I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 192 Make a big profit, and it's glass again! Canned food!

At that time, the name of his Gao Chong has not spread throughout Da Qin?

"Thank you my lord!"

Once again, Gao Chong solemnly thanked Bai Zhu.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of footsteps, and Xiao He took Shen Wansan back to the hall.

"My lord, Shen Wansan is here.

Xiao He dodged and let Shen Wansan out behind him.

Seeing Bai Hei, Shen Wansan immediately bowed deeply:

"I have seen the king.

Looking at Shen Wansan, who had a new look in front of him, Bai Zhu nodded with satisfaction:

"According to Xiao He, you have done a good job in your mission."

"Fortunately, I did not lose my life, within three days, I made a total of fifteen hundred gold.

Although he overfulfilled the task within three days, Shen Wansan still looked extremely humble, without a trace of complacency.

Bai Zhu took out a copy of "Collector's Edition Daqin Killing" from his pocket and handed it to Shen Wansan:

"This king has a business here, and I intend to give it to you. If you do it well, you will be promoted to the minister of household in Jingyang."

Since the discussions with Xiao He have not yet been made public, Shen Wansan did not know that he had already been appointed as the Minister of the Household by default.

"Subordinates must do their best to do things for the prince."

Even though Shen Wansan deliberately suppressed the joy in his hidden heart, he still couldn't escape Bai Hei's eyes.

Once a businessman has money, what he wants most is power, and then achieve a balance of financial power.

Now, Shen Wansan was just starting out, and Baihei not only wanted to hand him a business, but also promised him a high-ranking official and generous salary, which naturally moved him.

"You open it up, do you have any ideas?"

When he opened the "Da Qin Kill" in his hand, Shen Wansan looked at it very carefully, without even reminding him in white and black, he went up and down, and read the wooden sign inside and out.

Finally, there is a large wooden card engraved with the rules of the game.

With Shen Wansan's mind, it is naturally not difficult to understand. After roughly browsing it, Shen Wansan already has a basic concept of "Da Qin Killing".

"Dare to ask the lord, did you develop this thing yourself?"

White and Black nodded.

"That means, there are others?"


After listening to Shen Wansan's words, Bai Hei was quite surprised.

To say the same type, can be too much.

In addition to the playing cards used for entertainment, there are other games such as military chess, checkers, beast chess and so on, but shouldn't the ancients know nothing about it?

How did Shen Wansan know?

"Tell me.

Bai Hei was too lazy to ask more, laying on the rattan chair and saying two words lazily.

As a high-ranking person, even if Shen Wansan has great ability, in front of Bai Hei, he still has to hold his tail between his legs.

"This kind of gameplay has never been seen before. If the lord can think of it, there are bound to be other similar games. It is not difficult to guess."

Raising his eyebrows, Bai Hei glanced at Shen Wansan with admiration. Indeed, he is quite smart and suitable for business.

"Okay, in the future, all such matters will be handed over to you."

"I will give you a lot of ways to play, but remember, you have to come out in sequence, follow the principle of succession, and don't throw them out all at once, understand? 35

No matter what, even gold, once it appears in large quantities, it will depreciate.

Although the gameplay of "Da Qin Kill" is novel, if a large number of similar products emerge successively, the popularity of "Da Qin Kill" will soon decrease.

This is the truth.

For this reason, Shen Wansan thought about it for a while and it was not difficult to understand.

"Besides, there are different markets for different products, and what kind of people are sold to, understand? 35

Although Shen Wansan is very business-minded, after all, his knowledge is limited, and some of the business thinking of later generations is still difficult for him to understand now.

"The lord laughed, his subordinates can only understand half of the meaning.

For the first time, Shen Wansan felt that his business skills were inferior to others, and he couldn't help but make his attitude even more humble.

I really didn't expect that the King Protector of Jingyang Mansion would have such insight in doing business?

"Okay, I've already handed it over to you, and then I'll let Xiao He hand over everything to you. If you don't understand, come to me when I'm not sleeping."

Sleep is the most important thing in life!

