I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 196 The restructuring of Jingyang! Shake the world!

After some introductions by Bai and Hei, the first emperor woke up like a dream.

"What do you mean, with the help of newspapers, let the common people become the opposite of the hundreds of schools of thought, so that the hundreds of schools of thought will move their spearheads away from me?

Although the first emperor was not a top-level mind, due to Bai Hei's patient and meticulous explanation, he immediately understood a lot.

"Wow, that's great.

The first emperor was full of praise for the method proposed by Baihei.

【‘Actually not only that, think about it, if there is still competition among the hundreds of schools of thought, you can also start from here. ’]

[‘For example, the layout was balanced at the beginning, but gradually began to tilt towards one faction. Gradually, without you having to do anything, the rest of the schools of thought would immediately attack this faction. ’]

【‘If you want to completely eliminate the influence of the hundreds of schools of thought, you can’t put them on the opposite side. ’]

[‘On the contrary, your policy is a little looser, so that there will be a little competition between them. After a long time, they will inevitably argue with each other. In the end, if you see the opportunity, you can do it all at once. ’]

Explaining a long list of nouns in one breath, Bai Zhi picked up Coke and gulps down a whole bottle.

"I understand.

If the previous truth is said, the first emperor is half-knowledgeable, but when it comes to differentiation and cutting, the first emperor is not sleepy.

How did the Qin state destroy the six states?

At the beginning, Qin State's troops were very strong, almost sweeping, and all of a sudden, the Six Nations became vigilant.

Then formed an unbreakable alliance and attacked Qin together.

But later, Qin State saw the fragility of the alliance, and began to show weakness gradually, slowing down the pace and taking retreat instead of advance.

Sure enough, as soon as the external pressure eased, there was a problem within the other six countries, the alliance collapsed instantly, and everyone scrambled to form an alliance with Qin.

Right now, the First Emperor and the Hundred Schools of Masters share the same reasoning.

In the past, the first emperor used strong means to suppress, although it can achieve very good results in a short period of time.

But the longer the grievances, the more resentment they had towards the First Emperor, and even formed an invisible alliance to fight against the First Emperor together.

Even if the Daqin Academy was built, because there were few interests involved, although various factions would fight with each other on weekdays, they would not kill each other.

Once the First Emperor really did something that endangered the various schools of thought, they would still stand up and form an alliance to oppose it.

But if according to what Bai Zhi said, using the newspaper as an introduction and letting the world witness, which faction does not want to be famous in the world?

With interests, there will be disputes. An alliance, if the internal interests are no longer consistent, no matter what the relationship is, the relationship between father and son is useless, and it will collapse in an instant!

Since the new product of "newspaper" can play such a big role, the first emperor was even more curious. Bai Hei just said, there are two ways, I don't know what the second way is?

"Little Rui Beast, I will deal with the newspaper issue when I go back, and now you say the second thing to look at.

Guan Yu, who was on the side, saw that the first emperor was talking to himself on the spot, and Bai Zhu didn't speak at all.

Of course, when he was in Luoyang, Guan Yu knew that there was a special way of communication between Baihei and Shi Huangdi.

[‘The second thing I can’t remember, it’s about talent selection. 1

"Talent selection?"

The First Emperor was a little curious:

"Is the talent selection system in Daqin still not sound enough?

In this regard, Bai Hei can only silently nodded:

['It's more than unhealthy, it's simply unhealthy!'

At present, there are two kinds of talent selection systems in the Qin Dynasty:

The first is the award of military merit.

The second is the guest system.

Needless to say, the first type of military merit award, fighting, killing people, the more people who kill, the higher the title, and it can be hereditary.

Why did the people of the Qin Dynasty fight bravely on the battlefield, because the rewards were all placed there.

What is rewarded with one head, what is rewarded with two heads, if you dare not go on your own, you can't blame others.

Especially since the title can be hereditary, if you kill a few hundred people at once, that's it, your family won't have to worry about food and drink for generations.

So, who doesn't work hard?

It is undeniable that the military merit award system was indeed a more suitable system for the Qin state.

