When she was at a loss, she raised her head to see Bai Hei's furious look staring at her. It was obvious that Hu Hai was very angry, and she still hasn't recovered.

If the father finds out, I am afraid that the elder brother will be severely punished again.

After all, it was he who made a mistake first, and then slandered Zhongliang for his own sake, causing Baihei to almost regret it for the rest of his life.

But what he never expected was that Baihei saw through all this.

But this matter still kept it in mind. After all, Hu Hai's work is a little too unreliable.

Asking him to beat Gong Shuliang, after getting a little sweetness, he still wanted to extort a sum of money from Miss Mo Xue, how could Bai Hei not see that he was so careful?

"I really don't know much about Mo Xue, I only know that her mechanics are very powerful, but she has a fatal flaw, that is, it cannot be spread, which means that it cannot be extended to more carpenters. loses its function.

"Technology that cannot be used.

"The Mo family's organ technique is truly miraculous."

[Actually, when Gong Shuliang first started shipbuilding, he held more than twice as much raw materials and craftsman resources as she did, and started work conscientiously, but he was never as fast or as good as her. 】

[This girl Moxue spent less than three days to reasonably allocate 803 resources of human resources under her subordinates, and used almost everyone on the blade, and everyone's work was done every minute and every second. Purposeful, the reason why she can keep the progress of the work efficiently is not only because of the advanced technology, but also because of her unique methods and unique insights in the aspect of employing people. 】

Yin Man nodded after hearing Bai Zhu's new life, "That's true, otherwise the craftsmen who work under her would be so loyal to her, and even the current prince would dare to do something to help her out of this evil... "

[Beat is good, it should be beaten, if I was there, I would like to slap him to death! 】

Bai Hei was so angry that he remembered the bad memories again, and he was almost pitted by this Hu Hai, not even the scum was left!

Yin Man couldn't help laughing and laughing as she looked at this big cute thing, "But because of Brother Hu's humiliation, it also brought us a good thing, didn't it?"

【What good things can he do? If he doesn't kill me, it's not bad, can there be any good news?】

Baihei looked at her suspiciously.

Although he was not very friendly verbally, he was still very curious about what the good thing Yin Man said was.

I saw Yin Man in front of him smiled and said, "The good thing is, of course, not only did you not lose a talent because of this, but you also found a piece of gold."

【You mean that girl Moxue?】

【Why do you say that?】

Although she has long known that she is the descendant of the Mo family's organ technique, it is only natural that she has done such a thing, but since Yinman said so, Bai Hei still wanted to know the reason why she said so.

"If you think about it, she handled this matter very well, has her own judgment, does not blindly follow the orders of her superiors, and has her own sense of proportion.

"When Brother Hu makes trouble, he can see the truth at a glance, and he won't let him take any advantage of it. As a result, Brother Hu not only didn't get a dime, but all the rewards he got were given by you. confiscated.

Say so too.

If she is really that kind of conscientious craftsman, perhaps Bai Hei really doesn't value her very much. After all, there are so many attributes that can be exchanged in the space of luck, and this original resource is not so conspicuous.

But since ancient times, there are only a handful of people who know and employ people.

No matter how powerful the emperor is, he will inevitably misunderstand and use treacherous officials to bring harm to the party.

When Mo Xue came, he gained the hearts and minds of many craftsmen and farmers, and he could also give some experience in craftsmanship, making them admire and convince them.

Secondly, it has its own unique technique of employing people, which can not only allow people to exert their greatest value, but also allow them to get the rest they deserve.

Using her as the head of the Daqin Treasure Ship Factory is simply perfect. (bbcc)

To put it simply, she may be born with leadership skills that no one else has.

[It's just that Mo Xue is only twenty-three years old now, she's still too young, and her mind is not mature enough, but it's not easy for a woman to have her skills. If she can polish it well, she is indeed a talent . 】

Bai Hei was full of praise for this Mo Xue.

Yin Man nodded, "The Minister of Industry has not yet decided on a candidate, can you think about it?"

[You and I really have a heart-to-heart bond and thought about it together. 】

[In this case, we will announce her appointment after Jingyang's system has been completely changed, and now, let her stay with her for the time being, and let her merge the two shipyards and manage them properly. 】

[There are some stubborn people in Gongshuliang's shipyard. If she can take care of all these people, I think she really has this ability. 】

Unconsciously, Xiao He pushed open the door from the outside and walked in.

"Wei Chen see Lord Rui Beast.

"No gift. 99

After Bai Hei took out a bottle of Coke and took a sip, he touched his bulging belly and opened his mouth.

【But you are here to discuss the restructuring of Jingyang?】

Yin Man acted as an interpreter's due duty, perfectly repeating his words.

Xiao He first listened to Yin Man's words, and then slowly turned his head to look at Bai Zhu, the auspicious beast in front of him.


"These days, Mr. Fusu discovered in some of the academies in Jingyang a kind of thing that is widely spread among scholars, called "Xiaoji", which is specially used to record some interesting happy news and spread among the groups.

"What I think is that maybe we can take this opportunity to expand this thing and give priority to supplying it to the group of scholars. The content can be some half-truth and half-false folklore, so that the literati who are living a bitter life can have fun in their spare time. , This thing will definitely be able to create an uproar in a short period of time."

"When the time is completely mature in the future, it will gradually be extended to the people. It will first become popular in Jingyang County, and then gradually develop into the county. Then in other places, you can see the "Notes" issued by these officials, and finally unified name. Newspaper, the content is written by the official academy designated by Daqin, and the gimmick is that the content is absolutely true."

Bai Hei was very optimistic about Xiao He's idea in his heart, and it was no wonder that he was a prime minister with such a comprehensive plan.

An absolutely real gimmick is a trick to deceive the people. In the age of information blockade, this is definitely a treasure with deadly lethality.

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