This academic ethos is actually the same as the social ethos.

Once the atmosphere of exploration and knowledge is formed, it will spread rapidly.

Since that day, after the incident of Xi Yingfeng, the circle of sages in the world was like a pot of porridge, and it all boiled.

Since the Warring States Period, the status of alchemists has not been significantly improved.

It has also been in a more embarrassing position.

One is that no substantial achievements have been made, and the other is that there are problems in the system itself.

The reason why the kings at that time believed in alchemists was because they pursued the elixir of immortality, believing that there is heaven outside the sky, there are people outside the world, and there are immortals in the mountains and forests in the world.

And alchemists are linked to these things. They are some special people who cure diseases and save people, similar to the doctors of later generations. Old Chinese medicine doctors usually wander in the deep mountains, or collect medicines in remote places in various regions, and it is inevitable to encounter some strange things. This is a good reason to fool the king!

No one wants to make themselves immortal. In that ignorant era, the innocent emperors all thought about making themselves immortals.

Therefore, the status of the alchemist is often determined by the emperor's good or bad mood.

But as the saying goes, accompany the king is like accompany the tiger, the disaster of killing one's body often happens, and there are also many unexpected blessings.

Just like Xu Fu, when Qin Shihuang was confused in his later years, he proposed the idea of ​​seeking benefits to find immortals. This time period was just stuck at a critical point, so he could get so many benefits.

An alchemist without anyone to help and trust is lonely.

The current white and black has given all the alchemists in the world a stable thing to do, which can also be regarded as an indirect improvement of the alchemist's status.

At least let them know what to do and what not to do.

And these famous alchemists no longer have to work hard to refine the so-called elixir in order to seek immortality.

This approach is utterly stupid.

Bai Zhi wants to reverse this distorted atmosphere and change the "people-oriented" "basic" of alchemists into "people-oriented" and "country-oriented"

There are many elixir between heaven and earth, but there are also many medicines that people explore and synthesize by themselves. It is not the exclusive privilege of immortals to transform heaven and earth for their own use, but the difference caused by each person's different cognition.

All people in later generations can be called immortals in ancient times.

Because the ancients believed that the heaven and the earth cannot be changed, but this has been abandoned for a long time in the later generations, and things against the sky are happening almost every day.

As long as such a situation is opened, I believe that what will follow one after another will be a hundred schools of thought and a hundred flowers blooming in culture.

Although the starting point of Bai Zhu's approach was good, it still brought him a lot of trouble.

Numerous alchemists passed ten, ten to a hundred, and in just a few days, countless people came to show their new inventions.

Immortal elixir, bizarre and ingenious tricks, etc., were all in sight, all of which were rejected by Bai Zhu for various reasons. Fundamentally speaking, these things have no substantial use, so they were rejected by him to the end. .

At this time, Bai Hei was lying on the soft couch, wearing a little yellow hat, scratching his head from time to time, feeling extremely depressed.

In order to personally check, the decrees issued these days are any invention, and all those that can benefit people's livelihood can be rewarded.

The premise is to pass the review of the white and black adults in person.

This is undoubtedly a great thing for the group of alchemists who came to Jingyang County. Who wouldn't want to spend their whole lives in exchange for fame?

But it's been harder for anyone who's wanted to do that since ancient times.

But now White and Black gave them this opportunity.

But it also brought its own problems.

Why is a man so different before and after marriage?

The fundamental reason is because of the woman's fussy and fussy character, no matter how good-tempered a man is, he will be troubled by the things women are entangled in, and his mind will change greatly.

And although Bai Hei was an out-and-out bachelor in his previous life, he was so pissed off by some outrageous inventions now.

Show off all the weird stuff.

Anything can be called a rare treasure.

Without saying anything else, I can say that I hate the so-called panacea the most, but some of them are desperate.

On the contrary, the white and black are not light.

Who doesn't know what kind of elixir is to fool people. It is made by mixing some messy things with heavy metals and honey to condense it into an elixir. Among them, the means are the most ferocious.

However, on this day, the sudden arrival of Xi Yingfeng aroused the favor of Bai Hei.

Xiao He stood in the front and reported, "Since I went back yesterday, Mr. Xi has not been idle, from dawn to dark."

Xi Yingfeng's face was full of dirt and he couldn't wipe it off, but he was presented with three different stones in his hands.

Then, without saying a word, he took out the bowl, crushed it into powder one by one, and mixed it together.

Open the flame, a little.


The powder brightens up in an instant.

This scene is like Bai Zhi's mood. He couldn't calm down for a long time, but it became clear in an instant.

[One hundred thousand reward, one hundred acres of fertile land, and a pair of good walls! 】

[Ten beauties, one mansion in the city, big prizes and special prizes! 】

Yin Man couldn't believe that Bai Zhu, who had always been strict with his subordinates, now treats Xi Yingfeng so generously.

After hearing the words, Xi Yingfeng thanked him, but his heart was more comfortable than anything else.

"The three stones should be the three kinds of sulfur, nitrate, and carbon that the auspicious animal said. After mixing sulfur, saltpeter, and charcoal (Qian's Zhao) together, they can burn violently when heated, and even produce Huge impact, extremely powerful.

"In addition, I also found that when grinding the three kinds of stones into powder, due to the remaining residue, a small proportion of the mixture can also ignite due to friction, which is very dangerous."

Baihei saw the burn marks on his hands.

This is what a country's loyal ministers should look like, not a wine bag and a rice bag, who can't do anything.

Black powder was invented in early China.

With it, it is possible to promote and develop basic firearms, artillery and other thermal weapons.

But black powder still has its own drawbacks. Although it is powerful, it is not easy to store, and it is very dangerous. It may ignite when it encounters friction or collision.

And yellow gunpowder is almost something invented in Europe. Although it is easy to use, it is from the hands of others.

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