However, at the moment, the Qin state has been unified, except that Baiyue is still dancing, the neighbors are surrendered, and there is basically no battle to fight.

In this way, it is equivalent to the abolition of the military merit award system, and a new talent selection system must be established.

As for the second one, the guest system.

Keqing, Keqing, refers to the system in which talents from other countries come to Qin to be guest ministers.

To put it bluntly, it is used for gunmen from other countries.

But now that they are unified, who should they shoot with, Xidi, Xiongnu, Baiyue?

Isn't it the same level?

Even if the restriction of nationality is thrown out, the Qin State can select talents from its own country, but the Keqing system pays attention to a recommendation and reputation.

As a result, there are many restrictions, and even many people deliberately retreat for the sake of fame, and then wait for the monarch to visit.

Of course, during the Warring States period, it was not impossible, now that the first emperor unified the world, my dear, three visits to the cottage to find you?

Have fun!

In addition, it is mutual recommendation, such as Xiao He recommends Han Xin, Han Xin recommends who and so on.

In this way, the disadvantages are even greater.

Everyone's circle of friends is so large, especially when there are no mobile phones and computers, and there are fewer people in contact, can you guarantee who will be around?

Therefore, after the reunification, the two talent selection systems in Daqin have been derailed from the times, some are outdated, and must be updated!

['The talent selection system in Daqin is now somewhat out of date. If we don't take this opportunity to reform the system, it will be difficult to change it when the vested interest groups are deeply entrenched in the future. l

Although Bai Hei's words were vague, but at least he understood a little, that is, the talent selection system of Da Qin must be changed!

"It's okay to change, but how? What are the appropriate systems for Daqin? 35

[‘There are many methods, such as the inspection system, the expedition system, the nine-rank middle-ranking system, and the imperial examination system, many systems can be implemented in this era. 1

Bai Hei has counted the talent selection system of each era, and even the nine-rank middle-ranking system has not been spared.

The nine-grade Zhongzheng system was originally formulated and implemented by Chen Qun, a censor of Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period. Among the court officials, prestigious people are elected to serve as the central officials of the states and counties, responsible for inspecting local scholars, and assessing nine grades (upper, upper middle, upper and lower, middle upper, middle middle, middle lower, up, down, down).

Then, according to the rank of scholars, recommendations were made to the Ministry of Officials. According to the report of Zhongzheng, the Ministry of Personnel awarded officials according to their grades. At first, this system was devoted to solving the unification of the selection of officials in the imperial court and the Qing Dynasty in the villages.

However, at the turn of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, because the large and small middle-ranking officials were monopolized by the famous gentry in various states and counties, they favored the gentry when assessing the grades, and the division of the nine grades had already deviated from the principle of disregarding the rank.

In the following three hundred years, there has been a situation in which the high-rank clan has no poor clan, and the inferior clan has no powerful clan to monopolize the political power, while the Jiu-rank Zhongzheng system has always been a bureaucratic selection system to protect the gentry's hereditary political privileges.

The reason why Baihei included the 9th-grade Zhongzheng system was naturally due to his considerations.

Although the power of the first emperor can't be increased now, it is even more unequivocal in the whole of Daqin.

But vested interest groups cannot be easily shaken, and the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng System can just ease this problem.

As long as they use the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng System to retain some power for the aristocratic families, presumably under the majesty of the First Emperor, they can only compromise.

After all, all the living space was not wiped out, so they naturally wouldn't rush forward and desperately seek death.

Moreover, once all the talent selection systems are implemented at the same time, the influence of the nine-rank middle-ranking system will not be so great, and even in the selection process of the survival of the fittest, Bai and Hei have reason to believe that the imperial examination system will definitely stand out!

Seeing that Baihei suddenly listed the four talent selection systems, the first emperor was a little messy, good guy, just looking at the literal meaning, he doesn't understand anything!

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Hei quickly added:

【‘Anyway, I plan to restructure in Jingyang Mansion recently. Why don’t I use Jingyang as a pilot, I’ll show you a sample, then you will know how to do it. ’]


Whether ancient or modern, it starts from a small-scale practice to prove whether a system or event is correct, and the Qin Dynasty is naturally no exception.

