Hu Hai, who had gotten rid of the serious troubles of his confidants, could not be described as unhappy in his heart. That night, he rewarded his brothers who helped with the work and came to the Zuichunlou to relax.

Listening to the troupe, drinking flower wine, and humming little tunes, I really want to be as comfortable as possible.

All the maids were looking at this gentleman in casual clothes, and they always felt that this was an unusual person. One or two people who had their heads broken, brought tea and water here to show their hospitality.

At this moment, Hu Hai is talking about a few rich second-generation people who are enjoying themselves together in peacetime.

"Hey, Young Master Hu, this Gong Shuliang is really a big man, one side is arrogant and bullying Shifang Township, if you get rid of him, which common people would dare to be disobedient?

I saw a young man dressed in silk, holding a folding fan and smugly complimented him.

"That's not it, the protector of the country, Lord Baihei, just based on the simple words of Mr. Hu, he directly beheaded the dog's head. What does this mean? Trust?""

"Just him, is he worthy to frame me?

Hu Hai stared at him and said angrily, "If I really can't handle him, how can I go out to meet people in the future?"

"Where does this face go? 35

The man surnamed Li was only interested, "Hey, why don't you tell our brother a few words, how did you subdue him at that time?"

"Want to hear?

"Of course I want to hear it!"

Hu Hai picked up the wine glass, "Have a drink first and then talk about it!"

After he finished saying these words, even after seeing the two of them smiling at each other, they all took up the wine glasses in their hands and drank it.

"Go, go, drink, drink!"

After all, three or two empty wine glasses fell, and several people moved their heads together.

Hu Hai blushed and said with a coquettish expression: "You can't imagine that scene at that time, I first brought a large group of people, and when they were not paying attention, I suddenly killed them.

"Guess what I saw?"


Several rich second-generation asked with particular doubts.


Hu Hai made this action in a particularly disgusting manner, "This Gong Shuliang is really not a thing!"

"I brought people for a surprise inspection, and I didn't think about how to stumble and embarrass him, but you know, those people under Gong Shuliang let the farmers do all the work, and they also deducted their wages, People work tirelessly, if it is not for the wise beasts and martial arts, I am afraid that even the crime of delaying the progress will be blamed on them..."

"It's so outrageous, this Gong Shuliang is simply not a thing!" The man surnamed Li said with a frown.

"Isn't that?"

Hu Hai added: "His subordinates can really enjoy life, I thought rich people like our brothers would already be very good at having fun, but after meeting his subordinates, I realized that What does it mean that there are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky!

"What's the matter, let's hear it?"

"Tie up a good woman's hands and feet, and then..."

After Hu Hai made an expression that he couldn't bear to look directly, he slowly opened his eyes, "Don't mention how embarrassing that scene is, I feel chills when I see it. 35

"But, this group of people don't hide it, doing this kind of thing in broad daylight is simply inferior to pigs and dogs!"

The man surnamed Li has a face with a national character, and his brows are wrinkled, and he has the spirit of dedicating himself to the loyalty of the country and the country. "This public failure is against the rules of ethics. It puts the farmers and the common people in dire straits, but only cares about himself for pleasure. Lawless, could it be that no one could come forward to control him before this?

"Yes, but it's just a pretense. This kid is quite proficient at playing with the world. I remember that there was a Master Zhang, a well-known and honest official in Jingyang.

Hu Hai ate two mouthfuls of food and said: "But later, this Gong Shuliang openly robbed the daughter of a farmer because she was beautiful, and killed all the relatives of the woman's family, set fire to the thatched hut, and several others. People only have ashes left, but they say they died from fire, but anyone with a good eye can see that this is pure nonsense, if it catches fire, won’t it run away?”

"The door is just a few steps away, and escaping is easy. After Gong Shuliang won the woman, he wanted to take a concubine, but Mrs. Zhengfang disliked her family background and repeatedly bullied and made things difficult. In the end, the woman couldn't stand the torture, so she was with the Gongshuo. On a good wedding night, he committed suicide by hanging.

"Master Zhang learned about this and vowed to slay this Gong Shuliang to the whole family. After Gong Shuliang heard the news, he directly sent people to send him a lot of money, grain and precious silk cloth, but he refused and humiliated him for a while. pause."

"Gong Shuliang couldn't bear his face, so he turned and went to a corrupt official named Qu Juren, who took people's money and relieved disasters. In all aspects, it is the officials who are specifically responsible for the general affairs.”

