I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 232: The Tragedy Caused by Eating and Biting Your Mouth

But the first emperor didn't know this at all, so he said: "Hurry up, feed it!"

The white-haired old man was frightened and put the medicinal pill into Baihei's mouth, and finally poured it into a glass of water.


【What kind of stuff is this, it’s unpalatable!】

【Who are you, why are you on me?】

Seeing the white-haired old man lying on top of him, Bai Hei slapped him four or five meters away.

At the same time, a black pill was spit out from his mouth, which was the one the old man with white temples had just put into his mouth.

"woke up?"

The First Emperor didn't care about the life of the white-haired old man at all, he rushed up and hugged the white and black man, "Are you all right, but I'm scared to death, these few hours, I've been sitting on pins and needles. They all caught up and questioned him…”

【Death does not exist, does not exist!】

【I am very good!】

Bai Hei said, suddenly his face turned bitter, and he couldn't help but touched his mouth, "Woo woo woo..."

A low voice came from its mouth.

A stream of bright blood spit out from its mouth.

"I've vomited so much blood, yet I still say I'm fine!

The First Emperor looked at it with great worry and said: "If you really can't do it, what do you want to say, even if you tell me, even if I overturn the river, I will definitely satisfy you."

"In my heart, no one can compare with you! 39

"Because what I value is the Jiangshan community, and you are the auspicious beast that was sent by God to assist me in governing the world, you have really left me alone!

"I can't forgive you!"

At this time, he still did not forget to threaten it.

【It's all right, I just ate too much and wanted to sleep for a while, is this also wrong? 】

【Also, Lao Zhao, why did you suddenly appear here, what happened?】

Rui Beast scratched his head, enduring the severe pain in his mouth and screaming softly.

The first emperor explained: "It's not because a messenger came to report that you vomited a lot of blood and your life is short.

"That's why I rode on the Suzaku Organ Beast and came here as soon as possible..."

【It's not to see me for the last ride, is it?】

"Yes, I'm worried that you will leave here, so I want to rush over and have a final talk with you."

"Although you are a gift from an immortal, no one knows if you are an immortal, let alone how long your lifespan is. That's why I'm worried that your time limit has come..."

Bai Zhi: [???]

Are you looking forward to your own death?

You can even think of such an outrageous reason, as expected of you!

If you want to swear and say something, worry about wool, even if you die, you will die!

"What's the matter with you, why are you spitting out so much blood?"

After Shi Huang asked and said, Bai Zhu looked at him with a face full of grief, and then extended a clumsy finger to his chin.

Showing a cute and stupid look, tears fell helplessly.

He opened his mouth to show his wounds.

【I can see that there are no teeth marks inside the wound, the bleeding is because of this reason, I bit my own mouth when I was eating! 】

[The bite force of the iron-eating beast is not low, and this bite really sent him away! 】

No wonder the panda became a first-class rare animal in later generations, and there is a reason.

Excessive blood loss and unabated pain.

Baihei cried out in pain.

"This is the elixir for you, just eat it!"

The First Emperor picked up the pill it spit out, wiped it on his sleeve, handed it to its mouth again, and said, "Eat it and you'll be fine! 95


【It's all heavy metals, I have already smelled the mercury, I will never eat it! 】

【I will die if I eat it!】

After the auspicious beast finished saying these words, the first emperor turned around and stared at the white-haired old man with a pair of tiger eyes.

The latter's face was full of panic, but his eyes couldn't dodge at all, and he was disorganized.

"Your Majesty, I really, really have done my best. Even if I am not good at academics, at least I have the intention to save Bai Zhu..."

When he was halfway through, suddenly, the disciple standing beside him who had just finished eating the "elixir" suddenly had all his hair rising into the sky, and his whole body fell to the ground, twitching non-stop, and it didn't take long, Unconscious.

Someone who was daring went up and probed his breath with his hand, but was shocked to find out, "He has lost his breath and is dead!

The First Emperor's eyes filled with anger all accommodated to the old man with white temples, "How dare you come to deceive me with poison, such a crime of deceiving the emperor..."

"Drag and chop!"

"I'm wronged, Your Majesty, I'm wronged, I'm just not good at my studies, it's not because I want to harm Lord Baihei, you know, I'm really wronged..."

However, the first emperor waved his hand and did not want to listen to the nonsense of the old man with white temples, but slowly clenched the soft and fluffy palm of white and black.

".. This kind of person can't be kept!"

"That is to say, there is no real talent and practical learning, and there is no noble quality. When you do business, you will be exposed. It's just that you have a lot of money, food and power in your family."

"After being beheaded, the family property is confiscated, and the ten clans of the family are exiled!

Following the first emperor's order, the iron eagle warriors on the Black Ice Terrace began to act quickly and acted resolutely, and soon learned the family background of the white-haired old man.

I don't care how many women and children there are in the family, just wipe the neck with a knife, close my eyes and kill it!

Only later did I find out that this old man with white temples was basically a liar, because one of the members he rescued when he became famous also died suddenly because of eating the "celestial elixir". Compared with his disciple today, his death was hideous. Just more or less!

Baihei nodded, [You allow me to slow down, my little heart can't take it anymore. 】

[You said that you came to Jingyang County from the Xianyang Palace on a Suzaku Organ Beast for the sake of me, but you, as the ruler of a country, should not be so willful. 】

[I will be fine. drag】

[Whoever has an accident in the world will be fine with me. 】

Bai Zhu vowed: [If you are really worried, I have a lot of interesting things to show you today, but I am not feeling well for the time being, and I will see you later. 】

Saying that, Baihei picked up the bottle that he usually used to drink water, took a big mouthful, and suppressed the blood in his mouth, which made him feel much better.

But this behavior affected the wound again, and it grimaced in pain, which was very distressing.

"Stop messing around, I'll pass on the imperial doctor!" The First Emperor panicked.

However, Baihei is a sworn guarantee, [I can get better, if I had to rely on the imperial doctor, I would have died long ago, and ordinary people's treatment methods are useless to me!].

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