"So good!

Hearing Bai Hei say this, the First Emperor was relieved.

After all, it is too risky to restructure rashly. If there is no trace to be found, even if white and black repeatedly make unexpected plans, the first emperor's heart is still empty.

If Jingyang Mansion can "dare to be the first in the world" and succeed, everyone will be happy, not only Jingyang is blessed, but Daqin can take this as an example and expand its advantages to the whole of Daqin.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if it really fails in the end, Jingyang is in chaos, isn't there still the first emperor who has the bottom line?

Not to mention a Jingyang mansion, where the slap is bigger, the First Emperor immediately suppressed it with thunder, isn't it a matter of minutes?

What's more, Baihei personally reformed the system. If he really said that something would happen, the First Emperor himself would not believe it.

From the beginning to the present, which thing has Bai Zhu not done beautifully?

"Little Rui Beast, I believe in you, I am waiting for your good news in Xianyang!

After inspecting all the completed buildings, the Suzaku Organ Beast sent the First Emperor back to Xianyang Palace.

"Little Rui Beast, it's okay and Yin Man, come back and have a look.

Reluctantly saying goodbye to Bai Hei, the first emperor soon returned to Xianyang Palace.

Since the other organ beasts have already gone to Chaka Salt Lake, even if this Suzaku organ beast has been promised to the first emperor, Bai Zhu still has to temporarily requisition it.

"My lord, shall we go back to Jingyang Mansion?"

Guan Yu stopped and looked at Bai Zhu.

"Go back to Jingyang, and then call Xiao He to me. 35

Soon, Guan Yu controlled the Suzaku tactical beast and returned to the mansion with Baihei.

It was useless for Guan Yu to go to look for it. As soon as the Suzaku Organ Beast appeared at the head of the city, Xiao He immediately received the news and came to Baihei's residence with the prepared golden book.

"My lord, the golden book for the canonization has been prepared. Do you have anything else to prepare?"

After speaking, Xiao He handed over the canonical list of personnel that had been negotiated before.

Apart from a few ministers, the rest of the officials such as the servants were either selected by Xiao He himself, or by the ministers themselves, and the list has been determined.

In response, Bai Hei waved his hand:

"Just leave these to you, I can rest assured."

"But I have one more thing, in addition to the official system, the talent selection system of Jingyang Mansion also needs to be revised.35

"Talent selection system?"

Xiao He was a little puzzled:

"Could it be that there are not enough talents in Jingyang Mansion?"

"Of course there are enough, but the talent is naturally the more the better. If you don't get him, he will do things elsewhere. After getting him, he will spend some money to support it, and it will be safe. Why not do it?"

In the late Qin and early Han Dynasties, in addition to the famous talents in history, there were countless people who did not have the opportunity to show their talents.

Famous, take advantage of the situation, not famous, does not mean lack of ability, what they lack is just a stage for display.

Now, White and Black are going to give them a stage!

"The inspection system, the levy system, and the imperial examination system, the three talent selection systems, must be implemented in Jingyang Prefecture."

"Please teach me your lord. 99

Xiao He bowed respectfully, then consciously sat at the table next to him, raising the pen in his hand.

"The census system starts from the bottom to the top, starting from each county, county and township. The specific number is up to you. Next, I will talk about the selection subjects."5

Since the Jingyang mansion was not large, Baihei extended its scope to the entire Daqin.

"One is that the virtues are sublime, and the will is pure;

The second is to learn to pass and practice, and to be a doctor of scriptures;

The third is to understand the law, enough to resolve doubts, to be able to answer questions according to the chapter, and the censor in the text;

The fourth is fortitude and prudence, not perplexed when encountering things, knowing enough to make decisions, only to serve as the three assistant commanders, and all have the conduct of filial piety brother Lian Gong.

Following the description of Baihei sentence by sentence, Xiao He also wrote it down.

The more he wrote, the more frightened he became.

It didn't seem like an amazing system, but as soon as the four subjects came out, Xiao He immediately understood the reason why Baihei chose the inspection system.


A guiding role for the social atmosphere!

To put it bluntly, if you can be an official and make money, everyone can do whatever they want.

