Following Bai Zhu to the "airport" of Jingyang Mansion, which was specially used to park the Suzaku Organ Beast, Mo Xue noticed the ingenious Suzaku Organ Beast at first sight.

"This is……?"

Because the mechanism beasts have always been inherited from Luban's art, and the Suzaku mechanism beast in front of him is an improved version of the system, not to mention that Mo Xue has never seen it, even if it is a descendant of Lu Ban, Gong Shuliang has never seen it.

"Suzaku Organ Beast."

Bai Hei introduced Mo Xue generously, and at the same time brought Mo Xue to the inside of the "airport".

This place was finally built under the order of Bai Zhi, Xiao He chose the land.

It is specially used for the parking and take-off of the Vermilion Bird Organ Beast. The surrounding guards are all Daqin Tieying Ruishi, with a total of 500 people, guarding it day and night.

Not only that, Guan Yu, who was in charge of Jingyang's defense, also built a military camp near the "airport".

Eight thousand Beiwei troops were stationed in the barracks. If something went wrong at the "airport", they could arrive at the scene in less than a few dozen breaths.

"My lord!"

Qin Ruishi, who was in charge of the guard, saw Bai Hei and immediately gave way to both sides.

In fact, that is, white and black can have this privilege and can bring people in at will.

Otherwise, even Xiao He himself would have to verify his identity again and again before he could have a chance to enter the interior of the airport.

However, due to the special status of Baihei and the obvious body shape, Qin Ruishi can easily distinguish Baihei from others.

After passing through two lines of defense one after another, at the very innermost was the Vermilion Bird Organ Beast that Mo Xue was looking forward to.

From a distance, the Suzaku Organ Beast doesn't seem to be very big, but it wasn't until he walked in that Mo Xue realized that the Suzaku Organ Beast's carrying capacity didn't seem to be small.

"Can I... have a look?"

Glancing at Bai Hei cautiously, Mo Xue stepped forward and stroked the Vermilion Bird Beast, and couldn't put it down.

"My lord, you just said that this Suzaku organ beast can take off from the ground?

Bai Hei did not answer the question raised by Mo Xue.

He pulled Mo Xue and casually walked onto a Vermilion Bird Beast.

With a thought, the Suzaku Organ Beast rose up from the ground, and soon floated steadily in the air.

"Really fly!"

Seeing the objects below getting smaller and smaller, Mo Xue's voice was full of excitement.

Although she is a descendant of the Mo family, she is not very old, and she still maintains her curiosity about the things around her.

Especially the wooden products similar to the mechanical beasts are full of craftsmanship and exquisite design, especially Mo Xue is very interested in the principle.

"My lord, Mo Xue dares to ask, what does the Vermillion Bird Mechanic Beast rely on to fly?"

Most people will have similar questions about Suzaku Organ.

Flat take off?

It's too fantastical!


Bai Hei explained to Mo Xue while controlling the Vermilion Bird Organ Beast to circle around Jingyang Mansion.

"But, I can't feel the wind around me?

Mo Xue was still puzzled.

"You can't feel the phoenix, it doesn't mean there is no wind."5

Bai Hei patiently answered Mo Xue.

"Not only Suzaku Organ Beast, but all Organ 780 Beasts share the same principle, and the phoenix is ​​their only motivation."

"Because of the special design inside the mechanism beast, even if there is only a little phoenix, the mechanism beast can use its power to fly in the wind."

"Once it takes off, the originally tiny wind force can be stored in the core by the beast, which in turn becomes the driving force to support the smooth flight of the beast of the Vermillion Bird.

On the premise of not involving modern science as much as possible, Bai Zhi explained to Mo Xue the principle of Suzaku's mechanism.

If it were Gong Shuliang, he wouldn't have this interest, but Mo Xue was different.

From the first moment he saw Mo Xue, Bai Zhu realized that although Mo Xue looked very detached, her heart was extremely flexible.

In particular, the research on drawings and craftsmanship is a contemporary leader. In her eyes, she can find the starting point in less than half a column of incense.

