I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 199: The man who is a tool man Fu Su

When all the guests fell asleep, Bai Hei was still waiting.

Because Fusu was the main filmmaker, he never discussed it with Fusu.

As for the First Emperor himself, he remained silent, but he thought that Fusu had agreed to it himself, and he himself would not be ashamed of himself, so why do you have the nerve to object?

But the first emperor didn't speak, it didn't mean that Fusu was willing.

Anyone who thinks with his ass knows that Fusu must be furious after getting the news, and he is bound to come to find out for himself.

Tomorrow is the day when the auction officially begins, and tonight is the best choice for theory.

Therefore, Baihei has been lying on the rattan chair waiting to help Su.

Sure enough, there was a low-pitched noise outside, followed by a clutter of footsteps.

"Young master, protect the king in bed, you really can't go in."

It was Xiao He's voice.

It has to be said that Xiao He has been with him for a long time, and until now, Bai Hei Fang did not understand why Xiao He finally died peacefully.

Because he is really comfortable doing things!

While trying to figure out people's hearts, it can also make you feel at ease. This is the difference between him and Li Shanchang.

If you can only figure out people's hearts and don't know how to make the master feel at ease, the ending will be Li Shanchang's appearance.

But Xiao He, being a person and doing things is like a spring breeze, very comfortable!

"No, I have to go in!"

As the first successor of the ruler of Daqin, Fusu also has his own temper.

When Fusu became stubborn, Xiao He didn't dare to stop him, so he had to let him in.

Angrily broke into Bai Hei's mansion, and when Fu Su entered the yard, he saw Bai Zhu with a leisurely face on the rattan chair.

"Protect the King!"

Fusu stared at Bai Hei, his tone was not good, and his face was full of questions.

Historically, although Fusu was often described as a graceful gentleman, it was clear that, as the eldest son of the first emperor, Fusu could not obey his promises.

It is not difficult to see from the description that he and Shi Huang had quarreled a few times and almost made Shi Huang draw his sword.

However, looking at Bai Hei, until Fusu broke in, his face was still light.

"Oh, here you are, sit down.

"Don't sit!

Fusu continued to ask angrily:

"Dare to ask the king, the auction is auctioned, why is it under my banner?"

Fusu was very excited, most of his face blushed, his body trembled slightly, and the whole person looked full of righteous indignation.

For his question, Bai Hei did not answer, noncommittal.

Instead, he asked Fusu:

"That's how the Confucian classics taught you? No king, no father, trespassing at the teacher's house, and yelling at the teacher who is sick in bed?

It was like a head-on blow, a blow to the head, and Fu Su was stunned in place.

Originally thought that he was here to question Bai Hei, but he never imagined that Bai Hei actually beat him up, but instead accused him.

With his way, he also gave his body.

Bai Zhu grasped Fusu's dull and stubborn temperament, don't you like to follow Confucian classics? Well, I will punish you with Confucian classics!

Sure enough, the next moment, Fusu fell silent.

He knew that his behavior was indeed a bit excessive, and he was overwhelmed by anger.

"If the disciple does something wrong, please punish the master. 99

Fusu knelt down on one knee, honestly.

Seeing that Fu Su's clothes were soft, Bai Hei quickly became more pleasant, and his tone softened a lot.

"Fu Su, do you know why I want you to be the main shooter?"

Due to Bai Hei's intentional publicity, some proper nouns about the auction are already well known in Daqin.

"The disciple doesn't know.

Fusu shook his head.

"Then do you know why Your Majesty let you come under my door?"

"The father wants the disciples to follow the master to learn their skills.""

Correcting mistakes is one of the great advantages of Fusu.

Of course, at the moment, it is also a lame who was fooled by white and black.

"That's it, for the teacher to push you out, naturally there is a reason for pushing you out. 55

After a little explanation, Bai Hei immediately changed the conversation:

"But look at you, not only did you not ask for advice with humility, on the contrary, you did not have a monarch and father, and if you commit the following mistakes, how can a teacher teach you with confidence?

"The disciple is wrong.

Fusu lowered his head, full of repentance.

Seeing Fusu like this, Baihei sighed:

"Forget it, since you can know your mistakes, I am very pleased for the teacher. You have to prepare well for tomorrow's events, and after the event, the teacher will teach you why you are like this."5

Of course, Bai Zhu wouldn't tell Fusu. In fact, after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't come up with any good excuse, so he had to delay it for a while. As long as he got things done, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to think of a reason to deal with you?

・・For flowers....

In this regard, Fusu, who knew nothing about it, had no choice but to obey.

"The disciple obeys.

"Go. 99

Baihei waved his hand and motioned for Fusu to retreat.

Then he turned over and continued to lie back on the rattan chair.

Mother, it's really too late today, you little Fusu, how dare you make trouble, when I'm free, I'll take care of you!

Thinking nonsense, Bai Hei seconds fell asleep...

When Fusu walked to the door, he suddenly remembered what Xiao He said, Bai Zhu is sick in bed?

Must condolences!

Thinking of this, Fusu quickly retracted his steps, returned to the rattan chair, and asked softly:

"I don't know how Master's condition is? 99

There was silence for a long time.


Fusu called out softly again.

Still no answer.



Two grunts came, and it was obvious that Baihei was asleep.

"Master is in charge of every day, so he has a good rest, and the disciples retire."

Seeing this, Fusu had no choice but to bow down before retreating.

After returning home, Fusu immediately found out all the rules and procedures of the auction house and began to study it carefully.

Since Master has other arrangements, it must be very meaningful, and I must treat it well!

Although it was getting late, Fusu worked tirelessly to fight with the lights at night. It took almost a whole night to understand the rules of the auction house and what the host needs to do.

Originally, everything was very unfamiliar to him. After all, who would have thought that Da Qin's future heir would one day stand in the position of the main photographer?

But now, he is very familiar with everything. After a night of hard study, Fusu has a deep understanding of the basic auction process.

Suddenly, he didn't use Bai Zhi to give a reason, and he understood it himself.

As the future heir of the Daqin Empire, you must be in contact with each other in order to achieve integration and mastery, and to govern the country with ease!

If Bai Zhu knew that Fusu had figured it out, he would be very happy.

It's a pity that when Fusu was fighting at night with the lights on, Baihei was playing chess with Duke Zhou in his dreams, and he was very happy...

Finally, when the sun rose on the second day, Fusu put down the scroll in his hand.

Today is the day the auction starts! Knife,

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