I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 197 Canned food comes out! Good guy, some1 is going to be tricked again!

According to Bai Zhi's three selection and evaluation systems, it can be said that they are inclusive.

For the common people, not only the ways of becoming an official have become more numerous, but also the types have been enriched.

Even craftsmen can have the opportunity to stand out.

In this way, it not only stimulated the enthusiasm of the whole Daqin to work hard, but also reduced the risk of the Six Nations nobles continuing to rebel.

"Besides this, there is another system, the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng system, which Jingyang Prefecture does not have to implement.

Bai Hei glanced at Xiao He:

"But you must record this system completely, and hand it over to the First Emperor before he issues an edict to reform the system.

"Yes, my lord.

Xiao He quickly raised his pen again.

"Nine-rank Zhongzheng system, by the major families, the recommended talents are divided into upper, middle and lower grades. Get down."5

"No more than three people per family can be elected by personnel, and the court will employ seven-tenths of the total number.""

"After being hired, officials and titles are determined according to their grades, after the imperial examination system.

Above the basic rank nine, Baihei deliberately added a limit, with a maximum of three members per family, and only the first seven-tenths were taken when recruiting.

Especially the finishing touch, the talents selected by the nine-rank middle-ranking system must have their initial positions under the talents selected by the imperial examination system!

In this way, it not only restricted the total number of people who entered the family, but also suppressed the old aristocratic forces in disguise.

Originally, the military merit award system had already weakened the power of the old aristocrats in the Qin state.

Of course, Xiao He was quite in favor of Bai Zhu's move.

An outstanding talent like Zhang Liang does not have to be selected through the nine-rank Zhongzheng system at all, even if he passes the imperial examination system or the levy system, he can stand out.

In the end, those who were selected through the 9th-grade Zhongzheng system are nothing more than children from aristocratic families who are unwilling to work hard or fail to succeed.

In this way, the court can give an official position at will, and then find a reason to remove it after a few years.

As for Jingyang Mansion, there is absolutely no need to worry about the old aristocratic forces.

Just kidding, under Bai Hei, which nobleman dares to escape?

Taking a step back, Jingyang was originally just a county, and the old aristocrats were not very powerful, and when they learned that Baihei was going to rule Jingyang, they had already helped the old and the young to flee elsewhere.

Therefore, in the restructuring process of Jingyang, there is absolutely no need to consider compromise with the old aristocratic forces.

"Okay, did you remember everything?"

"Back to the lord, I wrote it all down. 99

Xiao He sorted out the recorded system and memorized several pages.

"After the canned food comes out, the Jingyang Restructuring Ceremony can start preparations, and when you invite Lao Zhao, the first batch of canned food will surely sell for a good price.

Just thinking about it, Bai Zhi couldn't wait. Although the canned food was used for going to sea, after all, the exclusive skill of Shennong Temple was too powerful.

The output of fruit is not only enough to go out to sea, but also has a little surplus.

Just as Xiao He was about to leave, footsteps sounded outside, and Guan Yu and Gao Chong walked into the hall side by side.

"My lord, I'm back.

Seeing that it was Gao Chong, Bai Zhu quickly stood up and asked quickly:

"How? Did you get the soda ash?"

"Back to the lord, the soda ash of 2,000 mechanical beasts is now on standby at the camp. 35

"Xiao He, take someone to unload the cargo, and then move all the limestone I asked you to prepare for me."

"Yes, my lord."

Xiao He and Gao Chong quickly left.

"Guan Yu, go and invite all the craftsmen you called before to the factory, and start work immediately to make glass!"

Refining glass is the first process of making cans. If glass can't be made, iron cans will be even more useless.

After a few people rushing around, part of all the required raw materials have been shipped to the factory. According to the drawings and the method of refining glass provided by Bai Zhi in advance, the craftsmen quickly began to try.

Originally, they were craftsmen who made colored glass. Although the two were quite different, they were not unfamiliar with making glass.

"My lord, glass refining must still take a few days, you might as well go back to rest first.

Seeing Bai Hei pacing back and forth outside the factory building, Xiao He immediately stepped forward to persuade him.

