I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 219 Discussing the Restructuring of Jingyang

If it was said that a large number of newspapers were generated from the beginning, maybe the farmers would not approve it, and even the literati would scoff at it, and they would feel that this thing was useless and useless.

Bai Zhi's idea and starting point are actually quite good, but in practical terms, he has to consider a fatal problem.

That is how many people in Daqin can recognize characters today?

How many illiterate people are there?

After publishing so many newspapers, can you ensure that everyone has a copy on hand~, can they all understand it?

What if I run into some illiterate people?

After all, most people are ordinary people. In this era, it is quite good to be able to get a full meal, not to mention these spiritual enjoyment and satisfaction.

Therefore, most of the people in the Qin Dynasty were ordinary people, and there were not many scholars at all. This is one of the reasons why Qin Shihuang could easily unify in the history of Qin Shihuang. After all, most of the people were illiterate. The seven countries were originally one country. , Unifying the language, unifying the currency, and making changes when everyone has not yet formed a unified concept is actually feasible.

Now everything is just the beginning, so at this time, what must be done is to make a good start, otherwise the most obvious consequence is that it will affect the subsequent dynasties and generations.

They will absorb some favorable things from the previous dynasty, and will inevitably be subtly influenced by the customs and habits of the previous dynasty.

"Maybe we have to think about the restructuring in another way.

Yin Man suddenly spoke up at this time.

"Although many people in Daqin have no problem with basic language communication, in fact, there are still many people who don't know how to understand words."

"Not everyone can go to a private school to study."

"So it is better to set up a public notice sheet for newspapers and post it at the gates of the city for the people to watch. The people have a large population, and there are always people who are eager to learn. know what's written on it."

"Not only that, but for some of the most heinous villains or fugitives, this notice can also be used to mark the reward. Those who have the ability will reveal the list. After catching the criminal, this can be used as a certificate to receive the reward. 35

"Not only does it increase the credibility of the official family, but it can also discover those who have real talents and practical learning in the world.

After Yinman finished saying these words, Baihei looked at her with relief.

He reached out his furry paws and stroked her cheeks.

I was moved in my heart, the child has grown up, and not only has his own ideas.

Isn't this the old king list?

Those who reveal the list are equivalent to taking orders from the government, and in some places, because of the difficulty of the matter, they will provide some assistance and important information before taking over the matter.

Of course, even the government can't do things, you can imagine how tricky it will be. Ordinary people and some people who are stealing chickens and dogs, trying to fish in troubled waters can save it, and they don't have the qualifications to uncover them without any unique skills. This list, unless the brain has just been caught in the door.

Bai Hei pondered the words for a while, holding his chin thoughtfully.

What Yin Man said can indeed be realized in a short period of time, and the cost is relatively small, and it is also beneficial to the officials of various places.

But thinking about it again, something is wrong. If that's the case, isn't it a newspaper?

Newspapers and announcements are two different things.

The things on the bulletin have absolute credibility, but the newspaper is different. The newspaper can write about anything, any recent events, and can accurately indicate the time and place, accurate to the time and moment, but the bulletin is different, the bulletin can only It is only when a major event occurs that it can be posted and announced to the world, so that the world can comment.

However, the reason why newspapers cannot be popularized by the whole people nowadays always comes from the fact that the cultural level of the people themselves is not particularly high.

Therefore, it will lead to the embarrassment of white and black now.

[This is different from newspapers. The publicity you mentioned can only post real and credible things, and it must be true and effective. The newspapers I mentioned can write some other things, light things, not serious, real , can be written. 】

[But at present, it seems that the people of Daqin are not particularly literate, so if you want to promote the newspaper on a large scale, you have to start with the people. They don’t know how to read. Rotten in the warehouse and eating ashes]

··For flowers..

After thinking about these things with it in front of him, Yin Man nodded and also communicated to Xiao He who was standing next to him.

He also nodded, "If you want the common people to read, you have to let them read.

"This is a good thing for the country and the people."

"But actually, there is still pressure to act."

"Because if the wisdom of the people is opened, on the one hand, the people will be able to understand the book and reason, and it will be easier to govern. But on the other hand, if the monarch does not govern the country improperly and becomes a foolish monarch, he will bear the infamy of the ages. Of course, not only the monarch, but also the ordinary ministers. Again, everything needs to be done with great care.""

"And the most noteworthy point is, to teach the people to read and write, what should we do?


"The system before Daqin, whether it is the military merit system or the guest system, is seriously behind the times. Today's Daqin urgently needs a new talent selection system."

"After all, there are still too few literate people in Daqin today, so many counties and counties are not able to read it. At least some people must be brought in first, and then through the promotion and establishment of academies and private schools in various places, basic teaching is carried out. Only In this way, the knowledge level of the people can be significantly improved.

White and Black nodded.

[Let’s start with Jingyang County. If we can’t reform even a single place in Jingyang County, then everything else will be empty talk. 】

As it thought so, Yin Man conveyed its meaning.

Xiao He obeyed, nodded and slowly retreated.

"Your Excellency retire.

It seems that even with the space for luck and the rewards of the lying flat system, it is very difficult to accomplish these things that benefit the country and the people in the initial Qin Empire!

It is hard to imagine how Ying Zheng has accomplished so many big projects by himself.

If you put all these things on yourself, without the blessing of the laying system, you only know the history behind, whether you have the ability to change all this, I am afraid it is unknown!

Perhaps this is the greatness of Ying Zheng. He has done a feat that has been difficult for several generations or even a dozen generations to complete. He absolutely contributed to the prosperity of China's civilization! Knife,

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