It would be better to leave it to Lord White and Black to solve it.

That is fair and just. If you put this matter on yourself, regardless of justice, and only consider your identity, and help Young Master Huhai yourself, you will surely offend Gong Shuliang.

And if he helps Gong Shuliang, there is no doubt that Mr. Hu here can offend him?

Just don't run into this mess and leave it to Bai Hei to solve it by himself.

Who knew that Gong Shuliang caught him and asked, "Mr. Xiao, you know the ins and outs of this matter. You criticize Lier, do you bully people like that?"

After he finished saying these words, Xiao He in front of him showed a look of embarrassment, "Cough, of course, no, although I understand the background of this matter, but it is really difficult to decide..."


Gong Shuliang looked puzzled: "Why is this?

"Do you even think I should be like this?"

"I didn't expect my husband Shuiliang to be so humiliated in broad daylight, but in the end, there is no one who can speak justice!

Xiao He stopped and said, "This is a poor statement, I will show you a clear path! 35

Saying that, he stretched out his arm and pointed directly at the Jingyang Mansion on the other side.

"Guilty or innocence, please go in and ask Lord Baihei to find out."

Gong Shuliang clenched his fists, and immediately expressed his gratitude, his expression exaggerated to the extreme, "Thank you Sir Xiao for your guidance!"

Immediately, his face became fierce, and he faced Hu Hai and shouted: "Master Hu, do you dare to go with me to see Lord Baihei?"

"Don't dare?"

"Those who are greedy for life and fear death! 35

"Those who bully the soft and fear the hard!

Gong Shuliang cursed loudly, and suddenly Hu Hai felt uneasy in his heart.

"Whoever is afraid, see you if you want!"

Both sides of Bai Zhi's temper actually knew it.

Gong Shuliang's heart is even more uncertain, because he understands that Baihei has just been very tired, and now he has added a little trouble, maybe when he is in a bad mood, whoever annoys him first will make fun of him .

After a while, let this Hu Hai be the scapegoat, let him go up and fight first, and let him retreat as the advance. After Bai Hei's emotions have calmed down, he will tell the story one by one. At this time, it will definitely have a miraculous effect.

Gong Shuliang deserves to be an official person who is proficient in the world, and he knows everything about these things.

While talking, the two walked in the direction of Jingyang Mansion, cursing along the way, with Xiao He following behind, very embarrassed.

Although Hu Hai has a great temper, his eloquence is really not very good.

Those arrogant and angry eyes seemed to be swallowing up the chattering Gong Shuliang in front of him.

Because he really can't think of it, why the person in front of him has committed a crime, but he can pretend to be arrogant and arrogant, this is really too thick-skinned!

When Mo Xue's gang of people who didn't know the rules were beaten up, they weren't so angry. At least they did rest after finishing the progress and found their faults, but it was just to seek benefits and to promote the speed, in front of Bai Hei. Just flattering.

But this Gong Shuliang was different, because he really did something for free, and he still let him rush the progress in vain, how could he have the confidence to take a bite of himself?

Hu Hai really couldn't figure it out, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Theory is the theory, and who is afraid of who will fail?

I am the emperor of Daqin, and I have an old man to protect me, so I am still afraid of you being framed?

Bai Hei was snoring leisurely, enjoying the massage services of several palace ladies and sisters. In a sound sleep, resting comfortably.

But who would have thought that at this moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, followed by a knock on the door.

I saw that the person in front of me was none other than Hu Hai in anger.

"what happened""?"

Ying Yinman, who was at the back, hurried up and asked, "Young Master Hu, I can see that you are in a hurry, but Lord Baihei is already very tired today and is resting. If you have anything to do, please talk about it another day."

"No, I'm going to say it now.""

"If I don't say it, I can't swallow this bad breath!""

"Be sure to trouble the girl to wake up Baihei! There must be a big thank you, brother!"

