Chapter 237

In fact, just a moment ago, if the remaining 240,000 horses in Daqin gave up their luggage and equipment and retreated towards Xianyang, perhaps the situation would not be so bad.

But the young man was proud. Wang Ben, the son of Wang Jian, the general of the Qin state, was also eager for success. With such a heavy army in his hand, he was defeated by the Xiongnu people with less victory and more victory.

If you retreat, how will you meet the elders of Jiangdong when you come back?

Perhaps after he has aged for so many decades, he will indeed fail due to his inability to fight again due to his poor health, but now that he is still young, he will definitely not be able to withstand such a heavy blow.

Seeing that his own army was retreating, morale was demoralized, and the appearance of a defeated army had a panoramic view.

Although all Daqin soldiers thought about withdrawing to rest and fight at this moment, the losses were huge, and the opponents were outnumbered by themselves. In this situation, it was not a wise choice to be entangled with the enemy army.

However, under this circumstance, Wang Ben issued a stupid and heroic decision to counter-charge the frontier troops of the six countries.

It is claimed that the men and horses of the two counties of Dai County are fighting in the rear of the enemy army. As long as they rush up and join them to form a horn to besiege them, the outcome is yet to be determined!

And in order to avoid the survival space of deserters, the 240,000 army was divided into three groups, and the three groups were divided into several small groups. Each small group had a special war supervisor. amnesty.

The reason is that he also doesn't know how many people the other side has. If there are few people facing each other, and if he wins, even if he wins tragically, his face can still be saved.

If you lose, it proves that the opponent has more people than you. Even if you die in battle, it is better than living without dignity.

So, this is the best option for him.

And he has always ignored a serious and fatal problem, that is, the 500,000 army under his command and the troops of the King of Qin in Dai County and Er County, who were besieged by the Xiongnu army outside, were neither the Great Qin Ruishi nor the back. The Wei Army, the Golden Fire Cavalry and the Xuanjia Heavy Cavalry were all members of the Daqin ordinary army. Under the same conditions, they were on the same level as the armies of the Six Nations, and they only had the advantage in weapons, equipment and military training.

This battle was wrong from the very beginning. When the news was first received, it happened to be a serious illness of white and black. In a rage, the First Emperor sent a heavy army to encircle and suppress it, but he did not send out real combat power.

Although such an army in the original time and space was already the famous Daqin Iron Cavalry, it was because there was only such an army at that time, so the whole country's resources were biased towards them, and this was the biggest reason for the strength of the Daqin Iron Cavalry one.

But in today's time and space, a large number of more powerful arms and troops appear out of thin air with the call of white and black, and more resources are consumed in raising and training troops. Now Daqin's national construction and resource harvesting are in the initial stage of development, and resource allocation is not easy. As a result, the military's combat power is gradually weakened.

Therefore, the first emperor's decision is actually not a problem, but the mistake is that he forgot that the elites of Da Qin are no longer the original Qin army, and there are more powerful troops waiting to be used.

However, this large-scale Daqin army is still the main part of the army system. Whether its combat strength is weakened or its quality is lowered, it cannot be abandoned or ignored.

Because once the core strength is shaken, no matter how strong the combat power of other armies is, it will be difficult to exchange for the destruction of Daqin!

In addition to the first emperor's decision-making mistakes, there is an equally serious reason!

That is underestimated!

Not long ago, the Daqin Iron Cavalry united various powerful armies, and with the help of the holy beast the white tiger, they defeated the Xiongnu army, and once wiped out two generations of khans of the Xiongnu, causing it to completely collapse into a piece of scattered sand.

I thought that this battle could at least ensure the peace of the borders of Daqin for fifty years, and the Xiongnu in the north could not gather into a climatic army in such a short period of time.

But what I didn't expect was that the war came so fast, and in a flash, the Daqin troops who had just returned from victory and triumphantly received the order to go out to the northern Xiongnu again!

So what is the mood of the Daqin soldiers who have just won the battle, their morale is high, and they are quarreling endlessly over military merit?

In the face of this group of barbarians who repeatedly violated the Daqin border, the defeated generals naturally came to the battlefield again in a hurry.

Because today's Daqin military system is actually built on the framework of a large number of basic pro-military infantry, adding a variety of powerful small units of combat systems, the overall is mainly the original Daqin infantry, while the Beiwei Army, the golden fire cavalry and the Xuanjia heavy It is supplemented by powerful arms such as cavalry.

So this time when suddenly attacked, all the soldiers will feel that the other party is in a hurry to come back and die!

What's more, the news was that the other side had only 100,000 horses to die, while their own side had sent 600,000 troops to encircle and suppress them.

There are two levels of significance. First, to shock and deter the remnants of the Huns, cut grass and roots, and completely wipe out the remaining fighting forces of the Huns, and thus deter the Hu tribes in the rear.

Second, when the Northern Expedition had just experienced, the losses were too great. In order to avoid casualties, an additional army was dispatched to crush the Huns with an absolute advantage.

In the Daqin army, no one took the other side seriously, thinking that these waste lambs were anxious and wanted to come back to avenge the two generations of Xiongnu kings who died.

Most of the mockers are mocking.

But what they thought was right. The Huns did come to take revenge, but they were not waste. The grassland people had been eating meat all the year round, and the normal growth was stronger than the people in the Central Plains. Tear up the Qin army.

This led to the fact that at the beginning of the war, the Daqin army launched an extremely simple formation and hurriedly stepped forward to face it.

No (the money is good) there is no consideration that the opponent has a siege crossbow.

No consideration was given to the opponent's large-scale projectile arrows.

It was only a great shock to deal with the large-scale impact of the cavalry, but in fact, the troops were weak in all aspects, and they could not be used as a defense.

It's useless just to look good. If you really want to fight, such a lineup will soon lose miserably.

The defeat of the 500,000-strong army was not accidental, but such an outcome had been decided from the very beginning.

Under the influence of many factors, it is difficult for them to be unbeaten!

The counter-charge led by General Wang Ben further confirmed his conjecture. The army guarding the six kingdoms on the border had really all surrendered to the enemy, and there was no news from the various sources who distributed the cover to break through the encirclement. The troops of the county have long since been wiped out!

In this way, it is a sure thing to be buried here.

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