Bai Zhi plans to use the reward exchange space of the lying flat system to see if there is any gain.

【Yellow powder】

[Effect: The power is twenty times that of black powder, easy to store and relatively safe. 】

[Lying flat points: 500,000]


500,000 lying flat points!

Such a huge amount, why not grab it?

But if you think about it carefully, yellow gunpowder does have a huge effect. Until modern times, most of the used ones are extended from yellow gunpowder.

And easy to store, relatively safe and powerful.

With it, it is possible to improve Daqin's technology by a whole century!

But at present, if the yellow gunpowder is exchanged, it cannot be fully utilized for the time being, and can only be watched dryly as it eats ashes in the warehouse.

So decisively gave up the idea of ​​exchanging yellow gunpowder.

He turned his attention to something else.

【New news!】

[Black powder has been unlocked, you can view the development of technology branches]

This prompt made Bai Hei a lot of curiosity.

So without hesitation, I opened this column.

【Fire Gun (Elementary)】

[Type: bird gun, five-eyed gun, alphabet gun, ten-eyed gun, rocket...] 807

[Effect: Uninterrupted shooting at 30 steps away can cause great lethality and restrain the cavalry. l

[Originated from: the early and middle periods of the Ming Dynasty]

[Lying flat points: 8000]


【Fire Gun (Intermediate)】

[Types: Five Thunder God Machines, Tiger Crouching Cannons, Red Cannons, Fire Dragons Out of Water, Mines...]

[Effect: Weapons of mass destruction, with powerful destructive power, can be used in siege and naval battles. With sights, it is more accurate. 】

[Original: Mid-Ming Dynasty]

[Lying flat points: 16000]


[Account balance: 25,000 lying flat points]

Suddenly, looking at the things in the mall, white and black were in trouble.

The extension products of the two black powders are the revolutionary objects of ancient weapons!

There are many types, but in general, they can be classified into two types: firearms and artillery!

Although it is very cost-effective to exchange for primary fire guns, if there is no artillery, it is still impossible to deter the enemy directly when encountering pirates at sea.

Daqin's top priority now is to develop naval warfare ships.

Whether it is the previous Jingyang canned food or the Daqin treasure ship of the Daqin Shipyard, they are actually preparations for the future Daqin to enter the era of great navigation.



Now the last weapon is left.

Once the three are complete, improve the quantity and quality.

It believes that in this era, other countries are still busy with civil strife, or are living a small life in their own homes. It never imagined that in the mysterious East, such a powerful and mysterious country is quietly rising...

This time, the laggard changed.

In the final analysis, after thinking about it, it is not enough to have heavy cargo weapons such as artillery. First, it is slow to fill, and second, because it cannot move flexibly, it can only fix the turret to deter and strike.

Yes, there are 25,000 points left for lying flat, and two together will cost 24,000. All of a sudden back to before liberation, there is nothing left, and the sleeves are empty!

But there is no way, these are all necessities, grit your teeth, and exchange them all at once!

Swish all of a sudden.

Confirm redemption is selected.

[Lying flat points: -24000]

【Remaining points: 1000】

The points that I finally saved up, now that I don’t have it, it’s not heartache, it definitely doesn’t exist.


【Arsenal has been unlocked!】

[Current weapon reserves: three-eyed guns, five-eyed guns, bird guns, magic rockets, red-clothed cannons, fire dragons out of water, mines...]

[Quantity: 3,000 for each type of quality and craftsmanship]

【Do you want to ask for it from the arsenal?】


White and Black chose yes without hesitation.

With a swoosh, various types of fire cannons filled the entire Jingyang Mansion's warehouse.

Xiao He and Gao Chong's eyes (bbcc) were about to pop out.

This, this is all Bai Zhu's method?

"It's incredible. 35

Yin Man covered her mouth and looked at these bizarre things, and couldn't help being childish, thinking that these things must be very interesting.

She was right, but not very interesting, but very interesting.

Murder invisibly!

It can control the success or failure of the battlefield!

In this era of cold weapons, a team of fully-armed hot weapons suddenly appeared.

Combining the burst gun with the artillery, it can annihilate the enemy thousands of miles away and cannot get close, even with the hardest shield, it is a waste of effort!

There is nothing that can't be solved with one shot, if there is, then two shots!

It's just that these things can't be publicized for the time being.

I have to go and call Lao Zhao over to let him breathe.

The heart of the emperor is very suspicious. Once he has this strength, he will be suspected of being a country within a country.

Therefore, you must report in advance to show your loyalty, in case there will be some loyal and righteous people, or a villain, who will sow discord between yourself and Lao Zhao.

[These things are important national weapons, and every hour must be guarded by heavy troops. Do not let anyone know the news, and those who violate the order will be executed directly. 】

Yin Man was very tempted to see these refined gadgets, but Bai Zhu was determined not to let such a girl touch these gadgets.

In this age when people's thinking is still relatively conservative, it is actually not a good thing to have a large number of advanced weapons.

Utensils are always just utensils, and those who cannot use them have no greed.

Except myself of course.

What kind of bad thoughts can you have with a small meat dumpling of your own?



Looking at the scenery in the courtroom of Lao Zhao on weekdays, in fact, secretly making thousands of memorials every day, the kind that is uninterrupted 24 hours a day, so tired, why should I embarrass myself?

Lying down and enjoying the bear's body, isn't it fragrant?

Although Bai Hei had such a mind, he still entered the hall in response to the wind.

[Today, I have to send him a big errand, and it is also to verify whether he is a useful talent! 】

[I ordered him to take people to the local area to search for raw materials and collect them, and hereby dispatched 30,000 carriages, three Suzaku organs and beasts, and 300,000 stone grains to gather people and people with lofty ideals from all over the world. 】

[There is a mansion in the east of Jingyang County. After the things are retrieved, they will be sent directly there to be stored, and a gunpowder factory will be built there, specializing in the manufacture of black gunpowder. 】

[Apply for money and grain from the Ministry of Industry every month, and can recruit workers from the private sector. 】

Yin Man conveys its meaning.

After Xi Yingzhen heard it, he was grateful to Dade.

"Thank you, Lord Rui Beast for the important task, I will definitely live up to my expectations when I go this time! 35

Yin Man nodded: "You must know that what you are carrying now is not just an invention, but a national weapon. If you can accomplish this well, it will definitely be recorded in the annals of history in the future, and it will last forever. , and even future generations will benefit the world because of your invention...",

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