"Where did this come from?" The man surnamed Li looked puzzled.

"I don't mention it, I don't mention it anymore." Hu Hai shook his head, couldn't help touching the wound on his back, and took a cold breath.

"What's wrong?"

"This is not to treat the two of us as friends, right, Mr. Hu, if there is any difficulty, just say it, we can help, we must help!

"Can't help.

"Definitely help!"

Li Gongzi said righteously.

"Is this true?"

Hu Hai eagerly watched the fish take the bait, and hurriedly said: "Li Lian, Zhu Xing, you two are really my good brothers. If this thing is done, I will definitely repay you."

Speaking of which, the dishes on the table are almost eaten.

In a dark corner, or a familiar guest downstairs blocking his face and passing by, these are the points that Hu Hai pays attention to.

Perhaps, these people were all sent by Bai Zhi's subordinates to monitor him.

So he opened his mouth and said, "Two friends, please go to the small private room with me and tell me."

Before the two of them could speak in surprise, he said in advance: "Brother, I really have something to hide, you two must not blame me."

Seeing that he was nervously doing these things, Li Lian and Zhu Xing were even more sure of one thing, that this brother "800" might really be in trouble.

Maybe Li Lian really wanted to do everything he could to help him, but Zhu Xing regretted that he didn't speak just now. He was dragged in by Li Lian.

Hu Hai's face was full of discomfort, "Two brothers, it's really not that I want to trouble you on purpose, it's really brothers, I can't think of any other way.

"It's like this, since the last time I went to Gongshuliang's shipyard to supervise the program, I went to Moxue's shipyard to beat it again on my own accord. They are different from Gongshuliang. I didn't say anything about the progress. Everything is in good order, but I was dizzy at the beginning...

"What's wrong?"

Li Lian couldn't help but ask.

"It's all my fault, I'm too eager for quick success.""

Hu Hai shook his head and sighed as he hated himself for being too incompetent.

"What happened to Brother Hu, even if you say it, don't delay."

Zhu Xing was not very reluctant at first. His appetite was so hung up that he couldn't hold it back at all. How could he even act in a play?

Hu Hai said with an ugly face: "It's all because I beat Gongshuiliang's shipyard to get the sweetness, and I fell for the old thief of Gongshuiliang and charged him a sum of black money, and then I was confused for a while, so I wanted to go to another one. The shipyard used the old tricks to get the benefits, but in the end, the benefits didn’t come out, but I was beaten for no reason. In the end, thanks to the arrival of Mr. Xiao, I was able to save my life, otherwise I would have been beaten and seriously injured!


Li Lianton made a difficult time.

Zhu Xing also felt annoyed in his heart, this is because you got the benefit and still betrayed yourself, what the hell are you thinking about now?

Hu Hai sighed full of grievances, "Now, Lord Baihei once again ordered me to work as a supervisor for Moxue's shipyard, I'm afraid that because of what happened before, her subordinates will be dissatisfied with me. , That's why I came to ask the two brothers to think of a way for me to see if I can come up with a surefire way.

"Hmm. 35

Li Lian said thoughtfully: "This is not a big deal, nor a trivial matter. 35

"Actually, think about it carefully, as long as Mr. Hu is willing to take the blame and take the initiative to spend some money to plead guilty, the group of craftsmen are all people who rely on craftsmanship to make a living. It's good face, you have to take the initiative to apologize and clear up the misunderstanding, and then pull this one. Groups of people go to the big restaurant outside to eat two good treats, maybe they will be fine.

Hu Hai nodded: "I haven't thought about what you said."

"It's just that I'm afraid that these people will always be rigid and unwilling to give me this face in the end."

"We can act as a middleman to reconcile the misunderstanding between you.

"How embarrassing is this, come on, do it!

Hu Hai raised the wine glass in his hand.

After the three people clink the glasses, they drop the empty glass.

"Many thanks to Brother Li, Brother Zhu for your help, I can rest assured that I have you in this matter. If my younger brother gets the benefits and develops in the future, I will definitely not forget your kindness.

Hu Hai's remarks said that Li Lian's heart was surging, and even Zhu Xing, who was dissatisfied, felt a lot better because of this.

Later, he added: "Because those craftsmen are vulgar people, I am afraid that they will cause trouble, so I will follow you with some people to protect your safety, I hope you two can understand me. Be attentive."

"Come on, say nothing, do it. 35

Li Lian was moved by what he said, and raised his glass to drink again.

"Just tomorrow, we will leave."

Hu Hai quickly put the matter on the agenda.

When the three of them were intoxicated, the sun went down, and Hu Hai woke up from pretending to be asleep.

I saw him shaking his drunken head, then waving his hands to call his subordinates, and whispering something to them in his ears.

The poor two rich sons, who were betrayed in the end, didn't even know it, they thought they were benevolent, righteous and moral, and they seemed to be superior to others.