Compared with Mo Xue, Luban's descendant Gong Shuliang is a little worse. Although the basic craftsmanship and awareness are still there, they are far inferior to Mo Xue in terms of integration, as well as the invention and acceptance of new things.

It is precisely because of this that Bai Zhu did not call Shang Gong Shuliang during this trip.

According to his ability, it is enough to be the easy part of the fleet, and the remaining cutting-edge parts can only be handed over to Mo Xue.

"My lord, don't you want to link the Suzaku Organ Beast with the Daqin Treasure Ship?

Suddenly, Mo Xue connected the two.

"Yes, you are ice and snow smart.

Mo Xue: 66...99

At this moment, Mo Xue's heart collapsed.

Unexpectedly, I actually made myself guess!

There are 2,000 gigantic Vermilion Birds, where do you want me to put them on the treasure ship?

"My lord, I'm afraid this..."

Subconsciously, Mo Xue wanted to refuse immediately.

After all, she now has a cutting-edge job on hand, the largest and most elite flagship of the Daqin Baochuan!

Not only that, there is at least one blueprint for the Daqin treasure ship to learn from. The treasure ship that carries the Suzaku Organ Beast doesn't even have a blueprint. What should I do?

Painting by yourself? Painting on site?


"Don't be in a hurry to refuse, I can give you some ideas, if you can complete this matter, I can send you a Suzaku Organ Beast.

Soon, Baihei threw the bait.

A Suzaku Organ Beast!

A mechanical beast that can take off in place!

Not to mention Mo Xue, who has always been interested in wooden craftsmanship, even anyone who has seen the Suzaku Organ Beast, no one wants to own one!

Even the First Emperor himself, if it weren't for the fact that it was really difficult to speak, since the last ride, it would be unforgettable.

Now, if Mo Xue can complete this matter, she will be able to own one!

Originally, when the Suzaku Organ Beast was exchanged, the system gave away two more, so even if Bai Zhu gave out one, it would not affect (bbcc) anything.

"Okay! I'd like to try it!"

In the face of temptation, few people can resist.

Mo Xue quickly agreed to Bai Hei's request.

"You can look at the drawings I drew last night."

Saying that, Bai Zhu pulled out a stack of blueprints from his pocket as if by a trick.

Last night, according to the prototype of the aircraft carrier of later generations, Baihei carried out some transformations and drew a treasure ship suitable for the Suzaku Organ Beast.

Due to the particularity of the Suzaku Organ Beast, it takes off on the spot and does not need a run-up, so it does not need the extremely long hull of an aircraft carrier.

On the contrary, due to the need to carry the Suzaku Organism Beast, Baihei designed the hull to be wider and parked on it at the same time, so that three Suzaku Organism Beasts could be placed in a row.

"This is what you designed, my lord?"

After reading the blueprint in his hand, Mo Xue looked at Bai Zhu in disbelief.

It has to be said that the design of the treasure ship specially designed to carry the Suzaku Organ Beast is extremely delicate.

In addition to the deck on which the Suzaku Organism Beast can be placed on ordinary ships, on both sides of the high cabin, there will be a part around it, which is specially used to dock the Suzaku Organism Beast.

In this way, it not only maintains the balance of the hull, but also enables each ship to carry as many mechanical beasts as possible.

"One, two, three, four, five..."

After counting the front and back, Mo Xue roughly calculated that there are six on the front deck, eight on the rear deck, and four can be placed on the protruding part of the edge of the cabin.

In addition, two can be placed on the top of the cabin, and each ordinary transport ship can carry twenty Vermilion Birds.

"According to this design, it will probably require... a hundred transport ships?"

On the top of the blueprint, Bai Hei has already named the treasure ship specially designed to carry the Suzaku Organ Beast - the transport ship.

One hundred transport ships!

Even if the entire Daqin treasure ship fleet is only sixty-four, if you add a hundred more transport ships that have no attack ability or even need to be protected by other ships, the attack ability of the entire fleet will be greatly restricted.

"Actually, since the Vermilion Birds have almost no consumption, why don't they keep following the fleet and have to stop?"

Mo Xue raised her own question.

"Of course not, even if the mechanical beast itself doesn't need to be docked, what about the soldiers above?

