Chapter 243 Loyalty and Unyielding!

Sad, deplorable!

"You can live if you give up the dignity of the nation, but you have to die to defend the dignity of the nation."5

"This is the shame of my Daqin!

"Cough, cough, cough!

A mouthful of blood gushed out to his mouth, but he swallowed it forcibly.

A large amount of blood flowed out from the gap between the teeth, and it flowed all over the place.

"You are already dying, do you want the 100,000 brothers behind you to accompany you to die?

"Don't you Han people say that the person who knows the current affairs is the hero?"

"Such a fight is pointless."

"Death is really not a wise choice, human life is precious, you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your wife and children at home, if Xianyang is conquered, I can promise that I will not touch the people.

"What I want is the Jiangshan Sheji of Daqin!"

After he finished saying these words, his wolf ambition was completely exposed.

"Brothers, if we are defeated and die in battle, even if You Rong is defeated, but if we are afraid and surrender, although we are alive, we are only left with an empty body. How can we go back to see Jiang Dong's elders?"

"You say, is it war, is it surrender?

"Fight to the death!"

The words of General Wang Ben fell, and all the Daqin soldiers who should have been shaken woke up from their loosening, and no one stood in the ranks of the Xiongnu.

"Death 817!

"Wei I Daqin!

"Battle! 99


"Battle! 35

The roar of the 100,000 army was shocking.

The morale of the remnant army is not high, but they stick to the bottom line.

Unyielding blood flows in the bodies of Daqin soldiers.

They howl for a final charge!

Once again, the 100,000-strong army was at war with the enemy, making the already unclear situation into chaos.

"In this situation, it's just one thousand injuries to the enemy and eight hundred to oneself. The casualties on both sides are increased, and it is our time that is wasted."

"The military situation can't be delayed, is this group of people dying?"

Huyanchi looked at the messy situation below, and felt a little worried in his heart.

It's another hand-to-hand battle!

The soldiers of Daqin were not afraid of life and death, and they fought with all their might to kill the enemy. The army of the Six Nations had no blood at all, and their greed for life and fear of death made them retreat step by step. Huge crowd base, with more bullying less, so as to take advantage.

It's no wonder that Wang Ben's team refused to surrender. This is the true teacher of the Great Qin Tigers and Wolfs. They are all made up of old Qin people.

This is also where the Six Nations Army (bbcc) team cannot compare with it.

Relying on the rebels of the Six Nations, can't defeat the Qin army in front of me?

There was a little pity in Huyanchi's eyes, and with a wave of his hand, the crowd dispersed!

The troops of the Six Nations leaned on both sides after they had withdrawn.

Leaving the bare Wang Ben team behind without any cover!


The bowmen who had been preparing for a long time in the rear suddenly loosened their bowstrings, and suddenly a large number of arrows shot straight out, like cutting wheat, and fell a large piece in one round!

Daqin soldiers, less than 40,000 left in time!

"Da... Da Qin!"

"Fight to the death!

Hoarse, exhausted.

The dry lips parted, and the hoarse roar with all his might did not stop.

People fight less and less.

Wang Ben was unable to fight any longer and fell down, but he did not die.

An army cannot be without the backbone, especially in ancient times, once the leader has an accident, it will lead to total chaos!

Only the remaining 40,000 people surrounded General Wang Ben and launched an attack on the rebels of the Six Kingdoms and the Xiongnu beside him.

But this is always hitting the stone with the egg.

"Dead, we're dead!


"Even if we die, we will never let them pass!

"Unless we are all dead!"

A head of a thousand households, whose face was covered in blood, roared.

But a recruit who had just joined the army for two years said worriedly: "We are isolated and besieged so far, and the city of Xianyang is afraid that if our army of 600,000 people can defeat the Xiongnu and support them, there will be no support at all!

"Even if the messenger rushed out, Xianyang would still send reinforcements."

"This is the shame of my Daqin! 99

"To shut up!"

"Believe it or not I cut you!

"When two armies are fighting, how can there be any reason to surrender midway?

"The Great Qin Wanxiongshi is behind us, so what if we die?

"As long as they can be held back, Daqin's Jiangshan Sheji will still not be threatened, and as soon as the troops of the Qin Kings from various places arrive, they will be able to annihilate them all outside Xianyang City!

"Daqin's country is forever!"

After speaking, Qianhu rushed up, and under the coercion of dozens of big knives slashing at him, he completely collapsed into the crowd.

At this moment, General Wang Ben had already lost his helmet, and his hair was flying in disorder, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I have tried my best, but the last general is incompetent, and I am indebted to the emperor..."

After he finished saying these words, he pulled out the dagger from his waist.

"The last general is really shameless and will return to Xianyang..."

"General! 35

"General Wang Ben!

"You can't die!"

Many soldiers looked at him with tears in their eyes, but he laughed with blood all over his mouth, "Okay, in that case, help me up!

After speaking, he stood up again!

"Let's charge together again! 35

The words fell, and he swung his sword!

"Kill! 99

This is the last flashback!

The Daqin soldiers had no plans to live anymore.

To be able to hold them back for so long, the goal has actually been achieved long ago!


The low and loud voice is like the sound of the sound of heaven coming!

Spread across the entire battlefield!

The Daqin soldiers were stunned for a moment.

The rebels of the Six Nations were even more surprised!

Huyanchi trembled even more!


This is?

Daqin's bugle!!!

Like the roar of thousands of troops!




Of course, this is not just a bluff, but a real army!

The familiar Daqin phalanx once again appeared behind him in the direction of Xianyang City.


"Da Qin's reinforcements, we are waiting!"

"His Majesty!"

"It's so timely!"

Wang Ben looked at him with blood and tears in his eyes. Seeing that Da Qin was approaching, he didn't have any good flesh all over his body, but he was still holding on.

The black armored, well-equipped Daqin army waved black flags and held steel soldiers. Tear the earth apart!

Such momentum is the teacher of the king!

When the army was about to go into battle, Wang Ben's remaining tens of thousands of soldiers seemed to have been given a shot in the arm!

They put their life and death aside, they rushed forward. The rebels of the Six Nations had already rebelled. Seeing such a powerful Daqin Hu division, their calves were so weak that they did not fight at all. mind.

It was even more suppressed by the Wang Ben army in front of him. This desperate energy was supposed to be a battle of trapped beasts. Sooner or later, they would die, but now, it has become their nightmare.․

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