After the minister finished speaking, the First Emperor patrolled with blood in his eyes, but he didn't blame anything.

Why did the remnants of the Huns come in from Liaodong County when the accident happened to Baihei's body?

Why does the Liaodong county governor lead the country's food and salaries every year, but does not do anything, but joins the enemy instead?

Is this really the consequence of the bloody disaster caused by the white and black auspicious beasts?

Is Da Qin about to die?

All of a sudden, the people in the hall were panicked, and almost everyone felt uneasy.

Because everyone wants to know what happened, but everyone dare not say more, lest they say the wrong thing and the sin will come out of their mouth.

The first emperor's eyes changed, and he suddenly became murderous, "I want you to live, you must not die!

"Come here, call the Vermilion Bird Organ Beast."

The two soldiers really stopped in an open space outside the Xianyang Palace while driving the Suzaku Organ Beast.

"Wang Ben, quickly lead 200,000 soldiers and horses to Liaodong for support, annihilate the alien race of the Xiongnu Donghu in one fell swoop, and after the battle is successful, you will return with glory and wealth, and you will enjoy 11 inexhaustible! 39

"Sir, follow your orders!

"If the Huns are not broken, they will not be returned!"9

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words."

"Bai Zhu's life is very important. Even if he is dying, I need to see him one last time."

Lao Zhao was very sad in his heart, thinking that he had to explain his future affairs to himself before leaving.

After so many days of getting along, if you don't have any feelings, you are talking nonsense.

So soon, the Suzaku Organ Beast stopped in an open space outside Jingyang Mansion.

"Black and white?"

The First Emperor went straight to Jingyang Mansion.

The surrounding guards were overwhelmed and rushed to both sides to open the way.

Unobstructed, directly into the hospital bed inside.

At this moment, three or two imperial physicians were shaking their heads pessimistically, "Bai Hei vomited too much blood, worked too hard, and caused qi and blood to retrograde..."

"Your Majesty, it will die soon!"

Old Zhao's eyes almost jumped out, looking at the imperial doctor in front of him, "Can it still wake up?"


A group of imperial physicians all looked at the emperor in front of them speechlessly, bowing their heads silently, "I'm afraid it will be difficult to wake up. 99

"Quack doctors are all wine bags and rice bags!"

"They are all useless people, what's the use of raising you?

"Go away, go away!

Seeing Bai Hei and his daughter who were unconscious in front of him, the First Emperor was filled with grief and indignation.

Why does God treat me like this?

"Could it be that God wants to kill me, Da Qin?"

A few hours later, the messengers in the Jingyang mansion hurried.

Due to the reason of the Suzaku organ beast, the Qin State messenger developed very rapidly, flying from Liaodong to Jingyang in just a few hours.

However, Xin Shi did not dare to delay in saying: "Report to Your Highness, Yuyang County has been conquered by the Xiongnu, and before General Wang Ben's army arrives, they have already encountered enemy scouts.

It's a real joke!

The First Emperor laughed angrily, "I'm a dignified Qin, and I don't even care about the main force of the Huns, let alone the defeated general of the remnant army? 39

"It actually broke through three cities in a row, and went straight to Xianyang.""

"What a shame!"

The first emperor was dumbfounded and said furiously: "Gather 800,000 troops for me, whether armed with knives or spears, to gather the 300,000 troops stationed in the surrounding Handan County and the second county of Dai County to encircle and suppress this remnant army. , vowing to kill all of you here!"

"Here! 35

After Xin Shi received the order, he immediately sat on the Suzaku Organ Beast.

The battle situation ahead was urgent, but the most heart-wrenching thing for the First Emperor was the mythical beast Bai Zhu in front of him.

He was born in a difficult and humble childhood and suffered a lot, and it is only now that he has found a lot of warmth from Bai Hei that he lacked in childhood.

But now that he was about to leave, this mighty First Emperor actually had tears in his eyes.

"You can't die, I won't let you die!

Shaking Bai Zhu in front of him, but accidentally, he heard a snoring sound.


White and black are still alive and alive.

Suddenly, overjoyed.

The first emperor was as happy as a child, and immediately smiled honestly on his face again, pointing to its cumbersome body, and said to the minister: "Alive!"

"Alive again, hehe..."

His crazy personality made everyone around him tremble with fear.

Bai Hei could never have imagined that the tragedy caused by biting into his own mouth caused a lot of trouble in the city!

The first emperor ordered on the spot: "A reward is issued, ordering the wise men in the world to gather in Jingyang, and for those who cure the white and black disease, or for those who have done good treatment, a reward of 300,000 yuan and 30,000 mu of fertile land!

"Well. 35

As soon as the king's words came out, the courtiers immediately went to handle it.

Soon, the people who came to Jingyang in recent days also started to get busy.

Set up a cauldron and start a fire, and strive to make colorful elixir to save Baihe's life when Baihe is in critical condition. This is a great achievement!

On this day, an alchemist came over with the medicinal pill that he had worked so hard to refine.

"Emperor, this is an elixir given by immortals to make it cool and delicious. After swallowing it, it has the effect of dredging meridians and activating collaterals, and has a pivotal role in regulating qi and blood!

After he finished speaking, the First Emperor ordered him to take a bite first.


So he really asked the apprentice beside him to take it, and then he took it with water and swallowed it.

"Look, it's alright.

810 After he finished saying these words, even the first emperor who could only see in front of him nodded, "How do you feel?"

"It's neither soft nor hard, neither salty nor bland, it tastes great, eating this elixir is mostly a beautiful thing."

"Refreshed and refreshed, it's almost like becoming a fairy!"

At this moment, the first emperor was heartbroken for Bai Hei's safety, "Alright, alright, hurry up and bring it over to Bai Zhu!

"If you save Bai Hei's life, I will greatly reward you, and your benefits will definitely be indispensable!

"Your Majesty, please rest assured, the elixir is absolutely correct!

The white-haired alchemist swore and patted his chest and said.

After the first emperor believed what he said, he nodded, and then asked him to put the medicine pill into Baihei's mouth and let him eat it.

And trust him to be able to bring white and black back to life.

He put all his hopes on this alchemist with white hair and temples, and even once felt that he really had the ability to cure Bai Zhu.

But what he didn't expect was that although this old man with white temples seemed to be highly respected and a well-known alchemist, he was actually an empty-handed alchemist. What is actually true learning.

When Xi Yingfeng described the scene of gunpowder burning before, he was the one who mocked in every possible way, the yin and yang was weird, wasn't he?

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