Chapter 240

Seeing Bai Hei's appearance, Xiao He repeated it again, "Your Majesty has a purpose, please go to Xianyang quickly and deal with the world's memorials, no mistakes!"

【Where is Yin Man, where are the Yin Man people?】

【She can't come, how can I communicate with you?】

Baihei pointed to his mouth and pretended to look around again.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Your Majesty has prepared a sedan chair for you."

After Xiao He said this, he waved his hand, and a few attendants outside really came in with a specially prepared sedan chair, with four strong laborers on each side carrying them.

Seeing this, Bai Zhu thought to himself, with so many people, do they really want to send him away?

Are you sure it's not carrying a coffin?

【Where is Yin Man, Yin Man?】

【If she doesn't come, how can I deal with the world's memorial?】

【Ah, let me down!】

Baihei's fat body was struggling without "August 13", and the people around didn't dare to get close for a while, and even if they got close, no one could lift it.

Fortunately, it has a quick eye and a quick hand. It quickly grabbed a pen from the table next to it, stained it with ink, and wrote two words directly, Yin Man.

Xiao He smiled leisurely: "What do I think it is!"

"You don't have to worry, Your Majesty. Your Majesty has already made arrangements. Princess Yinman has already been waiting for you in Xianyang City."

Good guy, worthy of being an emperor through the ages!

To be able to arrange the funeral clearly under such an angry situation, are you really not stupid?

Baihei is also secretly angry in his heart, doesn't he want to save face, if he has the ability, he won't sit on his own Suzaku organ beast?

See how long it will take you to feel Xianyang from Jingyang!


Well, don't let me intervene this time, I'll just ignore this business!

It just happened to let me Kangkang, this ancient emperor in history, is it the praise of later civil servants, is it just a name, or is it a well-deserved reputation?

Bai Hei pondered again in his heart, since that was the case, it was just while Lao Zhao was away to secretly do something big.

The entire Six Nations is honored, the time for reckoning has come.

Just as Bai Hei thought, the nobles of the Six Nations who learned about the war situation were all in chaos for a while, and they were about to move...

As if something was waiting for it, it was about to explode.

The Suzaku Organ Beast slowly fell on the open space in Xianyang Palace.

Under the escort of a group of hurriedly opening the way, Shi Huangdi, who was in a hurry, did not care much about etiquette and went directly to the military camp.

Along the way, many literati and writers stopped him, but he ignored them all.

"Your Majesty, this is your policy. You are the ruler of a country, and you are the foundation of the country. If something goes wrong and the minister says something nasty, now if you want to help Young Master Su succeed..."


The first emperor's eyes were angry, "Push it out, behead it!"

"Your Majesty, I am a loyal and righteous person for the sake of Daqin. If you kill me, you are murdering a loyal minister, and you will be infamous for the ages. You are a fool!"5



A sound fell.

Walking further and further away, the intensified shouting quieted down for a moment.

Just before taking a few steps, he met another Wenchen.

"Your Majesty, Daqin Jiangshan is not easy to come by..."

"Cut! 99

This man's face was ashen, and he regretted what he had done, but it was too late.

The cutting knife fell, a woohoo!

After that, every literati on the road opened his mouth, but he always responded with only one word.

That is cut!

There's no reason, it's just so domineering!

Not long after passing by, I actually saw Zhang Liang and Han Xin kneeling on the ground together. Suddenly, the First Emperor became angry. Did he want to get together and get angry with himself?

Han Xin was the most upright, "Your Majesty, when you dispatched troops this time, you should think clearly. The new Huyan King Huyanchi was cunning until he turned the 600,000 Qin soldiers who were guarding the border and guarded the county to rebel. Now, the first to kill is not the simple Xiongnu cavalry, but the old rival of our Daqin Zengjin, the soldiers of the Six Nations!"

"You don't need to remind me!

"Since I dared to keep them back then, I didn't expect them to sell me a lot of lives!

"If I can defeat them once, I will certainly be able to defeat them a second time, a third time!

"Fight until they are convinced, until they don't want to send troops anymore!"

After he finished saying these words, Zhang Liang in front of him advised Han Xin not to say any more.

"This is a matter of family and country. If the country is violated, can a man tolerate it?"

The first emperor's eyes were like torches, and he glanced at the ministers, "At the moment of the great enemy of the Xiongnu, whoever dares to persuade me not to attack again will definitely be the accomplice of the Xiongnu, and he will be regarded as collaborating with the enemy.

The ministers were at a loss for words, and no one dared to step forward and not take their own lives seriously.


With a cold snort, Lao Zhao walked in the direction of the military camp.

The issue of national territory is definitely the inverse scale in his heart.

The Jiangshan Sheji, which was finally beaten down, was actually occupied by this little barbarian Xiongnu. At this moment, this scene, does not just verify the old saying, how can you allow others to sleep soundly on your own roof?

Meng Tian had already counted the army, and Mr. Fusu had already changed into his military uniform and armor.

"Kill one enemy, reward ten! Kill two, reward thirty! Kill three, reward sixty!"

Meng Tian roared and encouraged the soldiers: "The Xiongnu are my defeated generals, you are all the elites of my Daqin troops, I have three requirements for this trip.

"First, don't underestimate the enemy! As the saying goes in the art of war, after winning a battle, underestimate the enemy and be conceited, and those who are arrogant and complacent will surely lose!"

"Second, there is no sympathy and compassion! Most of the enemy troops are traitors, and they are all wiped out, and no mercy is allowed! Those who violate the order, kill! 99

"Third, do not retreat! Violators, kill! 35

After saying this, he threw a large amount of prepared copper coins on the crowd.

"Brothers, after this battle, I invite you to drink!"

"it is good!"

"Thanks to the general's kindness, this time I go, I won't return Loulan if I don't break it!

The people showed their determination.

After the first emperor outside the door changed into a jet-black dragon armor, he directly pushed the door and entered.

"it is good!"

"What Da Qin wants is you warriors!"

"Don't say that he invited you to drink in 2.2. When you return triumphantly after your victory, I will definitely hold a banquet with you for three days and three nights to celebrate and welcome the wind!"

Seeing the sudden intrusion of the First Emperor, Meng Tian hurriedly saluted, "Your Majesty..."

"Don't be too polite.

The First Emperor interrupted, "If you were so polite on the battlefield, would the enemy generals have peace talks with you?

Meng Tian shook his head, "Of course not."

"Then the enemy generals will retreat?

Meng Tian shook his head again: "No.

"What's the use of the salute?"

"The end general is stupid!"

Meng Tian quickly pleaded guilty, but the first emperor said: "Okay, the soldiers of Daqin, join me in the battle and kill the Huns!"9

"Da Qin!

"Da Qin! 39

The sound of shouting resounds from the top of Mount Tai!

The division of 300,000 tigers and wolves came out in full force!

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