I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 220 Trial of Daqin Treasure Ship

After the order was issued, Mo Xue brought his men to take over the shipyard where Gong Shuliang was previously. In fact, he was full of dissatisfaction.

Some forces of the good and the bad are still colluding to oppress the farmers and the common people.

Mo Xue had already heard about these things before she came.

Therefore, Baihei hereby lends her fifteen iron eagle soldiers from the Black Ice Platform to prevent some wicked people.

And she was also happy. Before her own people arrived, she directly ordered the fifteen iron eagle soldiers to come here to supervise first, and gave them the right to kill first and then report.

At the beginning, there were still a few desperate people who jumped out to rebel, but when the incomparably brave black shadow soldiers beheaded several leaders, everyone else was terrified. .

After more than ten days in this way, after Mo Xue personally visited Gongshuliang's shipyard, the work has become orderly.

Although at the beginning, she was not too sure, but seeing the farmers here working hard after they got the money they deserved, she knew that the group of people in front of her were not hopeless.

At least most of the people are saved, and as for the small number of black sheep, she has almost already knew how to deal with them.

what to do, what to do.

When she came here on the first day, she ordered: "From now on, you will be ordered to be divided into 20 groups according to the number of people. Each group is responsible for different matters. If you complete the daily quantitative tasks, you can receive money and food normally, and complete it in advance. And those who pass the quality will get an extra reward! 99

Such an order is rare.

But even more difficult to see is the ability to unite knowledge and action.

Usually, some leaders fail to fulfill their promises after crotches in Haikou. This is a very contradictory thing.

Mo Xue's difficulty in doing this, let's not talk about whether it is possible or not, let's talk about how to distinguish between cutting corners and how to know?

It's all ambiguous things with no concept at all.

How does one count as well, how does one count as a task completed?

In fact, she has already arranged it, and a special teacher is in charge to remove all the worms that don't work hard, leaving only the obedient ones.

At the beginning, the remaining forces of Gongshuliang still thought of oppressing the farmers to work, and then they went to receive the reward themselves, replaying their tricks, and being lazy and bullying others in different ways.

Unexpectedly, on the first day, more than a dozen good and bad parties were excluded from the production team and executed.

Played the role of killing chickens and warning monkeys.

No one has dared to die like this since that time.

Because they all understood a truth, that is, the very handsome girl in front of me just looks benevolent and righteous on the surface. In fact, her methods are more cruel than anyone else. As long as you do something, They don't give any affection at all, and they are very clear on the basis of facts and people.

But once she leaves the shipyard, she turns around and becomes a good friend by your side, a considerate big girl.

Public and private distinction.

The advantage of having such a boss is that the rules can be effectively implemented, the sweat that should be shed a lot, and the money that should be taken has never been owed again since then.

Some farmers even completed work tasks ahead of schedule when their enthusiasm was high, and received unexpected copper coins as rewards. This behavior directly increased everyone's enthusiasm for work.

In addition, some craftsmen also got advice from their peers.

After the merger of the two shipyards, the exchanges in craftsmanship, as well as the magic and ingenuity of Mojia's mechanical techniques, all began to show vigorous vitality.

The casting of the Daqin treasure ship has already been put on the agenda.

Almost all the prototypes of countless treasure ships have been made, and the skeletons are stranded on the construction site, waiting for the next step.

The merger of the two shipyards has greatly strengthened the communication between each other. While showing off their craftsmanship, the craftsmen also shared their valuable experience, which made both sides take a lot of detours.

After all, shipbuilding is a very serious matter. The treasure ship will have to transport a large amount of materials for sailing. It must not be sloppy, otherwise, once there is a problem during the sailing, it will really be a heavy loss.

It's ok if something goes wrong before you get into the water, but if something goes wrong after you get into the water, it's a big deal.

Light imprisonment and capital punishment, severe beheading!

According to the Daqin law, this is the way, so the craftsmen checked again and again, tested the air tightness with water, mixed all kinds of knowledge, plus the conclusions from practice, and finally, one after another, the Daqin treasure ships fell into the water one after another. ..

no problem.

In addition, in order to know the weighing ability of these treasure ships, Mo Xue also deliberately made people fill with buckets of water and put them on the deck, and the results were astonishing.

In short, a Daqin treasure ship can be equipped with 30 Vermillion Birds, plus more than 100 crew members and some cargo.

Such a thing really deserves to be a national heavy tool.

When Bai Hei, who was far away in the Jingyang mansion, heard the news, his melancholy mood suddenly became brighter.

I sighed in my heart that I really did not see the wrong person!

Mo Xue is really a useful talent.

[Without sending anyone to help, she can clean up the remnants of Gong Shuliang's party and re-establish the order rules of the shipyard. 】

【This kind of ability is really a strange woman in the world!】

Yin Man smiled slightly, but did not speak, and seemed to be a little embarrassed.

But Bai Hei was already overwhelmed by joy at this moment and had no time to pay attention to these things, so he immediately sent someone to reward him.

[Because of Mo Xue's merit in making the Daqin Treasure Ship, an additional reward of 30,000 yuan and 3,000 stones of good rice are given as a reward. 】

After saying that, the official in charge of logistics withdrew.

Although the reward is very generous, for today's Jingyang County, it is a drop in the bucket.

Not worth a 2.2 mention at all.

Just a little drizzle, Jingyang County will soon take off, and all the investment now is meaningful!

After receiving the reward from Baihei, Mo Xue's work progressed more smoothly.

The things that were in short supply in the shipyard have now become abundant, the tools are no longer used together, and the conditions of accommodation and meals are much better than before.

When they first took over, because a large amount of money was taken away by Hu Hai and confiscated, even if the rules and regulations were changed, the lives of farmers and craftsmen were still not very comfortable.

But fortunately, the white and black adults sent carbon in the fire, and now it has completely returned to normal.

After rewarding a few people who worked diligently on weekdays, the shipyard's progress has been accelerated again.

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