I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 226 Mixed medicine of 3 substances

"After the burning incident that day, I have been looking for the reason for this, and then I saw the order of Lord Rui Beast to summon the soldiers of the world, and this is why I came here today."

"And for this, I also brought the remaining materials of the day. Because of the cause of the fire, they are all here and remain motionless. Maybe I can find the answer."

Bai Hei thought it was quite interesting in his heart, and immediately ordered Yinman to convey the scene of making him re-enact the medicine refining that day.

And ordered someone to carry up a big cauldron that was specially supplied to alchemists for refining medicine.

"It's so good, the fire that day was just an accident, and now you will get the answer if you try it deliberately.


The white-haired old man said with hatred and hatred: "It is absolutely impossible, Lord Rui Beast, you must think twice! 95

"This beggar child is arguing wildly, but it has no basis and no basis. Don't believe his one-sided words. 35

"What if there is a lie in what he said, and there is an accident, and the Jingyang mansion is set on fire?"

"This is a dangerous thing, and there must be no mistakes, let alone let such an inexperienced person make a fool of yourself!""

After thinking about it, Fusu 11 also stood up and said: "Master, what this old man said is very true, in the lobby, there should be no fire, so as to avoid accidents. 35

The old man with white temples was very moved when he saw this young man speaking for him, "This young man is really insightful, you can tell at a glance that he is a swashbuckling warlock!

Fu Su was used to being pampered and kept her eyes fixed on Yin Man, but she only said two words, "Retreat."

Immediately, my heart was terrified. Could it be that Master believed the words of this beggar?

But don't make a mistake!

He spoke again: "Really think about it, think about whether it's really okay, so as not to take risks and waste time."35

Scientific exploration should be full of challenges and opportunities. Even if there is a little bit of hope, it is necessary to seize it, and then it is possible to move forward.

Obviously, the old man with the temples in front of him couldn't know so much.

But there is still hope, and in Fusu's eyes, he naturally values ​​this old man very much. After all, he is old and has a wealthy family. If he goes out to inquire about it, he might be a master of any school.

The difference from the beggar alchemist in front of him is simply a world of difference.

【To shut up!】

[Where is so much nonsense, gunpowder is from something you have never seen before, everyone has the responsibility to contribute to its invention, this person dares to stand up against all opinions and stand up, it is already amazing , and his point of view is close to correct, but it cannot be determined for the time being, and verification has become a must. 】

【The test in front of you is carried out in front of everyone, just so everyone can witness this strange thing with their own eyes. 】

After Yinman finished speaking, Fusu, who was in front of him, was ashamed, nodded and said, "The disciple is stupid, because the disciple doesn't understand the meaning of the master."

After he finished saying this, Bai Hei was not angry.

After scribbly nodding, he focused all his attention on the big cauldron in front of him.

He raised his heavy hand, pointed to the big tripod in front of him, and signaled that the seat should start.

I saw that he slowly took out a dark cloth bag, which was filled with all kinds of stones and sundries, some unpretentious, some crystal clear, small and exquisite, all kinds, everything.

Bai Hei has such a fluke mentality in his heart, so many stones, it seems that he often goes to the mountains, is it possible that it is really possible for him to meet a dead mouse?

This is impossible to say until it happens.

Xi Yingzhen quickly excluded some of these stones, took a sniff, and put them into a small saucer.

The fire gradually burned.

The tripod was filled with charcoal, and soon the fire started to burn.

The crowd watched around such a large cauldron, and their hearts were full of curiosity.

But the flame trembled for a long time, and there was still no sudden increase in the phenomenon, and the voices of doubts became more and more.

"How can there be the image of increasing fire just mentioned?"

"There is no reaction at all, this is just ordinary fire, nothing special at all!

"Nonsense, it's just a bunch of nonsense, and there is no increase in fire at all!"

"Is he really lying?"

"It's really a savage warlock of the rivers and lakes, who actually deceived the protector of the kingdom of Daqin's holy beast.

However, just as everyone was swearing, suddenly, a flame of flame jumped and made a "hissing" sound.

At the same time, there was a burst of black smoke from the unburned flame.

And the unpleasant, pungent smell of rotten eggs.

Seeing this, Bai Zhe rushed forward to watch, and saw that in this big cauldron, the flames rose up, and in an instant, a dazzling light was emitted, reaching the sky, but in less than ten breaths, it was eclipsed.

Yes, this is the prototype of black powder!

Although the ratio has not been evenly reconciled, it is basically usable.

This is a process from scratch, and it is also the first time that White and Black did not rely on the lay-flat system to make achievements.

As long as there is such a concept of gunpowder, things will be much easier in the future!

"I still have a lot of remaining raw materials here, and I can verify the authenticity again."

"No need to verify.""

Yinman said directly: "Xi Yingfeng, from now on, will go to the post of Minister of Industry of Jingyang County to assist Shangshu in handling tedious practical tasks such as craftsmen and national infrastructure."

Xi Yingzhen nodded his thanks naturally, "Thank you for your kindness, Lord Ruiwu, it's just..."

807 "Just what?"

Yin Man is puzzled, this is a great gift, how can you be greedy?

"It's just that I have no virtue and no talent, and I have no luck to get this recognition. I am not worthy of such a big official position. I am really scared. Please take back your holy life."5

"You can do it, you don't have to shirk.

Yin Man's words at this time were all told by Bai Zhi's heart.

"I'm really scared and can't escape, so I have to accept it. But among the thousands of demands, I only have one condition."

"What conditions?"

"What I pursue is something full of danger, so in the event of an accident, I hope Lord Rui Beast can forgive me and not hold me accountable.

"Otherwise, having an official position will further restrict me from contributing to Da Qin.


Yin Man said without hesitation.

【Good. 】

【A talent like this kind of outspoken, clear-eyed, and without any background background is his future capable minister. If he thinks that being an official is too restrictive, we really won't let him go!】

[If he wants to be his own, within the academic scope, give him freedom!]

[No matter what you make or what new propositions are made, as long as it is reasonable and reasonable, not only will you not be punished, but you will also be rewarded and commended, so that people in the world can learn from it, and it is actually very important to develop such a good atmosphere. ].

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