"Eat, drink and Lazarus, you need to enter the ship to complete, at most, the number of transport ships can be reduced to a quarter.

Bai Hei quickly came up with an idea.

Since the Suzaku organ beast itself has advantages, it is better to divide it into four rounds and rest separately.

Every five hundred Suzaku organ beasts are divided into a group, and every three hours a group of Suzaku organ beasts rest.

As a result, within twenty-four hours, at least the soldiers in each Suzaku Organ Beast have about six hours of rest time.

Not only that, but in fact, the six hours into the boat is mainly for them to carry out some recreational activities and daily excretion.

It's like eating food, you can bring the Suzaku organ beast.

Even "Da Qin Killing" itself, each Suzaku Organ Beast can carry five or six people, except for the one who controls the Organ Beast, the rest of the people can eat, sleep, and play together.

"If it were twenty-five transport ships, it could be completed in about seven days.

If the number of transport ships is not large, Mo Xue is still extremely confident.

But at the moment, due to the lack of detailed drawings, the transport ship itself still needs Mo Xue to grope and try. As for the specific carrying capacity, it is only known after launching.

"Or, if you want, you can remodel the flagship, and convert it into a transport ship specially designed to carry the Suzaku tactical beast according to the size of the treasure ship itself. 39

White and Black once again provided Mo Xue with an idea.

In fact, his idea came from the aircraft carrier of later generations.

Due to material limitations, the largest wooden boat is Zheng He's treasure boat, which is 150 meters long and 60 meters wide and can accommodate thousands of people.

According to the size and width of the Suzaku Orchid, if there was nothing on the surface of Zheng He's treasure ship, and it was specially used to park the Suzaku Orchid, thousands of them could be parked!

In this way, only two "aircraft carrier" level treasure ships are needed to park all the Suzaku Organ Beasts in them.

Not only can the size of the fleet be reduced, but also the formation can be optimized.

The treasure ship as the main ship is in the center, and two "aircraft carriers" of the same size on both sides serve as the left and right wings.

On the periphery are other escort treasure ships of the fleet.

It can be said that making two "aircraft carrier" level treasure ships is the best solution!

"I can try!"

Influenced by Bai Zhi's thoughts, Mo Xue also wanted to try it out to see if he could recreate such a fine ship!

"In addition, in the cabin of the giant ship, some small ships can be stored for emergency use.

At the end, Bai Hei did not forget to instruct Mo Xue.

Most of the ships in Zheng He's treasure ship fleet were huge, even the smaller ones were above medium.

In order to prevent accidents and various special situations, Bai Zhi decided to prepare some small boats as backup.

After dealing with the treasure ship, the rest can only be handed over to Mo Xue.

Bai Zhu silently issued a descending order in his heart.

Soon, the Suzaku Organ Beast stopped steadily at the "airport".

"My lord.

I don't know when, Xiao He was already waiting by the side.

After stepping off the trap, Mo Xue quickly saluted Bai Hei and left.

"What's up?"

Baihei looked at Xiao He.

"Your Majesty has agreed to temporarily transport the stone and wood used in the mausoleum to Jingyang Mansion.

White and Black nodded.

It's not hard to imagine how much pressure Shi Huang was under to make this decision.

The mausoleum has been built since the emperor ascended the throne. Now that all the stone and wood materials have been transported to Jingyang Mansion, there must be opposition in the imperial court.

But fortunately, after several incidents, the majesty of the first emperor could no longer be increased. Although the officials objected, the first emperor really wanted to insist, and they could not stop him.

"Okay, send all the stone and wood to Mo Xue and Gongshuo, and ask them to speed up!

"Yes, my lord."

"In addition, you should prepare another memorial and present it to Lao Zhao, saying that when I go to sea, I need three thousand prisoners. 39

"At the same time, you should prepare some flint and flint stones, long knives, spears and other items. After the treasure ship is launched, they will all be loaded on the ship."

Listening to Bai Hei's words, Xiao He was a little puzzled.

Flint, long knives, spears and the like are everyday objects, and it doesn't matter.

But what about three thousand prisoners?

Do labor?

