I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 229 The Disaster of Blood Light

"Thank you, Lord Rui Beast Long En Bandai, we will definitely go all out, and we will definitely put the production of black powder on the agenda."

Xi Yingfeng nodded in agreement.

Baihei's eyelids blinked, and suddenly he thought again, "Just putting it on the schedule? No, no, you have to determine a specific time. 】

[The government's money and food are all in place, and the problem of empty wages must be solved. Although Mo Xue is not worried about it, the scale of the merger of the two shipyards is already very large. This time, a gunpowder factory will be established. , then she will have fewer opportunities to be there in person. 】

[It is inevitable that the people who work under her are flattering, cutting corners, delaying the construction period, and privately appropriating public funds, etc. 】

Yin Man conveyed: "Daqin gave you money and food, not to let you put things on the agenda, let alone to spend money to see the waters, but to let you do it well."

"Since you feel that you are competent enough, set a certain deadline to supervise the progress.

"Daqin is not short of money and food. If there is any difficulty, even if you speak up, you will definitely do everything to help you, but you must respect the law, strictly manage your subordinates, and don't let them take advantage of the situation to do some stupid things."5


"What the princess said is very true.

“I must strictly manage my subordinates and prevent the emergence of corrupt practices.95

"It's just that this is a major event that Daqin and even its predecessors have never done before. It is inevitable that there will be some problems that delay the progress, and we need to discuss countermeasures together, so it's not bad.

"According to the normal process, going to Jiangdu this time to recruit civilians, plus the cost of collecting, can make the gunpowder factory operate normally in about 60 days."

Yin Man frowned slightly, "Sixty days, why does it take so long?"

Xi Yingfeng said with confidence, "The transportation cost is very high. It takes time to convene the people and organize the collection. It does take a longer time."

【Of course!】

[However, 60 days is still too long! It has to be shortened! 】

After Yinman recited, Xi Yingfeng's face was a little embarrassed, "Sir Rui Beast, this time the task is to open a gunpowder factory, and collecting these three raw materials is naturally not a problem, but if we want to shorten the time, it will definitely improve the work of the people. As a result, I am afraid it will lead to public dissatisfaction.

"For work that exceeds their burden, they need to pay more money, so that they will feel that the court owes them nothing.

Patriotism is another matter, and there are absolutely indispensable things.

【What do you think, how do you plan to fix it, let’s hear what you plan to say?】

Yin Man: "Tell me about your plans, how are these 60 days allocated?

Xi Yingfeng nodded, "Jingyang County is a 30-day round trip from Jiangdu County. It takes 10 days to hire people, 10 days to organize a search, and 10 days to start the factory. This is the most conservative estimate. If there is an accident on the way, the time will only be short. not much!"

Bai Hei's heart is not at ease.

[Did you blow dust for your two Vermillion Birds, there are those two things, I'm afraid it's too much to go back and forth for five days? 】

【Let you set up the gunpowder factory to operate normally, and there is no requirement for your output, grinding and chirping, how can there be so many excuses! 】

Yinman conveyed: "Sir Baihei said that the two Vermillion Birds that were given to you this time can be used as you like. This thing can carry a lot of goods, and it can fly across the sky. Five days is enough for a round trip!"

"When the time comes, someone will take you there."

"So good, within seven days, the gunpowder factory will be up and running.

After he finished speaking, Bai Hei nodded.

[Let Gao Chong, the bird man, take him to see the Vermilion Bird Organ Beast of my Daqin!]

[I really don't know, I don't understand the greatness of my great Qin treasures! 】

After Bai Hei scolded, he took out a packet of potato chips from his pocket, and ate it crunchy.

But halfway through the meal, he froze there unbearably, shivering all over his body.

When Yin Man saw that the situation was wrong, she immediately came to offer her condolences: "Xiao Baihei, is there any discomfort in your body? 55

After she asked and said this sentence, Bai Hei blinked his black eyes, shook his clumsy head, opened his mouth, like a child, but because of his clumsy body, he looked more and more stupid.

"It turned out to be biting on the mouth, and eating in such a hurry, it seems that someone is trying to rob you. 39

Yin Man couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering.

[I still laugh, my mouth is almost gone, can't I comfort and comfort? 】

"Okay, don't be sad, you'll be fine in a few days, or can I call a few alchemists to show you?

After she finished speaking, Bai Hei shook his head directly, [Don't give me another magic pill to make troubles all over the city, I never have extravagant hopes for them! 】

··For flowers..

"Then there's nothing I can do, hee hee.

In front of such a cute thing, this Daqin princess naturally lost her dignified and serious look, and looked like a little girl.

Leaning on the aggrieved big cute thing, I really don't know who is injured now!

Baihei is painful in the body, but sweet in the heart.

To have such a beautiful sister lying in her arms is simply the pinnacle of a bear body.

It's a pity that I am not human now...

I wandered around the system mall for a long time, but I didn't see the option to transform into a human being. Maybe only in a dream can I have the opportunity to linger with them...

It's just...it hurts.

Iron-eating beasts are worthy of being iron-eating beasts. The exaggerated bite force can even bite through steel plates. They usually eat bamboo shoots. This strength is no joke!


This time, it's better, I bit into my own mouth!

I didn't feel anything at first, but now, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

A bit of groggy feeling came up in my mind, I thought it was because I had eaten too much, and the stomach pressure in my stomach was too much, so I wanted to sleep after I was full.

But what I never expected was a sudden loud cry at this time, breaking all of Bai Hei's fluke thoughts.



The Yin Man, who was comfortably holding Bai Hei, suddenly screamed and looked at the blood on her hands.


Bai Hei looked at the Yin Man in front of him helplessly, stunned that he had no strength for anything, and it seemed that it was very difficult to raise his arms.

Yin Man anxiously looked at the big man in front of him. After so many days together, he already had feelings for him. Suddenly, so much blood came out of his mouth. It was really scary!

"You, what's wrong with you, tell me?"

Bai Hei shook his head, his eyes were shaky, and he was about to fall asleep, which frightened Yin Man quite a bit.

[I'm fine, just sleepy. 】

As soon as he finished speaking, his head tilted, and his heavy body fell to the ground with a bang.

Anxious Yin Man cried out, "The imperial doctor! The imperial doctor!

The figure outside the hall hurriedly ran, and then hurried away, still shouting in shock: "Master Rui Beast is dying, pass the imperial doctor! 99


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