Presumably so.

If a harem wants to govern, it must first manage all the tedious things in the harem.

Now it seems that Bai Zhu has picked up a treasure.

Cultivating it well may allow this Princess Yinman to exert her greatest brilliance and be a role model for all women in the world.

Hu Hai nodded and said, "It's absolutely true, there's no lie! 99

Yin Man hummed, then looked at Gong Shuliang who had been silent next to him, and asked, "He said that to you, don't you have anything to say?"

Gong Shuliang shook his head, "If you want to add a crime, why bother!

"What the son says is what he says. I'm a small official, and I don't dare to go over the hairpin, and I don't dare to speak. I can only bear it. But if you say something unpleasant, if Master Hu really has evidence, I'll show it. I'll be sure at that time. Willingly be punished, if not, I will let the white and black adults deal with it!


After hearing his words, Hu Hai became angry. Isn't it obvious that he is angry?

"Where did the thick skin come from saying such shameless words?"

'Who was begging me to let him go?'

"Who was afraid that he gave me two boxes of copper coins to suppress this matter?"

Gong Shuliang grinned sinisterly and said, "Master Baihei, please see clearly, I did give gold, but I was blackmailed. For this reason, two of my subordinates were tortured with toes, and the disability has not yet recovered. Some people want to make money. , but can still pretend to be selfless, and in turn harm my great Qin Zhongliang, if the white and black adults don't ask questions, it is really a big joke in the world.39

Saying that, he took out the 790 memorials he had already prepared, and handed them a roll of bamboo.

Yin Man then handed it to Bai Zhi.

In reverse, it was written clearly, leaving myself clean.

As expected of you, Gong Shuliang.

However, Hu Hai's heart became more and more unpleasant, and even had an urge to rush up and chop that fellow if Bai Hei didn't give him the call!

But think about it carefully. After all, as the emperor of Daqin, it is unwise to act so recklessly. If you bear the stigma of killing innocent people, you will be in a game of losing the good. No matter how you explain it, it will not be washed away. clean!

"Lord Rui Beast said, why is the progress of the shipyard delayed? Is there something unspeakable?"

"Why not bring it up sooner?"

"Instead of concealing it and not reporting it, doesn't this make it clear that you are deceiving my Da Qin's money?"

Yin Man's three consecutive questions exited.

Gong Shuliang's heart seemed to have fallen into an ice valley all of a sudden.

He thought he was eloquent, but now, he is silent and speechless.

Hu Hai relieved his anger and looked at him without speaking.

"Because, that's because..." (bbcc)

Xiao He snorted coldly: "It's because the craftsmanship is outdated, right, I guessed that you would say so, this reason is really unconvincing.

"Come on, drag it out!"


Gong Shuliang didn't have time to react, "Why?"

"What crime have I committed? Is it a crime to slow down the project?"

Originally, he thought that Bai Zhu was tired, and took advantage of this opportunity to make a good calculation of Hu Hai, but he never expected that today's Bai Hei did not give him this chance to cheat.

Baihei's face was expressionless, Mengmeng's big hand slammed the table, Yinman understood, and everyone didn't know what the two people said.

But only to hear Yin Man's decisive words: "Cut!"

As he finished speaking, the people around him were extremely shocked, replaced by deep doubts.

Is the situation really that serious?

At first they all thought it was the conflict between Hu Hai and that Gong Shuliang, but they never imagined that it would turn into a life-threatening event!

But Xiao He was clear at a glance, and his mentality was very calm.

"Damn Da Qin, wronging a good man, and killing me, a loyal minister who is dedicated to the people and the country, is absolutely shameless!"

After Gong Shuliang finished saying these words, Yin Man called him to a halt.

"Master Xiao, go and bring the migrant workers under his command over here, this is the best proof.

"Bai Hei said, let you die to understand.

Hu Hai gloated and sneered: "Have you been punished?"

"If I knew today, why was it in the first place?

"Dare to do anything to this son, you will suffer! 35

Xiao He said: "I came to the shipyard that day and saw a farmer who ran away. When I found him, he was already exhausted and out of food for many days. After I rescued him, in order to repay his kindness, he risked his death to tell me about you. For all the crimes, now is the time to confront them."

"Bring it up!"

With a wave of his hand, a few soldiers came over with a farmer.

"You goddamn it!"

As soon as the farmer came up, he yelled, "I killed you!"


The accompanying soldiers hurriedly stepped forward to block him, holding him away from him.

Yin Man opened his mouth and said: "The protector of the country is here, if you have any grievances, feel free to tell me!

The farmer in tattered clothes had mud on his face, looking at Bai Hei in front of him, tears fell involuntarily, "Master Bai Hei, you must decide for us!"

"My son and I were originally farmhands for a gentleman in the suburbs of Jingyang. Because we knew a little about carpentry, we came to the shipyard to help out."

"The promised money is 15 copper plates and two sesame cakes per person a day, but in the end, I didn't see a single copper plate. If I can have half of the sesame cakes, I will be thankful to work here with half my life. You are highly respected, tell me , we are not prisoners, but our lives are worse than corvée...

"My son is young and sick, his health is not good, he has no food to work for a long time, and has been starved to death, I went to beg him, this bastard is unwilling to give half a biscuits, and even has clean water. Don't give it either, my son, I'm so exhausted!

"Bah!" 5

A mouthful of saliva spit directly on the face of Gong Shuliang.

"The wages we have worked so hard and deserved have been deducted by you all, and we are eating big fish and meat, and we simply don't take our lives as our lives! 99

"If I hadn't escaped, I really don't know how many civilians you would still kill!

After he finished saying these words, Hu Hai was directly angry, "Should be killed!"

"This old boy is so vicious.

"As long as you give others a full meal, you won't bring your own calamity to death today!

After Hu Hai finished speaking, Yin Man frowned slightly and asked again: "Is there anything else to say, hurry up and finish it, so we can go on the road."

There was obvious impatience in his voice.

Gong Shuliang shook his head, "I never imagined that I would fall down on such a trivial matter...

"But my life is worth it."

"Enough to enjoy the riches and honors that should be enjoyed!"

"As of now, I have nothing to hide, you know, in my eyes, you untouchables are no different from ants, your life and death are just a pile of leeks, whether you cut you or not depends on my mood, If I'm in a bad mood, none of you want to live.""

"This time, you are lucky enough to have noble people to help you, but you have to remember that if one of me dies, there are still thousands of me, and they will still not let you go, hahaha..."

"Drag out, drag out, gag him, behead! 35

With the sinister opening, Hu Hai was also taken aback by the weak and pitiful girl he used to be. When she became ruthless, she was actually a bit more ruthless than herself. Faintly, there was a shadow of her father on her body.

As the old saying goes, a mother follows a child, and a daughter follows the father. Now, when I look at it, the ancients did not deceive me.

The two soldiers quickly blocked his mouth with rags and pulled it out!


The lobby was silent.

With the blood falling, this inferior Gong Shuliang was finally executed.

The farmer was also taken down and handed over to Xiao He's subordinates, who were given some entanglements and handled properly.

"Now talk about other things.""

Bai Zhu's grunting sound came out, and seeing Yin Man holding the bamboo slips that had already been written on it, he said one by one: "Now Gong Shuliang has been executed, Hu Hai has done meritorious deeds, and reward Jingyang with three canned fruits, plus one hundred thousand copper coins!"

"Thank you for the white and black reward."

Hu Hai said triumphantly.

"Hu Hai obey! 35


"You are now specially ordered to go to Moxue Shipyard to supervise the matter, and as announced, take over the matter of Gongshu Liang Shipyard.

"Follow the order! 35

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