In order to relieve the pain in his body, Baihei quickly opened the system mall.

Resisting the choice, I clicked on the [Medical Equipment] column.

【Medical Repair Package】

[Effect: A bottle of medical spray, spraying on the wound can speed up the recovery, and anyone who is about to die can be rescued! 】

【Quantity: 1 bottle of 1800ml】

[Lying flat points: 100]

【Would you like to exchange?】

【Yes. 】

[Ding! Congratulations on your successful redemption, 100 points have been deducted from the lying flat points, and the remaining 200! 】

After the system beep goes down.

Bai Hei couldn't wait to take out a small bottle from the small pocket of his belly, then opened his mouth and sprayed it on his wound immediately.

A cool and icy feeling immediately emerged, spreading to every corner of the mix.

The fiery pain was suppressed, and the pleasure of wound healing gradually became more itchy.

Within ten breaths, Bai Hei became quiet.

With tears in her eyes, Momo looked at Lao Zhao in front of her, "Why, am I so important to you?"

"Who knows that you can hurt yourself even when you eat, how can I put my heart at ease with you, you must know that you are a protector of the country now, the people of the world, the army and the army all count on you to bring blessings to Daqin Report, if you leave unexpectedly, they will think that Da Qin is exhausted and time is running out!

[Relax, my life is tough, this time is definitely just an accident, it is impossible for 810 to have an accident! 】

[Just now I have given myself a quick-acting medicine, which is almost done, and I will be able to recover on my own after a while. 】

The First Emperor nodded, but he was still worried, "Well, that's it, hand over what you ate that day."5

Bai Zhi:???

"Playing stupid? 99

The First Emperor snorted coldly, and quickly rushed up, rummaging in Bai Hei's stomach pocket.

Although he had the strength to drive him away, Bai Hei was reluctant to hit the Emperor Qiangu who was so concerned about his life and death.

You have to rely on him to live a good life!

The First Emperor was sweating from exhaustion, "Hidden is quite deep!

"See if I don't take out all the things you eat!

【Don't touch, don't touch!】

【Touched that one!】

Baihei wanted to cry but had no tears, and suddenly fell silent.

【I hand it over by myself, can't I do it?】

But before they could stop, Lao Zhao searched out the unfinished potato chips inside the package.

Once again, the Coke was also turned over.

【this is not OK!】

Bai Hei was so anxious that he wanted to cry without tears, but the First Emperor said triumphantly: "It's (bbcc) these two things that hurt you, right, okay!"9

After he finished speaking, he threw it out and stomped on it with one foot.

The potato chips all shattered with a click.

However, the bottle of Coke flew out because of slipping under his feet, and because the bottle cap was loosened, the black liquid inside flowed out.

Boiling on the ground!

Seeing this, Bai Zhu immediately became ashamed.

Yes, this is really impossible to wash off after jumping into the Yellow River!

The First Emperor looked at the scene in front of him with astonishment, and asked in confusion, "Poisonous?"

After he asked and said this sentence, when he saw the white and black in front of him, he asked: "Which alchemist gave you this bottle of poison?"

[No, no, you misunderstood, this stuff is delicious! 】

Bai Hei was busy explaining, and all the messy thoughts in his heart were heard by the First Emperor.

"What, to be deceived to such a degree!"

"Who dares to confuse the auspicious beasts of protecting the country with evil words, I want to tear them to pieces!"

When the First Emperor spoke, his anger was even more difficult to calm down.

"Come here, let me check, since Baihei entered the feudal land of Jingyang, all the maids and servants who have taken care of food, clothing, housing and transportation, this scourge will not be eliminated, I can't be at ease! 35

After a few hurried figures knelt down, they nodded immediately: "Yes! 99

After speaking, he got up again and left in a hurry.

【No, you really don’t have to be so nervous!】

【What a mess!】

【Who can find this? I made this thing myself to drink, it's just delicious, not poisonous, really not poisonous! 】

【If you don’t believe me, you can ask your daughter to come over and ask, she has also drank it!】

The First Emperor Longyan was furious, "What, Man'er also drank this thing?"

"That's unreasonable!

"How could this person have such a natural ability to approach the princes and nobles, yet still have the courage to murder others?"

Yin Man hurried over after hearing the sound from outside, and asked worriedly, "Father, what's the matter?"

"Have you seen that bottle of poison?

"Did you drink this?

After the first emperor asked, she nodded and said, "I did drink it, and it tasted pretty good. 55

"But I don't know what this is, but I just saw Bai Hei holding it in my mouth every day, so I just took a sip of it for a while.

"Its taste is cool and icy, with the sweetness of spirit branch nectar, and it is a fetish for quenching thirst and quenching fatigue."

The First Emperor angrily rebuked: "This thing melts when it hits the ground and corrodes the ground. Even if it doesn't take your life for a while, it should be a chronic poison!"

"Even Bai Zhu, who protects the country's auspicious beasts and is blessed by the immortals, has been kept in the dark. This person's methods are brilliant, and he is really vicious!"

"Even if I dig three feet into the ground, I will dig out the cultist behind him, and tear him to pieces!

Baihei is completely speechless, just drinking a bottle of Coke, do you need to make such a big fuss?

Simply ridiculous.

But drinking too much Coke is indeed bad for the body, but taking a small amount is far from the point where it can be called poison!

It would be true to say that it is a chronic poison, but until a person dies normally, what kind of deadly effect can a small bottle of Coke have?

This statement is too far-fetched, but to the ignorant ancients, they feel that the credibility is not low, this thing is definitely a highly poisonous thing.

Coke definitely meets the ancient standards for poisons.

Anything that is poured on the ground and quickly corrodes the ground and evaporates is poisonous!

[This thing is the same as drinking, although it is slightly irritating to people who drink it for the first time, but it is harmless! 】

【If you don’t believe me, I can take out another bottle for you Kangkang!】

Bai Hei quickly explained that he exchanged a bottle of Fat House Happy Water from the system mall and handed it to the first emperor in front of him.


"Only poisoned wine will flourish quickly when it is spilled on the ground, emitting white smoke.

Lao Zhao looked at the white and black in front of him with conviction, but he finally chose to believe it and called a servant, "You, drink it."

"I-I-I, Your Majesty, forgive me!

He just stood on the side and watched the half bottle of Coke pour out like poisonous wine, and he was already very scared, but he didn't expect that he was so unlucky that he would die here?

"Drinking, it's not killing you, what are you anxious about?"

The First Emperor stared at him sternly and scolded him: "If you don't drink it, you are disobeying the emperor's order, disobeying the order, it is a rebellion, and it should be dealt with as a traitor, and it is also a dead end! 35

"Little... as ordered..."

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