Hu Hai had a lot of crazy ideas in his heart, but as for what he was thinking, no one else knew.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Lian and Zhu Xing came to the place arranged by Hu Hai after meeting each other.

The three of them rode their horses, and while they were on their horses, they discussed matters related to waiting for a while.

"I heard that Mo Xue from the Mo residence on the back street is as beautiful as a goddess. It is really thanks to Brother Hu's first-hand assistance that we have the opportunity to meet each other today. Li Lian said with a smile.

"I'll see you later. You can talk about anything, and I'll come out at the end. When you're almost done talking, you'll be fine."

"What if the chat is messed up?" Zhu Xing asked again.

"Impossible, unless she wants to disobey, this is an order given by Bai Hei himself.

"Isn't she the craftsmen under her command? Okay, after disobeying orders, all these people will be beheaded, let's see how she protects people and how she behaves!

Hu Hai said with a cold snort.

"Brilliant, quite brilliant, Brother Hu is really mature.

As they were talking, the hooves of the men who led the way suddenly stopped, and then a soldier hurried back.

Hu Hai turned his horse's head and warned: "Two brothers, go down to this valley in front, which is the foundry of the Daqin Treasure Ship, I will withdraw to the back first, and as soon as there is news about the negotiation between you, I will come down to help.

"Go on, Brother Hu, although we are not good at martial arts, we are very proficient in speaking etiquette, so we put a hundred hearts on us.

After Li Lian finished saying this, he walked down confidently with the team.

But what he never expected was that the Baihu general who followed behind was always looking at Hu Hai's eyes and acting.

Before leaving, Hu Hai's wily eyes seemed to explain everything, and this matter could never be as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Soon, everyone came to the vicinity of Mo Xue's shipyard.

Due to the sudden attack by Hu Hai last time, the shipyard at this moment is busy.

Therefore, Mo Xue changed the rule that the craftsmen take a short break every three hours to change a group of people to rest every day, and it became a day off for a day of work, in order to prevent another trouble like Hu Hai from happening again. A reason to be taught twice, right?

In the same way, it was also because they had learned the lesson of the last time, when Li Lian and Zhu Xing, two handsome rich sons, rode horses and brought a large group of people here.

Someone came up and blocked their way, "Who?

"Hello, please let me know. We came to talk to Miss Moxue by order of Young Master Huhai."

After he just finished saying these words, the people who were guarding the door in front of him glanced at the two of them and the group of people behind them, and said, "You two seem to be decent gentlemen, you can go in. , but there are too many people behind, for fear of causing confusion, please wait here, if there is something, I will come to tell you in time. 35

As soon as these words came out, the boss of Baihu was not happy, "What do you mean, bullying us big gentlemen with dirty bodies?"

"You are too embarrassed to say such a thing, like you untouchables, I don't know how many times dirtier than ours, why can't we enter where you can enter?"

"If you say you can't get in, you can't get in!"

It was obvious that the man was not short-tempered, and he was a tough guy.

“Laozi wants to enter!”


The farmer was instantly pushed down by a group of people, and the group rushed in quickly, beating people and falling when they saw things.

"Stop, stop!

"It's the other way around!"

Li Lian and Zhu Xing shouted again and again, but to no avail. These Hu Hai disciples had already been instructed to make a scene whenever they found an opportunity. If Hu Hai did not stop, the one who stopped would be punished with a one-year reward.

With such words in front of you, who would dare not smash to death?

The scene gradually got out of control, and the contradiction between the two sides had reached the point where it could not be resolved.

Hearing the news, Mo Xue quickly walked out from the inside. Before the scale of the chaos had fully expanded, she had to quickly stifle the flames in the cradle.

"I'm Mo Xue, the person in charge here, stop it, stop it!"

"Is your 2.2 son Huhai just so savage?"

"This is the place where Daqin treasure ships are made. If you cause a lot of losses because of your smashing and smashing, everything will be counted on your head!

Li Lian nodded: "I know, I know everything you said, but, but

These people don't listen to him at all!

He was too anxious to speak.

As the tools were destroyed, Mo Xue was also anxious, too lazy to talk nonsense with these two, and directly commanded: "Don't let them smash things, stop them!"

With an order, more and more craftsmen and farmers gathered to help, and soon the figures of Hu Hai's disciples were suppressed and they became the disadvantaged party.

After all, there are few people, and there are simply no more than the other party.

The tragedy of history seems to be repeated.

But at this moment, a rush of hooves sounded, and a figure appeared in front of everyone.

Hu Hai was riding a good horse and rushed down quickly.

When everyone saw him, it was as if they had seen a great savior, and the conflicts between the two sides stopped temporarily.

Only Li Lian and that Zhu Xing were full of doubts. The negotiation was obviously broken. As long as they were not blind, they could almost see it. At this time, what did Young Master Hu mean?

I can't figure it out!

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