I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 238 The Battle of the Trapped Beasts

Chapter 238 The Battle of the Trapped Beasts

As a result, they worked harder to kill the enemy and lead the morale. The hearts of countless Qin army generals underwent earth-shaking changes, from disdain at the beginning to attention, to doubt, and finally to current doubts.

At the beginning: Isn't this a run to death?

After the war: It seems to be able to fight! But we have a lot of people, so it must be no problem! Continue to despise!

Later: Almost half of the people died. I heard that there were reinforcements from the flank to encircle them together. Did we fight or not?

On the other hand, Huyanchi's heart is also very uncertain.

But in fact, at the beginning, he still had a clue in his heart, but what he really didn't expect was that Wang Ben's army, which should have been defeated by the six kingdoms guarding army that he had captured, would withdraw to Xianyang after losing nearly half of his troops.

Even he has begun to plan the factors that affect the war situation such as the terrain, mountains and rivers near Xianyang City, and he is entangled in which way to attack.

At this time, the army of Wang Ben's side did not choose to retreat, but rushed back one by one with their swords desperately, regardless of whether they were cavalry or infantry, whether it was the army of the six kingdoms guarding the county or the Huns and Hu people. Killed like a child.

On the battlefield, you are not afraid of the elites of famous generals, because even the elites among the elites, the gods of war among the gods of war, are afraid of death.

813 Even if you know you won't be able to fight, you still have to pounce on it before you die. Even if you risk your life, you will definitely lose a tooth!

In the beginning, it did cause a lot of shock to them, and the battle situation was almost reversed by Wang Ben and other desperadoes.

However, the consequences of the mistakes of the Daqin troops were really serious, and it was too late to wake up now. It was only because their generals and troops were not thoughtful, let alone sent spies to find out the enemy's situation and dispatched troops rashly.

Now that the accumulation is hard to return, it cannot be recovered by a team of fierce soldiers!

Everyone has already been defeated, and the current advantage is only temporary. It is useless to risk your life in the cold weapon era. Sooner or later, your physical strength will be exhausted. Huyanchi is not stupid. However, he brought his own cavalry team to watch in the rear, and occasionally released cold arrows to assassinate senior Qin army officers and men.

Then quietly detoured from the side, cut off their food supply, and completely outflanked the crazy Qin army.

With the ammunition running out, bad news came one after another, but these only made Wang Ben even more eager to die.

A generation of famous generals will perish here!

The situation was critical, Qin Jun's letter was quick to rush back to Xianyang with the news, but when he arrived in Xianyang, the first emperor was not there, and he went back and forth, riding the only Suzaku tactical beast to Jingyang County.

Inside the Jingyang mansion, the atmosphere was very awkward.

Bai Hei would never have thought that the Xiongnu army, which had just been defeated, actually returned to invade Da Qin at this time.

And the border county of Daqin was either broken or surrendered without a fight, which is really infuriating!

Two counties were destroyed in a row, and now the captive army of the Huns and Daqin has been combined into one, and hundreds of thousands of troops are heading for Xianyang.

Where is Xianyang?

The place where the capital of Daqin is located, the head of the gathering of dragon veins!

If this place is breached, then the myth of the Great Qin Empire will be completely disintegrated from the hearts of the people of the world.

But fortunately, Wang Ben has been sent to control the enemy, and he wants to wipe out the invading enemy outside Handan County.

In addition, there are various powerful arms and holy beasts guarded by white tigers around the capital of Daqin.

However, they were completely unaware of the news that Wang Ben, who was fighting on the front line, was caught in a trap at this moment.

Of course, this is beyond their scope of consideration.

The army of the Great Qin Huwei went to annihilate the remnants of the Huns and the Hu army in one fell swoop. Even if it made a mistake, it would never be defeated.

【Called back again?】

【Being so fierce, and being attacked by others in two counties in a row, how much damage does this do to the local people?】

[(bbcc) What is the purpose of the troops stationed in the local guarding counties and counties? In order to guard against the Xiongnu in the north, several counties and counties around the border are heavily guarded, even in direct proportion to the garrisoned troops in the capital of Xianyang. 】

【How could they still lose such a rich battle! 】

【It’s just a bunch of wine bags and rice bags!】

"Not only that, it doesn't matter if they die in battle, if they surrender, after the iron cavalry of Da Qin has wiped out the remnants of the Huns, they will be killed!

The First Emperor Longyan was furious, and after hearing Bai Zhu's words, he was even more puzzled in his heart why Da Qin's army was vulnerable to the Huns.

Without the powerful army blessed by immortals, wouldn't Da Qin be able to conquer the world?

To tell the truth, in order to provide sufficient food and grass for the large number of troops stationed in the occupied counties, a few days ago, a lot of fairy grain potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn were sent to plant.

This time, it was good. The construction that was just about to be launched was destroyed in a short time. If it was not completely destroyed in the war, it would be really cheap for the enemy.

Such consequences, Da Qin really couldn't bear it.

"This matter is really strange. How could so many defenders on the Daqin border be defeated so quickly?"

"What is lacking?"

"Superior food and grass? Or is the reward for military merit less?"

"Am I not good enough for them?

When the first emperor said this, he was even more furious. He slapped the table and stood up, "Every year, the huge treasury money and grain are paid to them as military rations, but I didn't expect to raise such a group of wine bags and rice bags. It really failed me. Painful! 99

As the first emperor of the ages, the first emperor with great ambitions, he was absolutely unbearable to be beaten back to the door by the enemy who had just defeated him.

Moreover, like that Wang Ben, he couldn't hold back his face.

When the emperor is angry, his corpse floats thousands of miles away. This is commonplace.

If the Xiongnu were victorious this time, then the countless Hu people around and the Yuezhi on the other side would also remember it.

Then in the future, whenever there are natural and man-made disasters, and when the severe winter falls, the borders of Daqin will be frequently invaded and looted by the grassland tribes.

In order to exterminate these nomadic peoples, Daqin must spend a lot of money and food to mobilize the army to clear it up. It is a loss-making business anyway, and it is not worthwhile at all.

Simply in order to deal with a group of robbers, it is really unwise to spend a lot of resources to protect their money and food from being violated.

After all, Da Qin's iron cavalry is not a soft persimmon.

But after all, there are mostly nomadic cavalry, they can fight quickly and retreat quickly. Daqin is strong in the infantry, and when dealing with cavalry, only by forming a formation can they have a strong combat power.

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