Think about it, the craftsmen are the first to refine glass, not to mention, they have to try to make molds and make glass bottles for canning in later generations.

And even if the glass bottle is refined, the syrup has to be made, the best fruit has to be selected, and cans can be made through several processes.

Since it is the first time for the artisans, no matter the ratio of syrup or the selection of fruits, they have to keep trying to ensure the quality of the final canned food.

But Baihei is obviously not at ease. Whether it is the blending of syrup or the firing process of glass, he is not afraid of trouble and guides him personally.

"Hey, hey, your mix is ​​wrong, it's too sticky, it's turned into porridge, throw it into a jar and cook it and it will turn into lumps, make it again"!

"Increase the fire and increase the fire, and let Xiao He bring more coal over. The fire must be large, and it should not be cooled naturally, understand?"

"The peaches are rotten and you still pick them, do you want to die?

After Bai Hei's unremitting supervision and hard work, after three days, the glass jar was finally made successfully.

The ratio of sugar and water has also reached a satisfactory level of white and black. The last process is sealing and heating!

Bai Zhu personally controlled the heat, heated the glass jar, and after seeing that it was almost done, he tore off the first batch of cans.

The first batch of cans consisted of twelve bottles, a very small number.

It's not because of the problem of fruit and syrup, but because the glass jar was successful at first, and the quantity is still too small.

Up to now, a total of twelve successful glass jars have been produced. After summarizing the successful production methods, Bai Zhi left the factory and made cans by himself.

"It's done! Luo

When the temperature of the cans gradually cooled down, the first batch of twelve cans was finished.

Since they don't know what canned food everyone likes to eat, Baihei chose to make twelve assorted cans, including pears, yellow peach, hawthorn and other fruits.

He opened the lid of the can, and the first bite was naturally tasted by Bai Hei himself.

Picking up a large piece of yellow peach, Baihei slowly put it into his mouth.

Not to mention, the taste is not worse than the taste of later generations!

"Come here, you all have a taste.""

He greeted Xiao He, Gao Chong, Guan Yu, Ying Yinman and others around him, and everyone got a jar.

"Wow, it tastes really good!

Ying Yinman and the five women each got a jar, and they were welcome. As soon as they heard that it was delicious, they ate it.

"Well, it really doesn't have any flavor."

Xiao He put the fruit into his mouth and chewed it carefully, because the canned fruit was all the best.

In addition to slow cooking, after the sweet fruit softens, the syrup wraps the pulp in it, making it even sweeter.

"If you can eat this after going to sea, it would be not bad."

Gao Chong finished the jar in threes and fives, and seemed to be still a little unfulfilled.

"Another can?

Baihei raised his hand and handed another jar to Gao Chong.

Of course, Gao Chong would never dare to accept it.

A total of 12 cans were produced this time, and only five cans were consumed by Ying Yinman and the five women, plus Xiao He, himself, Guan Yu, Li Xin, Fusu, Hu Hai...

A large number of people are still waiting to eat, but Gao Chong dare not be greedy.

"It's okay if you don't eat it, take the remaining jar to Lao Zhao.

When eating something good, neither white nor black will forget the first emperor.

Of course, only when the first emperor ate it first and thought it was delicious, could he help his canned food publicity be true.

"My lord, today is the day of the court meeting. Your Majesty must be still in the early court."

Although it is not a day and a dynasty at this time, but today is indeed an early dynasty day, the ministers and the first emperor will discuss matters in the same hall.

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Bai Zhu immediately raised his eyebrows, good guy, we must seize the opportunity!

"Gao Chong, you go immediately with the can."

Looking at the few cans left in front of him, Bai Zhu simply waved his hand:

"Li Xin and Fusu didn't give them away, they all took the remaining four, except for Lao Zhao, the remaining three jars let each of them take a bite.

Xiao He on the side was silent.

Good guy, it seems that Lord Rui Beast is not limited to carrying canned food on voyages. In the future, there will be more delicacies in Jingyang Tower!

However, before Gao Chong set off, he also reminded in time:

"My lord, we should give the can a name. 35

In ancient times, no matter what, it had to have a name in an upright manner, otherwise it would be despised by others.