Seeing this anxious look, Yin Man said, "It seems that this matter is indeed no trivial matter. Since this is the case, I will go in and report immediately!"

"Thank you girl!

After he finished saying these words, he suppressed the impatience in his heart and waited outside.

Yin Man walked in quickly, but before she could step into the door with one foot, she heard a lazy voice inside.


Looking around, I saw that Bai Hei was slumping and turned over at this moment, yawning, and looking at him with exhausted eyes.

【What's the noise outside, why is it so noisy? Didn't you even let me sleep well? 】

After he finished complaining, he slowly sat up.

【If my expectations are correct, is Hu Hai coming back?】

Yin Man nodded, "Yes, Brother Hu, he is very impatient, I don't know what is going on, but I have never seen him so angry before.

[It's interesting, but I won't see him. 】

"Why don't you see him? Shouldn't it be urgent to go out and discuss things with him to appease Brother Hu?"

Yin Man was very puzzled and asked: "I know Brother Hu's temper. If you are in a hurry and do something out of the ordinary, it will be too late to remedy it at that time!"

[I just said that I will not see you for the time being, but I didn't say that I will see you later. Isn't that someone who hasn't come yet? 】

【Let's see how long he can wait outside before coming in!】

"Who is it?"

【Daqin Bao Shipyard, good public transportation!】

For a while, Yin Man seemed to have a clear cloud, as if he understood.

"Ok, I see."

Immediately she walked out, and Hu Hai, who had been waiting outside for a long time, asked, "Has Baihei woke up?


"Brother Hu, don't be impatient, no matter what happens, we'll talk about it when everyone comes."

"Right or wrong, you have your own axioms to distinguish, if you did nothing wrong, then Lord Baihei will certainly not treat you like that, why should you be so angry?"

Hu Hai's eyes changed, and he turned to look at his sister, ".. did Bai Hei really tell you that?"

"There will be no fakes.

"When did Yin Man ever say something to deceive people?"

Hu Hai nodded excitedly and said, "My good girl, thank you so much this time!"

"We are brothers and sisters, not outsiders. If you are polite, you don't need to say more. I didn't help much in this matter. At best, I just conveyed the meaning of white and black. Yin Man said modestly.

"In that case, I'll wait.""


After saying these words, Yin Man retreated.

Hu Hai sneered, looking at Gong Shuliang who walked in outside with a smug look on his face.

Xiao He, who was at the back, felt that the boy's eyes became a little wrong, and he ate shit?

He was still angry a second ago, but it stopped so quickly, he couldn't believe it.

As everyone entered the Jingyang Mansion, a furry creature walked into the lobby from behind.

"What's the matter, so noisy?"

I saw Yin Man appeared in front of everyone and asked.

"Ask the princess to send a letter to Lord Ruiwu, and say that I accuse (Zhao Nuo's) his Gong Shuliang of letting his subordinates eat empty wages, not working, raising their own children, and squeezing farmers to death! 99

"Not only that, but you dare to do something to me, a dignified Prince of Qin, which is completely incompetent and messed up!

Hu Hai said righteously, but he didn't expect that Gong Shuliang's face remained calm, as if he didn't take this matter into his heart at all.

"Is there really such a thing as a donkey?"

Yin Man asked suspiciously, although she didn't know much about the affairs of Chaotang, but the truth was true and false. After seeing it a lot, she became accustomed to it. She has taken care of all the small and trivial matters these days. There is only one article, which has made a lot of contributions to the development and construction of Jingyang City.

With this ability, it is no wonder that she is the daughter of the emperor's family, born with the talent to govern the world.

In the original time and space, she was full of flowers and splendid in her lifetime, but after her father died, she was killed by Qin Ershi Hu Hai by dismembering her. What a tragic fate.

There are only a few descriptions in the history books, and it is said that she is just a pleasure-seeking princess, but who would have thought that such a pleasure-only princess would be so favored by Ying Zheng, there must be his reasons.

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