Even if Xiang Yu and Liu Bang hit Jingyang Mansion, they have to wait until Bai Hei wakes up!

Soon, Baihei waved his hand, causing Shen Wansan to step back.

"Subordinates retire.

"I will retire at the end.

Xiao He and Gao Chong were about to leave.

"You stay.

White Black shook his head.

Right now, since the board game issue has been resolved, after handing it over to Shen Wansan, he can even make a fortune.

In this way, not only will the problem of ocean-going entertainment be solved, but also a wave of funds can be raised.

The remaining problem of going out to sea is the canned food itself.

To make cans, iron boxes are definitely impossible to make.

For the current era, to make tin cans, not only is the process immature, but also the production process is too complicated and the raw materials are extremely insufficient.

Therefore, glass jars are now the first choice for white and black.

But to make glass cans, the first thing you need is to make the glass first.

In fact, in this dynasty, there are already the sayings of "liu" and "glass". Although it is similar to glass, Baiji has tried it. Due to the chemical composition and firing temperature, it will fry when heated.

The glass used to make cans was heated, so it had to be remade to resemble the later commodity glass.

Not only can not burst when exposed to heat, but also can be used as eating utensils and so on.

The main raw materials for making glass: quartz sand, limestone, feldspar, soda ash.

Quartz sand, quartz particles made from crushed limestone, is not difficult to mine.

Only in the contemporary period of Daqin, there are already quartz mines.

Quartz ore is an important raw material for ceramics. As early as the mid-Shang Dynasty, the most primitive ceramic prototypes have begun to appear, let alone quartz ore.

As for limestone, it can be seen everywhere.

Feldspar is also an important raw material for ceramics, and it is not difficult to obtain various ready-made minerals for Jingyang Prefecture.

The last one, soda ash, also known as sodium carbonate, is also called soda.

Can be widely used in printing and dyeing, leather, food and so on.

Edible salt is extracted from it.

But at this time, artificial soda has not appeared, so it is necessary to look for natural soda.

Natural soda mainly exists in salt lakes, and its output is limited, which is the biggest restriction for making glass.

In today's Daqin, many people are familiar with natural soda, and have even learned to use it, but they do not know how to produce it artificially.

Therefore, if Bai Zhi wanted a large amount of natural soda ash, he had to send someone to the Salt Lake to get it in large quantities.

As for the salt lake, the closest to Xianyang, Baihei only remembers that there is a Chaka Salt Lake, which not only has beautiful scenery, but also has a huge output.

"Tea card", Mongolian, means "salt sea"


Chaka Salt Lake is famous for its abundance of Daqing salt. Its salt grains are large and pure, and the salt taste is mellow. It is an ideal edible salt but cannot be eaten directly.

The annual rainfall in the lake area is small, so the amount of water that can be injected into it every year is very small, and the evaporation is strong, so its salt content is extremely high.

Because the salt crystals contain minerals, the salt crystals are blue-black, so it is called blue salt.

Chaka Salt Lake, located in Chaka Town, Wulan County, Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Prefecture, Qinghai Province, is known as the east gate of the Qaidam Basin.

Xianyang is more than 1,000 kilometers away from Chaka Salt Lake. According to ancient algorithms, it is more than 2,000 kilometers.

According to the previous back-and-forth speed, plus the load-bearing, when the salt team returned, the Daming treasure ship was launched.

Fortunately, there is the Suzaku Organ Beast.

"Xiao He, you are going to prepare a lot of quartz sand, limestone and feldspar these few days, I want to make glass to prepare for the ocean going to sea.


Xiao He frowned.

"You can understand it as an upgraded version of Liuli.

Xiao He nodded in understanding but not understanding. The upgraded version probably means something better?

Now, White and Black have no interest in explaining it to them in detail.

After all, it's still too early to tell about the crafts of canning and sealing, but fortunately, as long as the soda ash can be retrieved, and then find some Liuli masters and teach them a little, it should be easy to complete.

"Gao Chong, lead Qin Ruishi to a place, fill it up with salt, and transport it back to Jingyang Mansion."

