Chapter 241

Under the nest, Ann has finished eggs?

The 300,000 cavalry of Da Qin marched to the front line.

They don't have to worry about the problem of food and grass, because behind them is the capital of Daqin, which has a steady supply of food.

It is precisely because the capital of Daqin is behind him, even in the face of the remnants of Zeng Jin's defeated generals, the Xiongnu, he does not dare to relax and underestimate the enemy. As long as he fails once, the foundation of Daqin will be unstable.

This is the battle of national destiny!

The myth of Daqin's invincibility will never be broken.

The city gate opened wide, and the army of 300,000 had already arrived outside Handan County within a short time.

The black army came, directly giving people a strong visual impact.

At the same time, Xinzi was dispatched to directly notify the guards of Hedong and Shangdang County to come for reinforcements.

In fact, the allied forces of the Huns and Donghu invaded the Central Plains, starting from Liaodong County.

Even Podai County, Yuyang and Guangyang counties, and Handan County were easily defeated because of the weak number of guard troops.

The reason why the counties and counties around Zhou 11 did not send troops in time was because the troops in various places had to obey the military orders.

Then someone will definitely ask them why they didn't send troops when they knew it was the Huns who were in trouble.

Because, no one will take this remnant of the Huns after the defeat in their hearts, and think that no matter how noisy the remnant army is, it will not be a good climate, so they let it pass by without hurting their own county. The county can be safe.

The second reason is that apart from the army guarding the Central Plains in the north, other counties and counties in the interior could not supply a large number of troops to station due to grain production, which resulted in a low number of troops and combat effectiveness.

Third, I think that Daqin is at the height of the day, occupying the right time, place and people, and no one dares to offend Tianwei!

After all, in their hearts, the last time Qin attacked the Huns, the battle was quite smooth, and the main force of the Huns was almost effortlessly defeated.

At this time, the tens of thousands of soldiers in Taiyuan County and Julu County were immersed in the joy of their victory, and they did not take this small group of remnants of the Huns to heart.

No one looks down on it, but who would think, this is a strong crossbow, straight into the heart of Da Qin!

And that Huyanchi was also a hero of a generation, and he had already made preparations long ago. When he attacked the Central Plains, he had already purchased the maps of the counties and counties of the Great Qin with a lot of money from a merchant at the border.

It even took advantage of the interest relationship between Eastern Liaoning and Western Liaoning to use a diversionary tactic to force the two sides to start infighting.

After that, according to the places marked on the map that Daqin messengers must pass through, as well as various paths that can be passed through, ambush was set up, in order to cut off the connection between Daqin counties and counties.

Because he knew how much he weighed in his heart, such a state of mind was rare in the Xiongnu environment at that time, and it was also his personal ability.

What is even more rare is that he dares to take huge risks to obtain benefits.

But it's not just verbal talk, but practical actions, which let him take the lead.

He even threatened that Daqin soldiers are not to be feared.

The reason why the ancestors failed was because of ignorant attack and did not understand the way of the three armies!

And now a scheming leader like him has appeared among the Huns, and he is indeed a formidable enemy of the Great Qin!

If it wasn't for the reason that Wang Ben led the army to the death battle, he might have already entered the city of Xianyang to discuss the matter of attacking the city.

At that time, the Daqin army will be demoralized and more passive.

Fortunately, Wang Ben held it!

More than 200,000 pro-militaries were stunned to resist the repeated attacks of the Xiongnu, Donghu, and the army of the six countries!

Of course, not only the first emperor felt this way, but even Huyanchi, the newly-appointed king of the Huns, felt the same way.

He felt that the current Central Plains army had been severely defeated, but he was stunned and did not turn back, resisting the fierce attack of hundreds of thousands of troops for so long!

The food passage was cut off, that's all.

The enemy was attacked on the back, and all the detectives were killed, but they still fought bloody to the end, and there was no room for retreat.

This seems to be a tough nut to crack, and now that he is leading the army to go deep alone, those rebels from the Six Nations may defect at any time and stab him in the back.

Therefore, fighter planes are fleeting. Once the enemy has enough time to prepare, their news will soon spread from the northwest to other counties. When the troops and horses from all over come to Qin Wang, their situation will be in danger!

But if Xianyang is attacked, everything will be reversed, and defending the city is far easier than attacking it.

Coupled with the destruction of the capital of Daqin, all Daqin soldiers will be demoralized because of this, and their homes will be stolen by a group of defeated generals. What's the matter?

Even if you can't defend yourself, you are also telling the descendants of the Xiongnu a truth that the Central Plains are not impregnable, nor can they be broken.

If there is such an inheritance, then no one can guarantee that in the next few years, the Xiongnu will not appear, and their development and growth will be the biggest threat to the Central Plains, the Great Qin, or the subsequent dynasties. !

Must fight fast!

As the battle situation became more and more anxious, the morale of the Daqin soldiers had fallen into a trough. They were already suspicious that they could not wait for reinforcements, and they felt that this time was a dead end.

But they did not have any hatred for the arbitrary actions of General Wang Ben, but admiration!

Because he rushed to the front of the battlefield alone, fighting alone against the Xiongnu's encirclement and suppression, with several arrows stuck in his body and countless blood holes poked by sharp spears, but he seemed to be unaware of his physical condition and still swung his sword. bloody battle.

Generally speaking, this kind of serious injury can be said to be half dead in the Daqin period.

He also knows this very well, so he can't stop, once he stops, he will die, and he will continue to kill the enemy while he still has a breath, this is the right thing!

And the more he wanted to kill a few more enemies before he died, the less the enemy would give him this chance.

The exhausted Daqin soldiers were red-eyed, but at this time, the enemy suddenly stopped attacking, and they all faced each other, but did not take a half step forward.

"Come on, come on!

"Grandchildren, come and kill your grandfather!"

Wang Ben waved his saber and roared, and he almost fell with a stagger under his feet, but he suddenly shook his head and stood up, supporting his battered body and shouting.

"A bunch of cowards, trash! 35

"Follow your Six Kingdoms masters, even in Daqin now!

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