And although he escaped with a few of his subordinates, the others were detained again.

Hu Hai rushed to the Jingyang mansion.

After Bai Hei recovered his vitality, he waited in the lobby.

【Think you don't know the dirty things he did?】

【Want to get your face back, but was taught a lesson, you can't do anything about it, did you know that you came to find yourself?】

[Huh, this Hu Hai should be punished!]

After it finished thinking about these things, the Yin Man standing by the side also understood what it meant.

Okay, since it's going to be punished, then I'll punish him later.

Soon after.


Hu Hai knelt in front of Bai Hei, the auspicious beast protecting the country.

"Master, please be sure to call the shots for me!

[Hmph, to see what you can say, the people at the Black Ice Terrace have already reported your every move to me. I even know the color of your underwear and how many times you go to the toilet a day. 】

Yin Man couldn't help shivering after hearing what Bai Hei was thinking, and suddenly a cold line appeared.

The one Hu Hai cried was a tragic man, wiping his nose and wiping his tears, "I was supposed to go to supervise on your order, but I didn't expect that Mo Xue was an honest and honest person on the surface, but behind his back, he didn't know what to say. How many dirty things have you done! 39

At this moment, Bai Hei's eyes narrowed, and his round palms were already rubbing.

How can you blame the victim for the stupid things you did yourself?

It seems that it is impossible not to remember this lesson for him!

Seeing Bai Hei's actions, Hu Hai thought he was trying to express his anger for himself, but became even more excited, "Master, you don't know how miserable we are.

"We haven't entered yet, the people under her command have no rules, no one in their eyes, and they are simply lawless. A 100-family sergeant who works under me can't even enter the shipyard, and has been rushing with a large group for a few days. The brothers who had been exhausted from the road for several nights were rotten outside and were exhausted. Who did not feel resentment in their hearts ""?"

"Why do they look down on people?"

"Forget it this time. In fact, when I came back from Gong Shuliang last time, I also stopped by Mo Xue to see her. Although her progress has not been delayed, I don't think that because of the advanced craftsmanship, Daqin can't be wasted. The money and food are for their own use, but when I made a surprise inspection on the same day, I found that the management of my subordinates was almost the same as that of Gong Shuliang, which was extremely chaotic and unsightly!"

"The casting of the Daqin treasure ship is the top priority!"

"In the construction of such an important national weapon, they dare to slack off and eat empty wages. If they ignore such an attitude, they will surely lead to disasters in the future! 35

"There has never been a precedent for building a large treasure ship in the past and present. Master, you have a long-term vision and a smart mind.

"At that time, all shipyards, canning factories, other factories, and various manufacturing factories will have this ethos of corruption, and the behavior that is difficult to prohibit will intensify, and it will eventually get out of hand. Naturally, it will create a difficult situation.

After Hu Hai in front of him said these words one by one, Bai Hei in front of him suddenly jumped up and ran to him in three or two steps.

A slap in the face.

With a swoosh, Hu Hai's thin body flew a few meters away.

But Bai Hei didn't care so much. It was angry, as if every hair on the top and bottom of the mix stood up, angered, and it looked like a lion at first glance.

However, it deliberately controlled the strength of this palm, but it still caused Hu Hai to be seriously injured.

After all, he is also a prince. If he really wants to kill him, perhaps Lao Zhao will not easily bypass him.

But if he didn't hit him, it would be difficult to quell his anger, and one day he would be so angry that he would kill him.

Hu Hai was stunned there, not saying a word, and his mind hadn't even recovered.

Ying Yinman on the other side didn't even say a word, didn't dare to say anything, it was the first time in her life that she saw the divine beast Bai Hei so angry.

And at this moment, she couldn't hear her heart at all.

Bai Hei waved his hand and walked out from the sidebar next to a man with a sinister look.

Let's listen to him take a bamboo slip and say one by one: "When you first went to Moxue Factory, you were beaten by her farmer for slandering her and extorting money, right?

At this time, Hu Hai was completely frightened, and quickly nodded to admit the truth.

I thought in my heart that maybe this is the only way to gradually calm down this matter as soon as possible, otherwise my life will become difficult.

The man said again: "The second time, because you were beaten last time, you were so embarrassed that you asked two wealthy children to negotiate, but secretly arranged for the chief soldier to make trouble, and said it beautifully. The name is to protect their safety, but they were found out and beaten up again, right?"

Hu Hai was full of shock, he never thought that his every move would be under the surveillance of Bai Hei.

His eagle dogs were everywhere.

It can be said that his arrangement this time has been very arranged, but he never imagined that he was overheard by his people.

This is a bit incredible. Could it be that the people at the Black Ice Terrace are so powerful and have the ability to reach the sky?

Hu Hai pondered the whole thing in horror, his secret work was simply not revealing, but even so, it was still in vain.

"..Master, I know I'm wrong." Hu Hai lost his temper and continued to pretend, and simply admitted his mistake, so that the punishment could be lighter.

The effect was also very good. He honestly admitted his mistakes, and the white and black also beat him. Seeing him like this, most of his anger dissipated.

When he thought that he had deliberately fabricated so many reasons to slander Mo Xue, a loyal woman, if he had not sent Hei Bingtai to follow him, he would have been deceived by him and executed Mo Xue.

Fortunately, the precautions were in place, and this did not cause the tragedy to happen.

(The money's) This kid dares to think of a way to deceive himself to kill Zhongliang, which is unforgivable.

[From today onwards, all the previous rewards will be confiscated and confiscated! Just go and promote Jingyang canned food for me around Jingyang Mansion, I will send someone to watch you, and never leave the area around Jingyang Mansion for half a step]

[If you dare to cause me any more trouble, the punishment will never be so simple. 】

After Yinman finished reciting these words, he asked again, "Why don't you hurry up and thank Lord Baihei?"

"Thank you Master, thank you Master for forgiving me.

Baihei snorted and turned away, waving his paws behind his back.

【Let him go! Regulations】

Yin Man told the truth.

After she finished speaking, Hu Hai also understood the meaning of it, so he retreated in despair.

【What do you think of Mo Xue?】

Suddenly hearing this yin man in his heart, he felt a little strange, why did Bai Zhu suddenly ask himself these things?

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