I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 235 The border is in danger! The encirclement and suppression failed!

Thanks to this, His Royal Highness Qin Huang, who is still the first emperor of the ages, is now arguing with a little meat dumpling of himself over a bag of potato chips and a bottle of Coke, and it makes people laugh.

This is the faint-hearted!

But Baihei had to accommodate his weirdness.

[Coke is a good drink given by immortals and cannot be made, and I have already said that these potato chips belong to miscellaneous grains and can be made by yourself. 】

[The practice is also very simple, just slice the harvested potatoes and fry them in a pan filled with hot oil, then eat them directly, very crispy and delicious]

[The experience of sliced ​​eating is different from that of direct eating, but the actual intake is the same, there is no loss, and the same can be eaten. 】

[People can also promote it. 】

"So good, so good!

The First Emperor laughed and said, "I will send someone to make a large batch of potato chips.

""August 10" doesn't mean I'm stingy, I'm just afraid that you'll have enough to eat, and you will thank me when you look back. 35

Kindly patted Pai Baihei's head, Shi Huang's eyes couldn't close with a smile, "Okay, okay, didn't you just eat your bag of potato chips and a bottle of Coke, do you need to be so sad?

[What I'm worried about is that you won't be able to stop after you taste the sweetness, and you will scramble with me for food in the future. 】

"That's too bad, how could I eat with you..."

As he said that, Old Zhao pouted, "You are a fairy and a beast. Naturally, I have to eat with you in order to live a long life and drive away diseases."

Bai Hei was completely lost, thinking in his heart that this old Zhao was really clever and didn't take his own life.

That's all, in the end, I still think about what I want to eat with myself.

Mistakes, missteps, but this is also something that can't be helped.

God knows that the bite of his mouth was so coincidental that it was enough to cause trouble in the city, and let his little secret be leaked.

[I'm afraid I'll have to hide and eat in the future. 】

The First Emperor snorted coldly: "If there is something delicious in the future, remember to leave some for me to try, don't think about stealing it by yourself!"

Said white and black with a look of helplessness.

"Pass the Imperial Physician!"

【I'm all right now, why is it still too much trouble for the imperial doctor to come here?】

Bai Hei was very speechless to him.

"Check and check to make sure there is no one in ten thousand error. 35

After the First Emperor finished speaking, an imperial doctor came over with a small box, and after fiddling in front of Bai Hei, he said, "Congratulations, Your Highness, on a happy event.


Bai Hei stared at him dumbfounded, he was a male bear, how could he be pregnant?

Don't you know who gave it to you?

Besides, do you really want to experience the pain of a woman's life?

Shocked mood, it is difficult to calm it down.

The First Emperor was overjoyed, "Quickly say, what's the matter?

"The pulse is stable, the bleeding from the wound stops, and the qi and blood are smooth. This is a sign of recovery."

"Lord Rui Beast, there is no serious problem!"

"God bless me Daqin! 35

"Long live my emperor!

After listening to him with a happy expression, the First Emperor urged him to leave impatiently, "Okay, flat, hurry down, reward five hundred dollars, and go to the Ministry of Household to collect it."

"The minister obeys the order and thank you."

After saying this, the Imperial Physician slowly stepped back with a relaxed smile on his face.

After all, Bai Hei is not a human being. Medical skills have progressed slowly these days, and even people's own diseases are difficult to cure, let alone animals, and very few are veterinarians.

He didn't know how to treat pandas at all. He could only treat pandas in the same way as other imperial physicians, treating them like humans. How could he have obvious effects?

Therefore, most of the time, his judgments were wrong, and he himself knew that his actions were useless, but he still lied to the emperor in order to save his life.

This does not count as bullying the king, but it is the first of its kind among the doctors in the world that no one treats a panda.

Even if the people encounter such cute animals, they will be regarded as strange animals, and then they will be treated as livestock and poultry.

Therefore, it was basically luck and guesswork to see a doctor for Bai Zhi before, so that he could successfully fool others without being understood by all the doctors. This was really like walking on thin ice.

The First Emperor nodded: "It's fine, I'll be relieved."

"It's just that what was in your hand just now, but I can only see that after the mist and white clouds entered your mouth, the wound will heal on its own. It's a miracle in the world!"

After he finished saying these words, Bai Zhu can be considered to be smart. [Everyone said that I am an immortal beast. Of course, this is my own magic weapon. It has supreme magic power and can quickly heal my own wounds...]

The first emperor nodded, "If this is the case, then there is no way."

"But I want to remind you that if you eat in the future, be careful and don't bite yourself again.

"It's a shame for such a big man to hurt himself without knowing how much food he ate!"

"Do you know what some of the court officials said when I came to see you?"


White and black are very curious.

"The auspicious beast will perish, and Da Qin's energy is exhausted! 35

Bai Hei was horrified and suddenly woke up, who is not afraid of death, but dared to say such disrespectful words in front of the first emperor, did he think his life was too long or something?

【If you make a rude statement, you should be killed!】

"Yeah, I didn't hear which official said that at the time, I was just eager to see you, but you are also the spiritual pillar of the officials and people of Daqin, so you must live well and avoid accidents!"

Baihei nodded, it seems that this old Zhao is still concerned about himself.

Holding him in front of me made my heart feel very warm.

"It's just that there's something I haven't told you yet. 59

"Before I came to see you, a war broke out in the northern part of the country. In a fit of rage, I have sent a million troops to annihilate. At this time, I don't know how the war is going..."

However, at this moment, in the suburbs of Handan County.

In the bloody battle, Wang Ben, who was dressed in black armor, led the large group of Daqin soldiers around him to lose consecutive defeats. Although 2.2 claimed to be an army of 800,000, it was actually just a number that was verbally reported to the opponent to deter him. , but it is about 500,000.

The men and horses of Dai County and Second County were claimed to be 300,000, but in reality, they were only 100,000.

Not only that, but the troops of Dai County were actually organized by the remnants of the Six Kingdoms. They were originally defeated soldiers, and now they are included in the battle sequence of Daqin. However, they should not be reused. Their food and salaries are low, and they are on the real battlefield. There is still a lack of awareness to dare to die in battle.

All in all, its combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of other Daqin county troops, at best, it can suppress the opponent with the advantage of more people.

The 500,000-strong Daqin elite army dispatched this time set off from Xianyang vigorously, and the 100,000-strong horses from the two counties of Daijun also encircled them from the side, forming a horn-like situation, and the two soldiers attacked the remnants of the Huns and the Hu people in the northeast.

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