I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 198 Gathering in Jingyang! Prelude to the auction!

Because of the previous experience, in order to avoid being criticized by the six kingdoms of Xianyang City again.

According to Bai Hei's idea, Xiao He labeled the latest batch of cans as "treasures".

Of course, the added fruits are also carefully selected, but for Bai Hei himself, there is no loss. There is an epic auction house, and there is no fear that the six kingdoms will not buy it.

"My lord, a new batch of canned treasures is ready.

Xiao He came to the rattan chair and gave Bai Hei a respectful salute.

"Well, how many cans are there?"

Lazily stretched his waist, Bai Zhu didn't even bother to get up, turned over and glanced at Xiao He.

"One hundred cans in total.

"It's too much, leave twenty cans, and save the remaining eighty cans to eat by yourself."

Xiao He was silent.

Dude, is it a bit too much to cut eight-tenths all at once?

"My lord, twenty cans...isn't it a bit too little?"

"Not a lot. The more you display, the less these guys will buy it. Twenty cans can be sold for a hundred cans, and the rest can be eaten by yourself, isn't it good?

"Yes, my lord."

After Bai Hei's explanation, Xiao He understood.

Although Xiao He doesn't understand the big truth of white and black, "what is rare is precious" is always right.

Right now, it is the middle of winter. Except for some melons and fruits in Baiyue area, there is almost no fruit to eat in all areas of Daqin.

780 However, the Baiyue area has not been recovered, and even if it is recovered, it is still in a remote location, so it must be difficult to transport it for a while.

As a result, almost no one in the entire Daqin can eat fruit now.

Now, Baihei has not only made canned food, but the fruit output is the only one in Daqin!

Craving for fruit?

Take your money!

Soon, according to Bai Hei's instructions, Xiao He deducted 80 cans from 100 cans of treasures in advance, and the rest was taken to the auction house.

Before the auction house officially conducts the auction, there must be some hype.

Xiao He summoned more than a dozen followers and ordered them to take the "sample can" to Xianyang City for a few laps to gain popularity.

At the same time, an invitation letter was issued to the wealthy nobles of the Six Nations, inviting them to come to the auction.

Of course, most of the ministers who attended the court meeting in the court hall last time also received invitations. Even if the family did not have enough financial resources, Xiao He also invited them all in order to build a strong reputation.

Regarding the behavior of Jingyang Mansion, the first emperor always turned one eye and closed one eye.

But Jingyang Mansion is under the control of Bai Zhu, even if it is slightly out of line, as long as it does not endanger the country's rule, the First Emperor will not take action.

Even in private, the First Emperor ordered the Black Ice Terrace to secretly cooperate with the actions of Jingyang Mansion.

The first emperor believed that no matter what Baihei was doing, it must be for the world of Daqin and the people of Daqin!

Therefore, with Xiao He's tireless propaganda and the secret support of the First Emperor, the momentum of this auction was extremely huge!

If nothing else, the main shooter, the eldest son of Da Qin, Fusu!

The future heir of the Qin Empire!

Who doesn't want to fawn over?

What's more, in the mid-winter weather, you can eat fragrant fruits, sweet and mellow, which makes your index finger move just thinking about it!

Since then, the honored and honored families of the invited families have been dispatched one after another, and the principals of the family have been dispatched to Jingyang Mansion.

Everyone knew in their hearts that since the person in charge was not Xiao He but Fu Su, it represented an attitude, and this matter was tacitly approved by His Majesty the First Emperor.

Since it was His Majesty's acquiescence, who wouldn't want to curry favor with the future heirs of the Qin Empire? Earn an insurance for the future of his family?

With Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts, all the important officials and nobles came to Jingyang Mansion, whether they wanted to buy canned food or not.

It was not until they arrived at Jingyang Mansion that they discovered that the current Jingyang Mansion (bbcc) was already overcrowded!

With Fusu as the "pioneer" of the auction, anyone with a bit of brains immediately moved and came to Jingyang Mansion one step ahead.

Those with a slower response could only prepare a lot of money in advance, hoping to win the top prize at the auction, in order to win the favor of Master Fu Su.

According to the prior arrangement, the white and black faces were not revealed.

Just kidding, is he uncomfortable lying on a wicker chair and basking in the sun?

hard work?


Isn't there Xiao He!

In this way, when everyone arrived at Jingyang Mansion, no one could see the slightest shadow of white and black, and they were all received by Xiao He.

Regarding the whereabouts of Bai Hei, Xiao He just casually said:

"The Protector King occasionally feels the wind and cold, so it is not advisable to go out.

Of course, everyone must be well aware of this.

It's just a thick bear skin, you tell me I sometimes feel a cold?

Even if everyone in Daqin freezes to death, he won't catch a cold, not because he is afraid of trouble!

However, since the main dish is not white and black, but Fusu, everyone is happy to be a person who is good at favor and dares to provoke white and black. In the current Daqin, I am afraid that they have not yet been born.

"Since protecting the king is ill, I will not be rude, and I will prepare a little courtesy, and I hope that Lord Xiao will not dislike it.

The sensible person immediately borrowed the donkey and sent a big red envelope.

Naturally, Xiao He took all the orders.

Because Bai Hei has already told me that if someone gives a gift, no matter how precious it is, just accept it. As for doing business? No way!

Cannibalism is short and short-handed, but he is not established in Jingyang Mansion!

Before and after, Xiao He calculated, just "visiting" Bai Hei's gifts and so on, I am afraid that it has exceeded the income of the last auction of Jingyang wine.

When the news reached Bai Hei's ears, Bai Hei was completely stunned:

"These guys are so rich?"

"Looks like I'll get sick in the future!"

When Baihei was hiding in the mansion and counting the money, Xiao He had already arranged all the nobles and ministers who came to the "Jingyang Hotel" according to the previous preparations before the auction started.

"Jingyang Hotel": When the Jingyang Tower was erected, Bai Zhu relied on "advanced business thinking" to buy all the surrounding plots and built a very elegant temporary residence.

On weekdays, it is a temporary residence for the bequeathed members of the Six Kingdoms who come to Jingyang Mansion.

When the auction begins, the expropriation serves as a place to house visitors.

After all, they are all big money masters, but they don't have to be well arranged.

What's more, staying in a hotel is not free!

After paying a very high "accommodation fee", the guests of Jingyang Mansion were able to rest for one night.

The official auction will start tomorrow, and tonight is just an opportunity to rest.

During this period, there were many noble nobles from the six countries who wanted to spend a lot of money to meet the white and black side, but they were immediately stopped by Xiao He for various reasons.

"The king is sick in bed, if there is anything important, please talk to me directly!

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