I believe that in just a few days, the first batch of Daqin treasure ships will be able to sail completely.

This is also the result that Baihei hopes to see. If you want to expand the territory, the development of the ocean should be put first.

As long as Daqin entered the Age of Navigation ahead of time, it would surely be able to kill all the tragedies in the cradle before the old history happened, and even penetrate the Eastern culture into the West for a time.

Perhaps in the original history, all this was unlikely to have happened long ago.

But in the world that White and Black are now in, everything will be rewritten!

Its goal has never been the one-third of the acre in front of it, but the entire ocean and the entire world!

Any country will be the territory of Da Qin!

When you look at the sea, the places you can see, and the places you can't see, all become a country.

This is a great thing, and it is something that Ying Zhengqiu has never done in his life.

At that time, the country was strong and powerful, but from the king to the people, they were very ignorant and did not know how big the world was, and even thought that the world was centered on the Central Plains.

Conquering the world requires a cost, and talking about these things takes time to settle.

Although the preparations made now seem to be very sufficient, if it is really rushed into the water, there will inevitably be many problems that are missed.

If you don't rule out these omissions early, you may bring yourself big trouble in the future.

Not a one-day feature hit!

After the Daqin treasure ship fell into the water, it still could not be used as a warship to develop the navy, but had to work as a transport ship for a period of time.

After all, the things made based on the drawings of the Daming Treasure Ship have already undergone countless tests in later generations, and now I don't know how many crooked paths have been taken.

"A lot has happened outside recently.

"In the small Jingyang mansion, the inn is full of people, and even many aborigines have vacated their houses for others to rent temporarily."5

"Scholars in the world, all rushed here.

"The entire Jingyang County was almost overcrowded. It was overcrowded. There were people from all over the world, and they all came to discuss how to develop gunpowder. 99

How long has it been since then, the news that Fusu had previously released has now taken effect so quickly.

[This guy is really inappropriate, so hurried, even a notification was saved, leaving himself at a loss. 】

Bai Hei made a rare whimper, and the Yin Man on the side looked at him with a strange look after hearing it, but secretly snickered.

[Hey, what a laugh, this is a proper business opportunity! 】

[Knowing that after the news is released, all the people in the world will rush to this place. Where do they live and what to eat? There are not so many inns in the small Jingyang County. We can simply build some temporary residences and use some incomplete wood thatch , It can not only shelter the wind and rain, but also collect copper coins for people to rent. Isn't this another huge income?]

After Yin Man heard Bai Hei's voice, he understood what his expression just now meant.

"It's a no-brainer!"

Bai Hei snorted and turned around, "If you don't make money from others, sooner or later people in business will have to crawl over your head. 】

In fact, what Baihei said is absolutely true. In later generations, there were such examples. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, during the Chongzhen period, because all the money was in the hands of ministers and those businessmen, the court did not have military spending and could not distribute it. Grain and salaries lead to the disaster of destroying the country.

The ministers are reluctant to spend a tenth of their wealth to save the country, doesn't this just prove the nature of businessmen who do not go without profit?

Emperor Chongzhen was so poor that he could not pay him a salary, but instead he demanded money from everyone on the grounds of the righteousness of his family and country. Who would pay attention to him?

In the end, in order to protect their own interests and ministers to protect the interests of their own families, there are countless people who gave up national justice and joined the enemy to become traitors.

Doesn't this mean anything?

In the late Ming Dynasty, Chongzhen was not the ruler of the subjugated country, but had the order of subjugation, which was inevitable.

If you look at it from another angle, if there is such a chance, under the pressure of natural and man-made disasters, the Ming Dynasty opened the sea ban and conducted business in the sea, and introduced foreign trade to collect tariffs and business taxes. Military pay.

The peasants stick to their own two mu and three points of land, and they have no oil and water to scrape, but Chongzhen can't collect the business tax, and they repeatedly snatch the farmers. It is really strange that this kind of behavior does not trigger an uprising.

In the Apocalypse Dynasty, although the re-use of eunuchs led to chaos in the imperial court, at least the commercial tax could be collected to supplement the treasury.

This is enough to illustrate the importance of collecting business tax.

Or from the perspective of pragmatism, if a dynasty has no economic income and wants to make money to enrich the national treasury, there is no other way than doing business.

Since ancient times, businessmen have not been bound by law, and their interests are above.

People and money are their best talismans, but no one has ever designated relevant laws to manage businessmen's activities. Even if such an emperor pays attention, it's just a direct boycott.

Simple boycott is not only the best talisman in front of treacherous businessmen, hiding in the ground is more conducive to their development of their wealth and power.

After Yinman understood what he meant, he immediately said: "There are many scholars in the world, and it is still too late to open it.

Baihei nodded, [Even if the 803 restaurant and inn founded by the royal family were built in a hurry, they should have everything they need. After paying the money, they have to eat, drink, and have everything. Maybe among these alchemists, which one does not Be careful to become a minister of the Ministry of Industry! 】

"I'll call someone to do it right away."

After Yinman finished saying this, he called his subordinates, and after a few words in his ear, he left leisurely.

The news quickly reached Xiao He's ears.

There was an open space outside the Jingyang mansion, a place that was usually empty, but now there is a large group of royal guards stationed here in tents.

Unexpectedly, after watching the excitement for a while, the tents were all set up.

Gao Chong waved his pen and wrote four characters on the plaque, and everyone stepped forward to see, "Rent at the inn! 39

"Only 30 yuan a night, eat and eat, don't miss it if you pass by!

After hearing the news, the homeless alchemists on the street rushed over and checked in one after another.

Almost all the inns in the entire street have risen in price to more than 40 cents a night, but the temporary inn built by the royal army here is only 31 nights, and food and drink are included, and the level is immediately divided.

In an instant, all 80 temporary tents that were temporarily set up were rented out!

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