But whether it was Qin Ruishi, Beiwei Army, Jinfan Army, Wudang Flying Army, etc.

Besides fighting, their stamina is certainly better than that of prisoners.

In other words, even if there is a real need for labor, some people must be recruited from Jingyang Mansion as laborers on board.

Prisoners, after all, are a destabilizing factor.

"My lord, why don't I recruit some honest and reliable people from Jingyang Mansion?

He didn't dare to disobey Bai Hei's order, but Xiao He also put forward his own suggestions.

Obviously, he was very concerned about the destabilizing effect of the prisoners on the entire fleet.

But Bai Hei didn't seem to care about it.

"By the way, when you plan your memorial, you must state that there are two thousand prisoners for men and one thousand prisoners for women. If the number is not enough, those who have committed capital crimes and those who punished the Nine Clan will all stay and I will take them away.

Xiao He was completely numb.

What is Lord Rui Beast going to do?

Looking at Xiao He's expression on the side, Bai Hei couldn't help laughing, and patted him on the shoulder:

"Aren't you curious why this king only needs three thousand prisoners instead of the more honest commoners?

Xiao He nodded silently.

"Then do you know where I'm going to put these three thousand prisoners?"

Hearing Bai Hei's question, Xiao He quickly fell into deep thought.

Judging from the amount of grain and rice they carry, the white and black Daqin fleet of treasure ships is going to go out to sea, and will never just sail around the coast.

If the purpose is the ocean, the role of prisoners, especially female prisoners, becomes intriguing.

But what about 2,000 male prisoners?

What are they used for?

Coolie? Why not use the honest people of Jingyang County?

Presumably, Lord Rui Beast could not have thought of this.

Xiao He was puzzled.

After thinking and thinking, he still couldn't think of any possibility, so he shook his head towards Baihei:

"My subordinates do not know, please enlighten me. 35

Bai Zhu laughed and patted Xiao He on the shoulder in relief:

"You can think about what the current overseas scene is like?"


Xiao He thought about it for a while, apart from the barbarians everywhere, even desolate and uninhabited, what else could there be?

"There are barbarians everywhere, and there is no one inhabited."

"So think again, what would happen if we exiled death row prisoners overseas?"

Baihei was earnest and persuasive, and gradually opened the door to Xiao He's fantasy world.


Xiao He's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly realized the benefits.

First of all, what Baihei was going to take away were all death row prisoners and escaped from death. It was Baihei who gave them a chance to survive.

From the bottom of their hearts, they will be grateful to Bai Zhu.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you are not grateful. With the current firepower of Jingyang Mansion, it can hit you until you are grateful.

In addition, a group of exiled people can use advanced production technology and knowledge to educate and even rule the local people. In this way, the flag of Daqin will be planted on every island!

On weekdays, of course, they can intimidate the local aborigines.

But no matter what the local produce is rich in, as long as the Daqin treasure ship arrives, how many will be loaded for me!

Even, for the sake of a stable source of specialty products, Daqin might send someone to support them.

Of course, Xiao He's thinking direction is right.

However, due to the limitations of the times, there are still many things he could not have imagined.

such as minerals.

such as the market.

Such as population, labor force, etc.

Overseas colonization was a real thing.

But now, Bai Hei will plan ahead, rush ahead of history, and plant the flag of Daqin all over the world.

The true sun never sets, when it rises from the east!

"Your Majesty, your subordinates are inferior.

Xiao He quickly fell to the ground.

I thought that the Daqin treasure ship went out to sea, it was just an ordinary exploration and voyage.

At most, it is to communicate with other countries, but the idea of ​​white and black really taught Xiao He a lesson.

The pattern is so big that it is rare in the world!

"So, you have to do all these things. Remember, there should not be too few female prisoners."

If you want to establish a base overseas, you can't just rely on one generation, you must multiply your roots locally.

If the number of female prisoners is insufficient, the male prisoners will inevitably crossbreed with the locals.

As a result, the blood of the descendants is not pure, and if the firepower is insufficient, it is easy to fall to the locals.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, it is necessary to maintain a balance between the number of male and female prisoners in order to maintain the stability of overseas domination.

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