Okay, you take filial piety and honesty as your official standard. Even if I am trying to make a name for myself, I will pretend to be filial and honest.

At first, people may pretend, but over time, a ethos will be formed, good moral habits will be formed, and it will come true.

Isn't there a saying that after pretending for a lifetime, you are the kind of person you pretend to be!

Therefore, the census system is not only an evaluation method for officials, but also a very important tool for moral education.

Once the society has formed a good moral atmosphere, the long-term stability of the society will be realized.

It can be said that the census system has a lofty intention and is by no means specially made for the sake of being an official.

"Second, the system of expropriation and expropriation. Except for this king, all counties can carry out expropriation and expropriation, but they can only be urged slightly. If they insist on not being expropriated and expropriated, they cannot be forced.

Xiao He silently wrote down the levy system.

Only 780 listened to Bai Zhu's description, and he had a certain fantasy about the expedition system in his heart.

In fact, the expropriation system can be said to be specially formulated for the monarch or prince.

Once they hear about or take a fancy to a talent, as long as they use the way of the expropriation system, they can be promoted and brought back to their side, which can be called a shortcut.

In this way, even after a reasonable official system is established, once Baihei discovers any talents, they can be recruited and selected to serve in the imperial court directly, without going through other systems such as the inspection system or the imperial examination system.

Simple and convenient, to put it bluntly, is to provide a special way for the leader to select his cronies.

"Third, the imperial examination system is also the top priority. The real talent selection is all in this system."

Before talking about the imperial examination system, Bai Hei also deliberately emphasized it.

Hearing what Bai Hei said, Xiao He suddenly became awe-inspiring, and immediately raised his spirits. It seems that the most important system is coming!

"The imperial examination system is divided into three subjects, civil examination, military examination, and work examination.""

In addition to the history of civil and military affairs, Baihei added a self-created "work"

"Wenju, which is determined by the text, is held once a year. The subjects are selected in advance by the host, and talents are selected according to anonymous corrections. The selection is carried out step by step, starting from the county level, to the ten-county joint examination, and finally selected by Jingyang Prefecture. ."

Because Jingyang Mansion is special, Baihei temporarily modified some subtle rules.

"Wuju, with Wushu friends, is held once a year to compete in the arena, and the final winner is the Wushu champion, followed by the second place and the third flower, and the same is true for Wenju people.99

Compared with the Wenjuren who need Xiao He to worry about, the selection of Wujuren is much easier, and whoever wins is the first.

Wen Wu first, Wu Wu second is the reason.

"Working, science and technology rejuvenate the country. There is no fixed test time, and a summary is made at the end of each year. Like the champion of civil and military affairs, it is divided into champion, second place, and third.

No matter who they are, as long as they have made inventions that are beneficial to Daqin and Jingyang, whether it is war, life, or other kinds, as long as they are practical, they can participate, and they can be awarded titles and officials!

In fact, Gongju is just a pretext, and it is a variant of Baihei based on later generations' "rejuvenating the country through science and technology".

Emphasis on invention and craftsmanship, as long as it is conducive to promoting social development, it will be rewarded!

As soon as the three imperial examination systems came out, Xiao He couldn't help but start to compare them carefully.

Compared with the role of the census system in correcting the social atmosphere, and the essential attribute of the levy system to serve the ruler, the imperial examination system is undoubtedly the most practical and fair one among the three systems.

Wen Ju, Wu Ju, Gong Ju!

It covers almost three areas that are more important at present.

Gongju has always been ignored by people, but once Baihei proposed it, it was immediately taken seriously by Xiao He.

After all, the example of the Suzaku Organ Beast is right in front of you.

Before and after, how many things did the Suzaku organ beast bring them?

In addition to making daily life more convenient, it also played a role in the war situation!

What if the number was expanded to 10,000, 100,000 or even 1 million?

What kind of grand situation will Daqin fall into at that time?

In particular, the selection methods of the three systems have no restrictions except for exams!

No matter whether you are a noble or a commoner, even if you are a slave, you can still participate in the imperial examinations.

Once you pass the exam, you will turn over completely!

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