Although Bai and Hei shouted "canned food" one by one, they also learned it, but it does not mean that it is the final name.

After thinking for a while, Bai Hei immediately had an idea, since it was produced by Jingyang:

"It's called Jingyang Canned Food!

"Jingyang canned food, okay, this subordinate will send it to Xianyang Palace."

"Remember, you must be solemn, you must be in court, and everyone must have a bite!"

White and Black emphasized it again.

"My subordinate understands!

With white and black instructions five times and three times, Gao Chong immediately set off with four cans of "Jingyang cans".

In order to strengthen his prestige, he also brought four Great Qin Ruishis.

Sure enough, as soon as they landed in Xianyang Palace, the palace guard in charge of guarding them immediately greeted them.

Jingyang Mansion has always had the privilege to meet the First Emperor. Except for Jingyang Mansion, everyone else has to wait to be summoned, but the people of Jingyang Mansion directly land the Suzaku Organ Beast outside the hall every time.

Gong Jin knew that the relationship between Bai Hei and the First Emperor was extraordinary, so he would not easily stop him.

But today is different. Today is the time of the court meeting, all the officials are present, and the hall is solemn and solemn.

So the guards quickly stopped Gao Chong:

"General Gao, Your Majesty is summoning the civil and military officials in the hall, you can't go in now.

"Nonsense! King Hu has already made an agreement with His Majesty that he will entertain all the ministers to eat 'Jingyang canned food' at the court today. How dare you stop me?"5

Hearing what Gao Chong said, the imperial guard was obviously a little guilty.

At the moment he falters, his attitude is no longer as decisive and clear as before.

Seeing this, Gao Chong struck while the iron was hot, and immediately moved out of Baizhu, earnestly and enticing:

"Think about it, if the King Protector knew that you dared to stop him, next time he came to clean up you in person, do you think His Majesty would stop him?


Subconsciously, the guard who wanted to stop him a little more immediately gave way.

"General Gao, please."

Good guy, who doesn't know Bai Zhu's temperament, let alone clean up himself, is to kill himself, "accidentally" shoot himself to death, I am afraid that the first emperor may not be able to take care of it, right?

So, don't touch this mold yourself.

"You are wise.

Seeing that the imperial guards were no longer blocking him, Gao Chong also left the four Qin Ruishis in place and ordered them to stand at the door until he came back.

"Your Majesty, Jingyang Mansion Gao Chong asks to see you! 35

Although it is possible to enter Xianyang Palace without rules, Gao Chong does not dare to be presumptuous when entering the main hall.

Standing outside the hall, he bowed and announced loudly.

Inside the hall, the first emperor first frowned, which one, who didn't open his eyes, actually shouted loudly outside during the court meeting?

It wasn't until he heard the three words "Jingyang Mansion" that a sudden realization appeared on his face, it seemed that the little auspicious beast had done something wrong again.

"Come in. 35

Loudly ordering Gao Chong to enter the hall, the First Emperor knew in his heart that Gao Chong was a close minister of the little auspicious beast.

If it wasn't for an absolute reason, Xiao Rui Beast wouldn't be so ignorant of etiquette.

Seeing that the first emperor not only did not investigate the guilt, but let the people come in on the spot, all the ministers facing up nodded silently.

Sure enough, Lord Auspicious Beast is Lord Auspicious Beast. If this is replaced by someone else, they can guarantee that the First Emperor will let him not see the sun tomorrow!

With the permission of the First Emperor, Gao Chong immediately strode in, holding a food vessel with four cans of "...Jingyang canned food" on it.

Passing through the surrounding ministers, Gao Chong went straight to the bottom of the throne of the First Emperor:

"Jingyang House protects King Baihei, and presents four cans of "Jingyang Canned Food" to His Majesty. 39

Gao Chong shouted loudly on purpose, and even the guards outside the hall could hear it clearly.

"Jingyang canned food? What?"

"I don't know, maybe there is something wrong with that panda.

"Keep your voice down, don't you want to die?

After Gao Chong's introduction, the surrounding ministers immediately began to whisper.

"Bring it up.

