, don't try to run away. 39

"All have to be explained to me here!""

"Send the order, cavalry, quickly defeat the enemy, and rescue General Wang Ben!

"No! 99

Soon, the generals wielded horsewhips and swords and rushed forward majestically.


Cavalry has a natural restraint effect on infantry damage.


Every charge can cause a lot of casualties to the opponent!

In an instant, under the frantic charge of the war horses, countless rebels from the Six Nations were killed and wounded.

Immediately after he fell, he was trampled by a war horse and was seriously injured.

Even some unlucky rebels were directly maimed by war horses.

Or Qin Jiang chopped off half of his arm with a two-meter-long saber, and the bloody scene couldn't bear to look directly.

But this is the cruelty of war!

In the face of the white and black soldiers, they have no fighting power, and they can only be crushed and killed. At least in this way, there is no indirect pain and fear, and they can be quickly relieved.

But today's Daqin soldiers and horses are cut down with one knife at a time, until they are hacked to death, they are still guilty of Ling Chi. They are not afraid of dying immediately, but they are afraid that they will not die, and they are still hanging half their lives.

This is the hardest part!

It's no different than killing them.

But the road is their own, and no one forced them to rebel!

If they are like Wang Ben's army, they will defend Liaodong County and prevent the Xiongnu from entering the Central Plains.

Not only is he innocent, but he can also make immortal achievements and win the trust and love of the first emperor!

But they failed miserably.

In the end, even if he didn't die in battle, he actually surrendered to the enemy.

He set himself the death penalty, and he no longer had to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. One of them said that Da Qin did not need their help, so he could only make mistakes and go all the way.

Today, they and the Huns have become grasshoppers on a rope.

Soon, in the chaotic situation, General Wang Ben was rescued.

Soldiers who can fight continue to fight with knives.

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