After hearing Hu Hai's horse stop in front of the crowd, he slowly dismounted, and then slowly said: "There must be some misunderstanding, I hope everyone can find some time to sit down and talk slowly."

"What misunderstanding, you are clearly here to find trouble! 99

A farmer was annoyed and roared loudly: "We come here to make trouble again and again, who are we provoking, and what are we going to do?"

Hu Hai explained calmly: "Although these two are my friends, it is really too chilling to do such a cowardly thing."

"Brother Li, Brother Zhu, can you tell me why you did this?

Li Lian: "???"

Zhu Xing: "???35

The two of them were sweating profusely.

Countless black question marks held their breath against them.

"What's the meaning?"

"It's not you..."

Suddenly, all explanations seemed so pale.

At this time, no one could stand up and say a word.

Because it seems that things have been mixed up quite chaotically, the muddy mud is almost completely indistinguishable.

However, the two wealthy young masters who were the most confused at the scene did not feel that they had been sold by Hu Hai and were still counting the money for him.

Hu Hai frowned and asked, "Didn't I say that you should come to negotiate well, and I will come out after you have discussed everything?"

"Why did you do it without waiting for me to come out?"

With a worried look, he asked, "Miss Moxue, what's wrong, didn't you break anything?"

After speaking, he saw the bottles and jars on the ground and the broken wood raw materials, "Oh, this is really incredible, if it delays the progress of the shipyard, it will be bad..."

Such a thick skin is really rare in the world!

Mo Xue is really dumb to eat Coptis chinensis, she can't tell if she suffers!

Li Lian hurriedly explained: "Brother Hu, it's all the fault of your Hundred Household General, I said earlier that two people are enough to negotiate, but you want these warriors to follow us, this is not, it's a bad thing. ?"


Hu Hai was furious.

He walked directly to the soldier captain Baihu and slapped him in the face, and slapped him to the ground.

"Say, what are you doing?"

In front of him, the Master Chief Baihu was like a mouse seeing a cat and dared not speak out, "Subordinates, subordinates are incompetent, but it is not all the responsibility of subordinates, her subordinates look down on us and do not let us go in!"

"I thought to myself that we are soldiers, he is a shipbuilder, and he is a man of three religions and nine ranks. Who can look down on him, so he started to make trouble. I wanted to teach him a lesson and let him be angry. I really didn't expect people to be more More and more, and finally there was such a big commotion!

After he finished saying these words, Hu Hai nodded with satisfaction: "Miss Moxue, you have heard it, it's not the fault of my subordinates.

Mo Xue didn't say a word, just quietly looked at Hu Hai in front of him.

The peasant who was under her command hurriedly explained, "Miss Mo, I didn't mean to make you embarrassed, it's because they just came to make trouble last time, and this time there are so many people here, I really don't dare Let them in, no matter how persuaded they will not listen! 99

"Okay, I've been beaten, what else can I do?"

Mo Xue's brows were furrowed. Seeing the blue and purple on the bodies of the Hu Hai disciples, she immediately felt that this matter had a bad ending.

Although the other party also smashed a lot of their own tools, human life is always precious.

Hu Hai, who was in front of him, shook his head and said, "I originally wanted to go to the bright moon, but the bright moon illuminates the ditch. 55

"Miss Mo, I'm here to apologize to you now, because some misunderstandings in the past can be eliminated, but today, you have to give me an explanation no matter what."

"These guys of mine are all family members. The family is like the craftsman and the people under your command. They all have wives and children. They rely on my work to eat. You hurt them like this, let them How do they make money to support their family?"

"That's right, you should give a reasonable explanation, otherwise today will really end badly!"

Li Lian said.

"If I report this matter to Lord Baihei, I'm afraid both of us will not have a good time.

Mo Xueliu frowned, "Young Master Hu, how can you give up?"

"Does it have to be unhappy for both parties?"

"of course not.

Hu Hai said lightly: "I also said that this matter can be big or small, and how to solve it is not about me, but about how you express it.

After speaking, the index finger and the thumb rubbed, obviously implying each other.

Mo Xue closed her eyes again: "Have you had enough trouble?

"If you've had enough trouble, leave quickly. We are already stretched thin, and we don't have any money for you. Even if we have, what will happen to the public funds in the future, and what will happen to the money from the artisans?

"No more, no less, I only need 8,000 yuan." Huhai Shishi said loudly.

"How about it, isn't it a good deal?"

Li Lian also nodded in agreement and said, "It's not too much, it's not too little. The compromised price already represents the concession that Mr. Hu should make. Don't be ignorant!"

"So tolerant and generous, why don't you quickly thank Young Master Hu?"

Zhu Xing didn't say a word, "It's not unwise to spend money to eliminate disasters. If there is no way, instead of thinking about it, it is more affordable to break a fortune."

That being said, this price is already the lowest.

For 800 Li Lian, Zhu Xing, Hu Hai and others, this amount of money was simply a drop in the bucket, and it was not worth mentioning at all, but for this Mo Xue, it was an astronomical sum.

If you calculate it according to the normal price of wood, the money from the white and black hair is very tight. It takes 70% of the copper coins to buy the wood, and the rest fills up the wastage of the tools. There is simply no spare money to spend.

They never thought that Mo Xue was such a poor girl, but all the money was spent on the edge of the knife, and it was exactly the same.

Hu Hai snorted: "If you really can't give it, you can, I think you look pretty good..."

As he spoke, he would touch her chin with his hand.

Mo Xue's cheeks flushed, and she slapped her face, causing confusion between the two sides again.

Hu Hai, who was standing at the tuyere, was hit on the nose, not his eyes or his eyes. He never thought that such a small action would lead to such serious consequences.

"Too deceiving!"

Mo Xue, a girl, was completely furious after being molested by Hu Hai over and over again.

"Kill him to death for me!"

With that said, a group of craftsmen came crashing down.

However, Hu Hai, who was quick-witted and quick-witted, quickly got on a horse and quickly swung his whip before escaping in a hurry.

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