I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 239 The Emperor's Thunder Wrath

Chapter 239 The Emperor's Thunder Wrath

Otherwise, once the lineup is lost, the Huns' cavalry will exert their greatest advantage, and the Qin army will be defeated.

Once the Qin army's formation is broken, nothing will be left.

And if the Huns found that they couldn't beat them, they could turn their heads and run away. The Qin army wanted to chase, but they were afraid that they would not be able to catch up.

The First Emperor and Bai Hei were in Jingyang Mansion waiting for news from the front line, anxiously.

At this time, the front-line letter and history, quickly ran in, and fell outside - died.

Before he died, he was shot by several arrows, and behind him there were three or two Hun cavalry chasing him.

They only stopped at the gate of Xianyang City, but they still sneered at the gate of Xianyang. The soldiers at the gate of the city couldn't shoot their arrows that far, so they could only watch them leave.


But before the messenger died, he told all the information.

"The border guards have all surrendered to the enemy... General Wang lost more than half of his 500,000 troops, and the entire army of 100,000 troops in Daijun and Erjun was wiped out. Now less than half of the troops are fighting to the death. Dou, please help quickly! 39

After he finished saying these words, he closed his eyes and died.

Fortunately, he successfully conveyed the information to the people of Jingyang Mansion, and his mission was completed.

And this general soldier quickly reported the news to the First Emperor inside.

Baihei was furious when he heard the news.

The good Daqin was actually hanged and beaten by a small primitive tribe. This is simply a great shame!

But what can be done, things have already happened.

Wang Ben, who was sent, has also been defeated, and it is too late to say anything now.

The First Emperor sat down with a stunned look on his face. He was silent for a while without speaking, his arms clenched his fists, wishing that he would go on a personal expedition to slaughter this group of hustlers!

But when I tightened it, I loosened it, and I remembered that Xianyang was still stationed with a million troops, and with the cooperation of many powerful arms, defending the city, it was invincible, and it was impossible to break through the strange soldiers.

But he had never suffered such a big defeat, and his heart was already full of anger.

But more of it is a kind of awakening, a sudden realization.

Although as the first emperor of the ages, he already knew that although the Great Qin Tiger Division was powerful, it was not invincible.

But what he did not expect was that such a mighty Da Qin army was not defeated by the army of the Six Nations, but was defeated by the Xiongnu in the north.

It was also counterattacked by the opponent to the door of the house.

How does this make the people of the world view Daqin?


"Outside the city of Xianyang, less than a thousand miles away, the Huns are coming!"

"Wang Benbing was defeated and fought to the death, and he deserves to be the son of my Daqin!"

"But if Wang Ben's remnants were dead and wounded, the Huns would go straight to the outside of Xianyang City. If it weren't for him, the Huns would now be thinking about how to attack Xianyang."9

"He, Wang Ben, is like his father, and his contributions to Da Qin will be remembered for generations to come! 35

"But he can't die!

"I can't let him die!"

Lao Zhao's mood today is really not right.

The displayed anger of the emperor made Bai Hei feel that he was going to do something earth-shattering.

Of course, it also knows that this ancient emperor rarely fails, and such a big defeat can really be called the first time.

So Lao Zhao's heart must be the most uncomfortable, right?

【Send troops to crusade, there is no serious problem!】

[With the help of the holy tiger, the great Qin Jiangshan can be protected for all generations! 】

Thinking to comfort Lao Zhao's Bai Hei, he suddenly gave him an inexplicable glance, and this glance was extremely dissatisfied, as if... it touched his inverse scale.

"Then what would happen to Daqin's Jiangshan Wandai if there were no special soldiers and holy tigers?"

Bai Hei was speechless for a while, but he didn't think of this.

Lao Zhao, who usually gets along peacefully on weekdays, even showed his imperial spirit when the national disaster was at the head.

After saying this, he turned around with a cold snort: "Go on, assemble an army of 300,000, send General Meng Tian, ​​help Young Master Su, follow me to help the battle, rescue the warrior Wang Ben, and encircle and annihilate the enemy. military!""

Immediately afterwards, he added: "The Beiwei Army, the Golden Fire Cavalry, the Black Armored Heavy Cavalry, the Great Qin Ruishi, and the White Tiger Sacred Beast are not allowed to participate in this battle, and those who violate the order will be killed without mercy!

Bai Zhi:???

Is this the spirit of the king?

The trend of history cannot be changed, and Daqin should never die at this time!

After the first emperor received the reward of the space of luck, he was even more than a few decades younger. At this time, he was at the age of the sky, and it was impossible to have no arrogance in his heart.

"I personally lead the army to exterminate the Huns. 99

"Go on a personal expedition!

After saying that, he flicked his sleeves and left calmly.

Leaving behind that confused white and black eyes full of incredible eyes.


This is really hardcore!

・・For flowers....

But he ignored the troops he brought in like this, did he not trust himself?

This can be completely ruled out.

Bai Hei was not at all worried that Lao Zhao no longer trusted him, but because this time, the Xiongnu really touched his bottom line completely.

I thought that I could still conquer the world, so I gave up building the Great Wall.

But in the end, he didn't expect to be beaten to the door.

It's just a slap in the face!

It's like being spit on your face, it's a shame!

【and many more!】

【Wait a minute, I haven't taken you to see my guns and artillery!】

【Just so urgent????】

Baihei wanted to cry but had no tears, a series of words were ignored by him, and Lao Zhao, who was in a fit of anger, rushed straight to the Vermilion Bird Organ Beast outside.

It seems that in this battle, "If you don't break Loulan, you won't pay it back"!

It is anxious and worried, afraid that something will happen to this old Zhao on the way to fight. After all, it is now its number one shit shoveling officer. Point, this time, it's better to add a personal expedition, so I really don't take my body seriously.

Thanks to myself, I specially changed him a bottle of liver protection tablets, which seemed to be useless.

[But even if he wants face and doesn't want me to help him, I can't help him in the open, but in secret, I can still help him. 】

【This time, the Huns are aggressive and must be the last strong crossbow, and they are the most vicious when they are dying. This is the rhythm of tearing off a few pieces of meat from Da Qin! 】

[If Lao Zhao really encounters something on the battlefield, his own troops must arrive in time to save him!]

[But with so many teams, the military power is now in Lao Zhao's hands, and he can't command it at all!]

[Only re-send people, in the shortest time, with the newly exchanged reward fire gun artillery, and train a new army! 】

[Perhaps, only in this way can he understand that fighting is not just relying on cold weapons...]


Xiao He suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"Your Majesty has an order, please go to Xianyang Palace to temporarily deal with the world's memorials and state affairs, and there must be no mistake for a moment!


Bai Hei's eyes widened, and the food in his hand fell to the ground before he could put it in his mouth.

The air is quiet,

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