Because he was afraid that Gao Chong couldn't tell the difference between soda ash and table salt, and the difference in appearance was really not big, Bai Zhu simply made a mistake, as long as they could transport the soda ash back.


Gao Chong obviously didn't understand.

"I'll draw you a simple map now, and I'll send you some salt-making masters. If you don't understand, you can just ask them directly."

Bai Zhu immediately relied on his memory and roughly sketched a location. Chaka Salt Lake was not big or small, but if it was in the sky, it would be extremely conspicuous.

As long as he can outline the approximate location, Gao Chong and the others can easily find it with the help of binoculars and Suzaku.

After simply sketching a simple map, Baihei gave it to Gao Chong.

"You bring a map, then go to a few salt masters, bring Qin Ruishi with you, and be sure to return within seven days!"

Because there is no accurate map, the miniature 3D map cannot be used by anyone except Bai Hei and the First Emperor, so Bai Hei limited the time to seven days.

In any case, within seven days, as long as Gao Chong can ship back a large amount of soda ash, the production of glass cans is bound to start soon.

"It's not too late, you can go!

It was the first time for Bai Hei to urge Gao Chong to travel.

From the white and black expressions, it is not difficult for Gao Chong to see the importance of this action.

He immediately bowed his hands to Baihei:

"Yes! Your Majesty."

Then, he turned around and left, and immediately arranged the departure.

Now, only Bai Hei and Xiao He are left in the hall.

The glass thing is settled, and all that's left is the most important part of making a can - the raw material.

Fruits, food, everything that can be used to make canned food, all white and black are needed!

In the current Daqin, the types of fruits are not as abundant as in later generations. The most common ones are:

Peach, plum, jujube, chestnut, pear, plum, apricot, hazel, persimmon, melon, hawthorn, mulberry, wolfberry, bonus, cherry...

After several months of living in Daqin, Baihei is quite familiar with the fruits of this era.

After all, the daily life is to eat besides sleep, or to help the first emperor to expand the territory, what if he doesn't treat himself well?

Among the fruits, yellow peaches, cherries, pears, and hawthorns are the most suitable for canning.

As for other melons and fruits, due to the limitation of production, it is not impossible to make them, but the quantity will be less.

"Xiao He, issue an order later to collect a large number of yellow peaches, cherries, pears and hawthorns.

"My lord, now is not the season to produce fruit."

Different from the off-season fruits of later generations, in today's Daqin, it is not the season of fruit production, you just can't eat melons and fruits.

White and black are a little crazy, okay, how do you feel that when you want to make canned food, why is the whole world acting against you?

But after a little thought, Bai Hei quickly came up with a solution:

"Go to Jia Sixie, let him plant it, plant it immediately!

Xiao He looked helpless:

"My lord, I'm afraid the fruit tree won't grow for a while."

"It's okay, I have my way, you can do it.

Baihei waved his hand, not taking the seasons to heart.

Now that there is the blessing of Shennong Temple, as long as Bai Zhi makes a small plan and asks Shennong Temple to reward him once again, won't the fruit trees grow and mature immediately?

I just don't know how many flat points will be spent at that time.

"Okay, my subordinates will do it immediately."

"Don't worry, in addition, you can prepare some food or something. In short, everything you need to go out to sea, as long as you can think of it, will bring it to me.

After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't figure out what he needed, so Baihei simply handed everything over to Xiao He.

Xiao He has always acted prudently, so he would definitely not miss anything when he did it.

As for refining glass and making canned food, we had to wait for Gao Chong to return before we could start.

"...Yes, my lord."

Xiao He quickly led the way.

Just as Xiao He walked away, the footsteps sounded again, and when Bai Hei raised his head, it was actually Mo Xue.

"My lord, there may be some problems with the drawings of the Daqin treasure ship.

Mo Xue's expression was solemn, and she rushed into the hall in a hurry.

Hearing what Mo Xue said, Bai Hei couldn't help but be a little bit puzzled. The drawings of the Daming Treasure Ship were provided by the Q&A space for luck, so there shouldn't be any problems, right?


