I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 230 Rui Beast is about to die, a ominous omen!

And at the same time at this moment, the Xianyang Palace.

The majestic First Emperor is examining the officials in the court hall and discussing the complicated affairs of the country together.

Although his attitude towards white and black is not on the air, but in matters of the family and the country, facing these ministers, Lao Zhao still assumes a proper imperial attitude.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please submit the memorials one by one. 99

Soon, an old man stood up and said:

"Your Majesty, recently, the people who built the Great Wall in the Shanhaiguan area have often complained, and even started to form parties for profit and secretly plan a strike. This matter is no trivial matter, and there may be remnants of the six countries. I urge you to send someone to investigate. !99

"Also, Shanhaiguan is the number one barrier in the world, and the progress of repairs cannot be delayed.

"Although the Xiongnu area has now been fully owned by our Daqin, in fact, there are very few "August 10" people in the Central Plains who are willing to go to the wild land.

"In case Shanhaiguan cut corners during the construction, the Huns would develop their own power with legitimate reasons while they were working for us. Once they became a climate, it would mean that they knew the defense points of our Daqin, and even penetrated in to prevent them. No defense!

After he finished saying these words, the First Emperor laughed and said, "I already knew about this matter.

"Is there no king in the world, they think the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so I don't know about the dirty things they do?"

"I see that they have meritorious deeds when they built the Great Wall, and there is no clear evidence of a crime, so I will not investigate them for the time being, but the iron eagle warriors on the Black Ice Terrace are constantly monitoring their every move.

"Even if they eat a few dishes tonight and sleep with a few women, I know clearly that if one day they dare to plot a rebellion, they will be killed by thunder.

"However, I am tolerant of righteousness and willing to surrender to the loyal ones of Daqin, and I will not hold them accountable, but they will not change their lives, and those who have repeatedly made mistakes in ancient times or others will definitely be severely punished."

"My emperor is holy!"

After retreating, another courtier stood up and said: "Chen Zhe, in the eastern Zhejiang area, tax revenue has been reduced by more than half, it is a fertile land, and people are prosperous. With this result, it may be that local officials have become corrupt. I hope Your Majesty will look into the situation!”

"The minister said that since the last great victory defeated the Huns, the remnants of the Huns colluded with the East Hu, and then entered the Chen Kingdom, sometimes harassing the Liaodong County, and the number of people was hundreds of thousands. In other words, the remnants of the Huns also have a tendency to recover from wildfires!

Lao Zhao's face became solemn, "I also understand the situation in Liaodong County, and your memorials are clearly written.

"What do you think should be done when the remnants of the Huns invaded Daqin?"

The hall was quiet for a moment, and someone immediately stood up and shouted: "Kill him without leaving a piece of armor!"

"The Huns are cruel by nature. Even if the Qin Dynasty does not take care of them, they will loot the frontier lands in autumn and winter. The Hu people live in bitter and cold places, where the wheat seeds cannot survive, and they are also suspected of infringing upon the surrounding counties and counties. , Killing it is not a pity! 95

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Ha ha ha ha…."

The hearty laughter came from the mouth of the first emperor, and all the ministers made a heroic move.

"Those who violate my Daqin will be punished even if they are far away!"

"Can any warrior volunteer to quell the rebellion in Liaodong?"

As soon as this statement came out, the generals enthusiastically joined in.

"Okay, Wang Ben, Marquis of Tongwu, listened to the order, I ordered you to wipe out the remnants of the Huns in Liaodong within forty-five days, do you have any objection?

"I swear to return to my life, and I will make the Huns and the eastern Hu barbarians beheaded under the horse!

"it is good.

The first emperor was overjoyed, and he was in a good mood for a while.

"As expected of my Daqin man!

However, with an exclamation and a loud noise, a figure fell heavily at the door of the Chaotang.

I saw that this person was covered in sweat, and his legs were covered in blood.

"Bold, to be so rude?

The surrounding soldiers were about to take it out.

Wen Chen stepped back, and the generals stopped in front, glaring at each other, worried that this was an assassin.

"Report, the auspicious beast, the auspicious beast is white and black, its life is not long!

I thought that there was something important to report from the military, the first emperor was full of anger and vowed to send troops to encircle and suppress him.

But who would have imagined that something went wrong with that lovely and pitiful protector of the country!

This is a big problem!

He is an auspicious beast bestowed upon him by God, he knows the future well, and after spending so many days together, he has already developed deep feelings.

Without it, Daqin would at least lose nearly a hundred years of national fortune!

"What's the matter, speak slowly, let him finish, what's wrong with Bai Zhu?"

I just listened to Lao Zhao looking at Xinzi in front of him distressedly and asked, and how did this person face such an impetuous emperor Zhenrong, he was so frightened that he stammered, "It, it has finished discussing the gunpowder construction factory at noon today. After the incident, he suddenly vomited blood, passed out and fell into a coma."

"Miss Yinman was heartbroken, she even fainted from crying, even after being treated by the imperial doctor, she still hasn't woken up!


Old Zhao Longyan was shocked: "I gave it all the rewards of food and copper coins in the fief, and even sent my favorite daughter to accompany it and pamper it, how could such a thing happen?"

After he finished saying these words, the letter in front of him said: "Three days of freezing is not a day's cold, the imperial doctor said that the white and black pulses are weak, I am afraid, it is the end of the day..."

"Bai Hei is the auspicious beast of my Great Qin who protects the country. How could he die so easily?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!


Nobuko bit what he said was not wrong.

"If you tell a lie, it is a crime of deceiving the king! 55

After the warning from the minister in front of him was over, the letter said: "If what I say is the slightest false, your majesty can put me to death. 35


The First Emperor's eyes instantly became extremely dull, and his face became extremely ugly.

2.2 The voice is as humble as an ant: "Quick, quick, bring the best imperial doctor in Xianyang Palace, and go with me to Jingyang! 99

The ministers were noisy and chaotic in the courtroom, and people came and went, all trying to find the imperial doctor.

But at this time, a soldier came riding a flying horse from outside the door.


"Eight hundred miles urgently!"

"The war in Liaodong is tight, the remnants of the Huns fled to Donghu, and the commander of Liaodong rebelled and surrendered to the enemy, and it has been completely lost!"

"The enemy army can be called an army of 300,000 people, and they are invincible, and they are approaching Yuyang County!


At the time of confusion, it is not known who came out of the crowd.

"The auspicious beast of protecting the country will die, and the fortune of the Qin Dynasty will be exhausted!"

"This is... a great omen, an omen! 35

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