"At that time, Master Zhang, as the county magistrate of Jingyang, had been an official for 20 years, and he had been fighting wits and courage with the gang of his subordinates. This time, he encountered a hard problem. The whole family died. This Qu Juren simply put this The case has become an iron case, after all, there is no evidence of death."

"Master Zhang greeted him on the surface, but he didn't think so in his heart, but suddenly one day, a woman died in his mansion and wrote her grievance with blood, but it was slandering Master Zhang for corruption and doing all kinds of evil. The blood book sent him directly to the prison, and his career as an official for more than 20 years has been buried in vain.

"He called two strong men to kidnap a mother and daughter who had escaped from other places. The small one sold it to a human trafficker, the big one was killed directly, and then threw the corpse and the blood book prepared in advance in the adult's place. Inside the mansion..."

"When the county chief heard about this, he was furious, and directly removed Mr. Zhang from his official position, put him in prison, and ordered Qu Juren to search for evidence of Mr. Zhang's corruption. This is entirely dependent on what this villain does Played it out, this honest and honest Lord Zhang was finally stunned to be played around by the public loser behind him, and he didn't take any advantage of it.

He gave away his career and life in vain.


Speaking of this, Hu Hai was even more proud, and after a sigh, "If I had met me earlier to solve this villain, perhaps there would not be so many unjust cases in this world."

"Then, Young Master Hu, since you have done such a great thing, Lord Baihei didn't give you any reward?

"For example, what kind of Jingyang canned food, sweet wife and beauty, hehe...

"Yes, 39

The second generation of the rich surnamed Zhu also became interested, "I heard that the canned Jingyang food is delicious and delicious, as soft as a beautiful brother..."

"Many people want to come here to taste it, and even spend a lot of money on the relationship, but what's the matter, this Lord White and Black is hiding it and not selling it?""

··For flowers....

"Good things should be taken out and shared with everyone, hidden and pinched. What is this?"

A few noble sons who don't understand business ethics said without covering their mouths while drinking.

"That's right, this can is not a special item, at best, but it's just a glass jar with some fruit in it, and it's kept for a little longer. In my opinion, it's not that unusual. It's just that in the past, I waited for it. I haven't seen it before."5

"I heard from a businessman friend from abroad that such glass objects, which are incomparably precious in our Daqin, are abundant in areas outside the vassal state. up price.

Hu Hai's eyes rolled, and he seemed to be thinking.

But he immediately retorted: "You mustn't say that, I have tried to make this canned brother, but the taste and taste are unsatisfactory in the end. It's strange, is it possible that there is a secret recipe in this thing?"

"Maybe yes, if you don't think so, you don't think it's worth the price at all... 99


Hu Hai couldn't help frowning, "What's going on here, my brother Zhu, if you want to eat canned food, it will be over if you snap up next time, do you and I seem like people who lack that money?

Li Gongzi couldn't help holding up the wine glass: "Hu Gongzi is really right, people who can eat canned food still need the money to buy canned food?"

"There is a reason why precious things are expensive. Since ancient times, things are rare and precious. Of course, if you don't have money, you should go home and eat steamed buns if you don't have money. Hahaha..."

The second-generation son of the rich surnamed Zhu couldn't hold his face, "I always feel that there is a better way to solve the problem of the high price of canned food, and it is best to let all the people taste the taste of canned food, since it is to be sold. , then it should be promoted to the whole people, in this case, maybe the profit will be greater.""

Hu Hai said triumphantly: "This Jingyang canned food is not too much, but not too much. Lord Baihei rewarded me with three cans because I was a hero this time."


"Can you?"

Hu Hai hurriedly interrupted: "It's okay to give you a little bit to try it out. We brothers, don't mention the money."

"So that's it, that's good, some of us will definitely come to visit some other day!""

"no problem!

Both of the two noble sons, surnamed Li Zhu, had happy expressions on their faces.

"To have such a close friend as Mr. Hu, we are truly fortunate in our three lives!"

"It's just that recently, brother, I have been a little troubled. 35

Hu Hai's originally happy face suddenly turned gloomy.

"Oh? What's the trouble, let's hear it?"

Young Master Li couldn't help but ask.

Hu Hai was silent at first, and then he took a sip of strong wine, and then he said aloud: "Then the Mo Xue girl, have you heard of it?"

"A pungent character, but she is very friendly to the people. She is a good girl with a good heart and a good heart."

"The neighbors around the Mo family know her, and the relationship is not bad, but there are not many women like her. Since the founding of the Qin Dynasty, few have been able to let go of their bodies and walk with the commoners.

"Hey, after Lord Baihei finished rewarding me, he asked me to supervise Moxue's factory.

"She's really not a fuel-efficient lamp!" Knife.

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