I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 236 Critical! Wang Ben was defeated and besieged!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Wang Ben, the Marquis of Tongwu, fled wildly with a large group of people around him.

Behind him is the arrogant and arrogant figure of the Huns.

It turned out that before the battle, their spies got the news that the other side didn't have many troops.

Even if Donghu helped him, it was only a hundred thousand people, but what he didn't expect was that when he really faced it, the other party actually falsely reported the number of people.

It's just that the strange thing is that the other party's false report is not less, but more!

Where are the remnants of the Huns, where the Hu people traveled bravely?

It's simply a thousand troops!

At a glance, there are almost 300,000 people!

After dealing with the siege and suppression of Daqin before, the Huns kept a low profile, and soon selected a new Huyanchi king in the tribe, who also had excellent leadership and combat power.

Under his leadership, the Xiongnu quickly assembled a powerful cavalry team, and they also summed up the lessons and learnings of the past when dealing with the excellent equipment of the Daqin army.

Although the Qin army was well-equipped and well-equipped, they could not ride and shoot, only large-scale projectiles, which was the strength of the Qin army.

In addition, as long as the Qin army is scattered, its strength will be weakened several times. As long as the Qin formation is broken, it will immediately become a pile of scattered sand, allowing it to be slaughtered by itself.

In short, the new Xiongnu king summed up the painful lessons of fighting against the Qin soldiers in the past, and came up with a countermeasure after deep reflection.

Young and vigorous, he established a life-and-death situation with the Donghu tribe, and only then did he ask for the help of 30,000 horses, plus his 70,000 cavalry elites, almost destroying three counties in a row and heading straight for Xianyang. .

If he succeeds, he can become the king himself and revitalize the grassland tribes.

Occupying this place, your family and descendants will be able to live comfortably and enjoy prosperity and wealth!

As for failure, he never thought that if he loses, his family and children will die of hunger and cold due to lack of food and firewood when the next winter is approaching.

This is also because of natural and man-made disasters. Fighting is death, not fighting is also death.

It's better to grit your teeth and fight!

What's more, this Huyan Chi was young and vigorous, and was extraordinarily aggressive and belligerent.

And after breaking through several cities before, he was even more defiant, threatening that the Qin state was nothing but wine, and within sixty days, his elite Huns cavalry would be about to capture the entire Central Plains Continent.

However, these words he said were agitation, and made the good-faced General Wang Ben annoyed. At that time, he did not know the real army of the other party.

So the angry General Wang Ben immediately led a large army to attack the Huns.

Unexpectedly, the cunning Huyanchi actually used the Daqin troops who had previously broken through the two counties as the vanguard, and asked them to change into their own clothes and charge forward.

Most of these people were defeated soldiers during the Six Kingdoms period, not the original soldiers of the Qin State, so they were greedy for life and fear of death.

But now seeing Da Qin Hu Shi outside, there were few Huns, and he felt that it was impossible, and they rushed up to seek help from the Da Qin brothers.

Unexpectedly, before they walked in, the rain of arrows mercilessly washed over the sky, leaving them nowhere to hide, and the slain pieces were not left behind.

Huyanchi, however, said to the remaining Qin soldiers and captives who had hatred in their eyes: "Look, your Emperor Qin doesn't take your life seriously, follow us, you can have meat to eat, follow them, But they are not as good as dogs, and if they want to kill they will kill, and even the cattle and sheep of our prairie people live better than you!"

"Whether to go back to die, or follow us to capture Xianyang and establish a new dynasty with detailed wealth, Ren Er and others choose. 35

After he finished saying these words, there were quite a few pro-military soldiers on the spot who loosened up and were unanimously hostile to the army led by General Wang Ben.

The final result was that the number of Xiongnu, with nearly 600,000 prisoners of the border counties and counties, helped Huyanchi attack Wang Ben's army in the direction of Xianyang.

The enraged Wang Ben's army killed several prisoners of Qin soldiers wearing Xiongnu clothes at first, and then he was complacent, showing off his bravery to his subordinates and the barbaric ignorance of the Huns.

But what I never expected was that killing the front line troops that rushed up, angered a large number of Qin soldiers in the rear.

They were originally the army of the Six Nations, but because of various reasons, the country was destroyed, and their affiliation with Da Qin was not particularly strong.

He transferred the hatred that had been accumulating in his heart to Wang Ben here.

They think that in order to be able to kill as many heads as possible in exchange for military merit, they don't have any regrets to treat their own people, which is simply despicable and shameless.

But the fact is like this, both ends are dead, they don't fight for anyone, they have to fight for themselves.

If you win, you will at least avenge your brother, and avenge the lost country! If you lose, you can at least die happily and without humiliation.

The six-nation border guards who responded to this idea made Wang Ben's army suffer a great loss.

When dealing with the Huns' cavalry, they only need to keep the original formation unchanged, and they can easily use their powerful equipment and weapons to take the absolute military advantage to carry out shock and deterrence attacks.

However, this time, Huyanchi ordered the frontier Qin troops who had previously received them to use their own giant siege crossbows to transport them down from the city tower with a carriage to forcibly break the formation.

Coupled with a large number of soldiers scattering arrows collectively, Wang Ben's army was like a ghost. The promised 100,000 horses were definitely more than 100,000, but it was clearly 400,000! 500,000!

How many soldiers and horses did Donghu borrow from 810 to give to the remnants of the Huns?

Isn't this a tactic that the Qin people are good at?

Why did the Huns also learn, how did they get so many arrows in such a short time?

Even if the Donghu tribe did their best to help, it would be impossible to have such power.

The only possibility is that after the border city and county were destroyed, the defenders in the city surrendered without a fight and took refuge in the Xiongnu!

As a result, Daqin's elites suffered heavy losses.

Almost half of the military power accumulated over the years was lost in this battle.

The unexpected rain of arrows left them without any precautions.

In the words of Hu Yanchi, it is "use Qin skills to control Qin's violence." Why not?

In the tactics of the Qin army to deal with the Xiongnu, there was no preparation for facing the large-scale arrow rain, so that it suffered a great loss from their own family.

Even when Zeng Jin faced the army of the Six Nations, he had never faced such a large-scale arrow rain.

There has never been a rain of arrows from Da Qin to annihilate the enemy army, and there has never been a rain of arrows of the enemy army to force the Qin army!

Wang Ben's army of 600,000 people dispatched this time, originally thought it was a crushing battle, but he never imagined that in the blink of an eye, with minimal casualties on the Huns' side, they lost nearly 50 percent of their horses and turned into He was at a disadvantage and was cut off from the food supply. If no reinforcements came, he would be slowly besieged to death!

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