Chapter 242

"Those who are ungrateful and ungrateful are ungrateful!"

"Bah, come to kill you Laozi!"

He spit out a mouthful of blood at will, and his blood-red eyes stared straight at the six-nation rebels who were staring at him.

"it is good!"

Suddenly, a high-pitched and clear voice suddenly rang out.

Wang Ben and other Daqin soldiers looked around, only to see the rebels from the six countries dispersed, making a way.

A person walked through the road, and this person was none other than Huyanchi, the king of the Huns!

I saw his eyes lit up, his hands and feet were full of energy, and he looked at the Daqin general in front of him, "Surely he is a hero!

"I don't know which general are you?"

"Riyou... Immortal, grandfather Wang Ben, bah, are you the boss? Enough to have a one-on-one fight with grandpa!"


After a mouthful of blood was spit out by him, his body staggered again, obviously he had no strength, and the knife he was holding was crooked, and he couldn't even stand up.

"He's not like you!"

"This is a loyal man!"

Huyanchi said to the rebels of the Six Nations, "General Wang Ben vowed to defend the dignity of the country to the death and sacrificed his life in vain, which is a pity.

"Whoever you serve is not serving, it is better to put yourself under the banner of my Xiongnu, until the Central Plains dynasty is replaced and the new dynasty is established, I will still give you glory and wealth, and give you the position of general!

"What the Great Qin Emperor can give you, Huyanchi can give, and what he can't give, I can give it too!

At this point, Huyanchi's words of greetings are really hard to choose!

"As long as you surrender now, I will keep you from dying and keep your soldiers well-rounded!"

When the Qin soldiers heard these words, their hearts felt as if they were overturned.

The front waves are swords, lights, swords and shadows, and the back waves are the Daqin military law platform.

Everywhere is dead, it's better...

Such thoughts were instantly strangled in my heart.

During the Warring States Period, such words have long been familiar, but the generals of the army are in order to prevent the inferior side from making a final counterattack, and the purpose is to reduce casualties.

After all, the fighting power displayed by people dying is no trivial matter!

Once they surrender and put down their swords, the opponent's long spear will immediately charge up. The battle has already reached this point, and there is no such thing as surrender at all.

"Bah, how can the righteousness of the family and country be violated?"

Wang Ben hated each other, "Shut up! 35

"Come and kill your grandfather and me if you have the guts! 35

"My Daqin soldiers are never afraid of death!

"When the reinforcements arrive, and under the siege, you will wait for the rebels of the six countries, including the remnants of the Huns, Donghu, and a mere hundreds of thousands of people, how can they be able to fight against my great Qin's millions of heroic divisions?"

The rebels of the Six Nations faced each other with weapons in their hands, but they were all trembling, they were all afraid.

Because it is a capital offense to rebel against the enemy.

For such a big crime, it would not be a pity to be slashed with a thousand swords.

Although they have their own plans and premeditations, who is not afraid of death?

They know the strength of Daqin the most. The tragic destruction of the six kingdoms at the beginning, coupled with the recent northward attack on the Xiongnu, all showed the strength of the Daqin army.

Maybe the remnants of the Huns had the ability to hit the gate of Xianyang City this time, just relying on luck.

Or, more seriously.

According to the ambition of the first emperor, he was thinking about infiltrating the enemy and swallowing it in one fell swoop!

After all, no matter how the northern expedition is, there will always be remnants of the nomads who will escape under the fast horses.

Year after year, even if he is as strong as Da Qin, he cannot bear it.

So that their loose beliefs began to change because of their greed for life and fear of death.

But now the advantage is still in the hands of the Xiongnu, even if they have the heart of the bear, they do not have the guts of the bear!

However, that Huyanchi praised directly: "Well, well, what a million hero."

"Do you know why I copied your food from the side so easily?"

"Why are the men and horses in Dai County and Second County so long gone?"

"Are you very suspicious?

"Or did you pretend to be stupid on purpose to deceive the so-called Great Qin Tiger and Wolf Master who was used as a fool behind you?"

"Our army has more than 600,000 troops, sufficient food and grass, well-equipped, and properly prepared! A mere 100,000 troops and horses, in less than half a day, I have all been killed by me!"

"It is because of this that I can completely encircle and suppress your army of 500,000 to less than 100,000."

"But what I never expected was that, instead of taking the last chance to withdraw to Xianyang City, you still thought of coming to fight with me. This kind of courage is really commendable.

Huyanchi looked at Wang Ben in front of him with a smile on his face, "So, after the Central Plains changed hands, you are the people of my Xiongnu, and you are no longer a person of Daqin, how about that?

"In this way, the righteousness of the nation will cease to exist!""

"You will also have no negatives, wouldn't it be beautiful?""


"Say these to deceive your grandfather!

66 Grandpa, I am not afraid of death! 99

"If you want to fight, you will fight, and grandpa will accompany you to the end, I am afraid that you guys who have no seeds will be frightened and dare not continue to fight with me!

The Six Nations rebels were unmoved at all.

On the other hand, Huyanchi looked at him on his horse with interest, and said jokingly: "No matter how much you scold, it's useless, you're all wounded, and your life is not long, if it is for the sake of the family and country, you It will soon be called a generation of loyal heroes!

"But the tens of thousands of Qin soldiers behind you are innocent, and I am not an indiscriminate person. Your Da Qin swords are indeed stained with the blood of my countless ancestors, but there are many mistakes, and they are all just one person from the current Da Qin emperor. wrong!

"And it has nothing to do with Da Qin soldiers!"

"As long as I break through Xianyang, you will still remain in your original positions, it's just that the country has changed hands!"

As soon as these words came out, the Da Qin soldiers suddenly became a sensation.

It seems so.

In ancient times there was never a complete victory.

Countless famous generals, as well as various famous battles, which one is not accumulated by the lives of unknown soldiers (good money)?

But who cares if they live or die?

Hundreds of thousands of people died, but it was just a series of numbers in the annals of history!

So now, Wang Ben has no reason to take them to death!

If it's just for the friendship between brothers, then he will let them choose life and death.

Judging from this situation, Huyanchi was in the limelight, but he was extraordinarily smart, which was completely different from the previous generations of the Huns who only knew how to kill.

Maybe surrender really does survive.

No matter how he looked at it, with his army of hundreds of thousands in hand, and the fact that the 100,000 Qin soldiers who had surrendered had an understanding of the interior of Xianyang City, the difficulty of attacking Xianyang would be greatly reduced.

Just as he said in his mouth, Daqin soldiers are not to be feared.

From this point of view, this is not Meng Lang's words made by him in a moment of complacency, but with a certain degree of certainty!

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