Mo Xue spread out a whole drawing in front of Bai Hei, then pointed to one of the drawings and said:

"Look, Lord, the cannon barrel should be placed here, and the hull has also been modified for it. What is the barrel, please enlighten me.


Bai Hei understood in an instant that in the Ming Dynasty, fire guns had already appeared and were widely used in warfare.

The Daming Treasure Ship was equipped with artillery, and the prototype of naval warfare had already begun to take shape, but now, the Qin Dynasty did not even have gunpowder, let alone the concept of fire guns.

Therefore, the part that originally belonged to the treasure ship artillery must be transformed!

"If the part with the barrel is modified, are you sure?

Looking at Mo Xue, Bai Hei raised his own question.

Looking at the complicated blueprint in front of her, Mo Xue finally shook her head.

"I'm not sure, the design of this ship is extremely precise, whether it is the weight of the two sides or the internal structure, the rings are connected, if you make any changes, there will be problems.

Although Mo Xue is extremely confident in craftsmanship, it does not mean that she is an arrogant person.

Although I don't know where the King Protector got the blueprint, obviously, for Mo Xue, the level of detail of the blueprint and the items inside are not comprehensible to Mo Xue.

Hearing the negative answer given by Mo Xue, Bai Hei fell silent.

It is true that the production of the Daming Treasure Ship has been considered. If the barrel cannot be placed, although it will not cause a major problem, it will at least affect the balance and heading of the hull.

At sea, the slightest error can lead to unimaginable consequences!

Not only that, but what Mo Xue brought up also made Bai Zhu think of two things.

The first point is the firepower of the Daqin treasure ship.

The second point is the placement of the Suzaku organ beast.

As for the firepower problem, there is no need to say whether there are any undersea monsters at sea. Even if they encounter a whale, once the Daqin treasure ship really collides with it, the consequences are not easily bearable.

Therefore, once you encounter a large marine creature (Zhao Zhao Zhao), you must maintain enough firepower.

With bows and crossbows alone, it is difficult to kill them effectively.

Therefore, the development of gunpowder is imperative.

In particular, there will be a fierce battle between the Great Qin and the Scythian Empire in the future.

At that time, only 2,000 Suzaku Organ Beasts were not enough to look at.

Therefore, before going to sea, the development of gunpowder must be put on the agenda!

Once there is gunpowder, with white and black cross-century thinking, will bombs, muskets, guns, and artillery go far?

If firearms were really developed in advance, let alone Scythians, even in the Middle Ages, Daqin would have nothing to fear!

At that time, the Daqin treasure ship will truly become the overlord of the sea!

Across the ocean!

Therefore, the development of gunpowder has become an indispensable part.

In addition, it is the second point, Suzaku Organ Beast.

Ocean voyages, if there is really an air force as protection, if nothing else, the safety will definitely be greatly improved.

The ocean will always be the most mysterious part of the earth.

Seventy percent of the earth is made up of oceans. No one knows what is in the ocean. Even white and black cannot guarantee that they will be able to return safely.

Therefore, once there is a Suzaku Organ Beast, no matter how bad it is, when a disaster occurs, the main personnel can still retreat to the Suzaku Organ Beast in time.

Therefore, Bai Hei must find a way to bring the Suzaku organ beast to the fleet!

In this case, an aircraft carrier is needed!

Obviously, building an aircraft carrier in the Daqin era was nothing short of a fantasy, but at least it shouldn't be difficult if two thousand Vermillion Birds were scattered on various ships.

Even White and Black have an idea to build a fleet to transport supplies!

The cabin of the ship itself can be filled with food and items needed for ocean voyages, and the top of the ship can be made into a platform for the Suzaku to dock.

The difference between the Suzaku tactical beast and the ordinary plane is that it can take off almost on a flat bottom without assistance, which greatly reduces the floor space and makes it possible for it to be carried on the Daqin treasure ship.

"Moxue, you come with me.

Baihei intends to let Mo Xue see the Suzaku tactical beast first, and then build a fleet specially used for transportation based on the Daqin treasure ship itself!

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