The first emperor first looked at the so-called "Jingyang canned food" before ordering his servants to present it.

"Your Majesty, please lift the lid, take it out with a spoon, and eat it with the soup."

Seeing the bewildered look on the inner servant's face, Gao Chong immediately reminded loudly.

The waiter immediately ordered someone to fetch a spoon, then opened the lid of the can and scooped a piece of pulp.

According to the rules at the time, the waiter subconsciously sent it to his mouth, but the first emperor coughed slightly, indicating that he wanted to eat directly.

Soon, the maid withdrew.

The first emperor personally picked up the spoon and ate a piece of pulp.

"Soft and refreshing, it is indeed a good thing.

When the First Emperor said this, the ministers in the hall became even more curious.

A Jingyang Building has been on fire for a long time, and now many nobles of Xianyang have traveled thousands of miles to Jingyang Building to eat wine and food.

If "Jingyang Canned Food" is really a rare delicacy, they would be willing to pay some price to try it.

"Your Majesty, the King Protector has also prepared some for the ministers.

Saying that, Gao Chong raised the other three jars in his hand and gestured.

"Since the little auspicious animal is interested, let them share it. 99

The First Emperor nodded immediately in agreement.

Since it was ordered by Bai Hei, the First Emperor would definitely not refute Bai Hei's face.

So, when the court, Gao Chong gave all the courtiers present a piece.

Fortunately, the number is large enough, and each person can also share a piece.

"Yeah! It's very smooth and tender, and it's full of sweetness!

A minister couldn't help but nodded in praise.

"Yeah, it's really not easy to be able to eat fruit with sweetness to quench thirst.

Another minister echoed.

"King Hu knows that His Majesty is in charge of every day, so it is a blessing for His Majesty to develop this food!

For a while, after taking a bite, many ministers started blowing rainbow farts in circles.

Of course, some are because the canned food itself is really delicious, but some are just taking the opportunity to flatter Bai Hei. Hope (Zhao Qian's) can use Gao Chong's mouth to show his face in front of Bai Hei and refute his feelings.

"It's really good, it's hard work, little auspicious beast."

The first emperor closed the coffin and concluded that the food was good!

Good guy, I will eat some later, and when the court is down, I must send someone to Jingyang Mansion to get a few more jars!

Of course, Gao Chong couldn't be made to run in vain. At that moment, the First Emperor looked to the left and right:


"Yes, Your Majesty."

Left and right quickly took out a plate of gold and silver and handed it to Gao Chong.

In front of the civil and military officials, Gao Chong naturally couldn't refuse, so he immediately accepted it and put it up.

The big deal is that after returning to Jingyang Mansion, it is enough to hand it over.

"Thank you, Your Majesty.

When he left the hall, Gao Chong could feel that both the first emperor and the ministers were reluctant to leave.

Obviously, "Jingyang Canned Food" has left a deep impression on them.

Presumably soon, their butler entourage will come to Jingyang to ask for canned food.

Not to mention, Lord Rui Beast took advantage of this plan, and it actually worked!

With the gold and silver rewarded by the First Emperor, Gao Chong returned to Jingyang Mansion.

"My lord, this is the gold and silver presented by your majesty."

Putting the gold and silver in front of the white and black without reservation, Gao Chong talked about everyone's reactions one by one.

"The ministers were full of praise after tasting it. Your Majesty was in court, so it's not advisable to praise it too much. He only said one good sentence, but obviously he didn't have enough.

In addition to the description, Gao Chong also added his own judgment.

"Very good, Xiao He!"

"Subordinates are here."

"Immediately order the craftsmen to make glass jars overnight, and whoever does the most will be rewarded! 35

"Yes, my lord."

Xiao He immediately responded.

As long as there is enough incentive, there is no need to worry about not enough glass jars.

As for the fruit and sugar water, they have already been prepared.

Now all the crafts are in the process of maturation as time goes by, so the canned food made in the future will only taste better and purer!

"By the way, when the next batch of canned food comes out, don't make a fuss. Take it to the auction house for auction first, and when it's almost sold, take it to Jingyang Tower as a dish. 35

Xiao He nodded silently, good guy, someone is going to be tricked again!

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