I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 194 The harvest is abundant! Inspect Daqin!

"My subordinate understands.

Xiao He nodded.

"By the way, how did you do what you asked you to do last time?"

"According to your instructions, General Gao has not returned, so his subordinates first prepared thousands of various fruit branches and handed them over to Mr. Jia Sixie.

Since Jia Sixie himself has no official position, Xiao He had to temporarily call him Mr.

"Yes, let's go and see. 99

After speaking, without waiting for Xiao He to respond, Bai Hei took the lead and walked towards the field.

The overall planning of Jingyang Mansion is quite good. The super rice seeds and fruit trees are not far away from each other, and all the fields are next to each other.

Although I don't know why Bai Hei wanted to go to see the farmland on a whim, since Bai Hei was interested, Xiao He still followed behind.

Following the path, with Bai Hei in front and Xiao He behind, the two slowly walked towards the fields outside Jingyang County.

As early as when Baihei was just awarded the title of Jingyang County, in addition to sending people to repair the city wall, they also renovated almost all the main roads in Jingyang County.

Even now, rural dirt roads in ten counties under the jurisdiction of Jingyang County are still under construction.

Since the Daqin era did not have a large truck that weighed a few tons in later generations, the road surface can last long enough. Once repaired, it can last for decades.

Following the repaired road, Bai Hei and Xiao He quickly arrived around the farmland.

Unsurprisingly, Jia Sixie happens to be farming here.

Although it was not suitable for farming at this time, since Baihei had already given orders, Jia Sixie had to obey.

It can be seen with the naked eye that many people are busy cultivating in the large area of ​​land in front of them.

"My lord.

Jia Sixie bowed respectfully.

Because of the summoning by the system, even if Jia Sixie didn't understand why Bai Zhu chose to plant the rice at this time, he still respected Bai Zhu extremely.

"How is it, all the seeds are planted?"

"If you go back to the prince, the seeds are all planted.

Jia Xie nodded.

In fact, the sowing of rice is very particular.

Not only is there time requirements, but the process is also more complicated.

The first step is to prepare the ground.

Before planting rice, land preparation is a necessary part. In the past, animal power and plow tools, mainly water buffalo, were used to prepare the land, but nowadays, machines are used for land preparation.

The second step, seedlings

Seedling is the key to the early stage of rice growth, and now more specialized seedling centers use seedling boxes to grow rice seedlings. Good rice seedlings are the key to the success of rice farming.

When the seedlings are about eight centimeters tall, they can be transplanted. There are two main forms of rice transplanting: machine and manual, which can be selected according to the scale and the form of the land.

The third step is weeding and weeding

In the process of seedling growth, weeding and pest control must be carried out. When weeds appear in the field, they should be cleaned up in time.

Step 4: Fertilize

When the seedlings are pumped high and the first rice stem grows, it is called the tillering stage. During this period, fertilization is often required to make the rice seedlings grow robustly and promote the fullness and quantity of the rice that will set ears in the future.

Step 5: Irrigation and drainage

Irrigation and drainage are the links that rice is more dependent on. In the case of upland rice, it is a dry field, and the process of irrigation and drainage is different. However, it is generally necessary to strengthen water irrigation after transplanting, when young ears are formed, and during heading and flowering.

The sixth step, drying and screening

The harvested rice needs to be dried. In the past, the rice was mostly dried in the front yard of the Sanheyuan, and it was necessary to turn the rice from time to time to dry the rice. Screening is to remove impurities such as deflated grains, and use electric grain dividers, windmills or manual shaking to divide grains, and use wind power to automatically screen out the full and heavy rice.

However, the six steps of conventional rice planting are much simpler for white and black.

From the first step, prepare the ground.

Although there is not much land in Jingyang County, the fields are fertile, and with the protection of Shennong Temple, the land power is also extremely top-level in the entire Daqin.

In addition, with the curved plough, the speed of opening the ground and turning the soil has been greatly accelerated. In the whole process of soil preparation, almost no orders are given in white and black, and the subordinates have already done it in advance.

As for the land belonging to the common people, they have already turned the soil in advance and prepared for cultivation.

The second step of raising seedlings is also the most critical step for rice.

But for white and black, it is completely unnecessary.

Maybe in the future it might be useful, but now, it's not needed at all.

According to Bai Hei's instructions, Jia Sixie not only planted rice in the season when it should not be planted.

And the method used is also unheard of, without planting or raising seedlings, the seeds of super rice seeds are thrown directly into the field!

Although the people of Jingyang Mansion were dubious, they remembered clearly that the miracle that Bai Hei showed last time was what everyone saw with their own eyes.

Therefore, even if Baihei's current order is slightly abnormal, most of the people still follow it on their own land.

As for the remaining weeding, fertilizing, irrigation and drainage, because of the existence of Shennong Temple, it can be regarded as nothing.

"Have all the seeds been planted?

Bai Zhu looked at Jia Sixie and asked.

"Hui Wangye, it has already been planted, but a small number of people are skeptical and did not immediately plant the seeds."

Jia Sixie immediately reported all the facts.

In this regard, Bai Hei did not care, but asked about the fruit trees.

"How's the fruit tree?"

Compared with rice, the cultivation of fruit trees is much easier.

According to Baihei, just get a sprouting branch and bury it directly in the ground!

Moreover, all fruit trees are planted and utilized in the mountains of Jingyang County, which have almost nothing to do with the people, and it is easier to plant them.

In just one day, Xiao He mobilized almost half of his soldiers and planted all the fruit trees in the territory of Jingyang Mansion according to Bai Hei's instructions.

"Back to the lord, I have already arranged the matter of the fruit tree. In just one day, the branches have been buried in the ground.

In fact, Xiao He's heart was not feeling well at this time.

When it comes to planting trees, it is not allowed to choose seedlings to raise seedlings. Lord Rui Beast is very good. He immediately ordered to plant almost the same branches in the ground!

Although Xiao He did it one by one, he was still not sure whether the fruit trees planted in this way would survive.

"Yes, call the soldiers who are still in the field to come out.

Inexplicably, Xiao He felt that something big was going to happen.

Sure enough, when everyone walked out of the field.

Bai Hei silently called out in his heart:

【‘The harvest is abundant!’】

Abundant crops!

One of Shennong Temple's stunts!

At the beginning, Baihei spent a full 10,000 lying flat points to exchange for the primary Shennong Temple, and the accompanying effect was "flood harvest".

On the basis of the effect of "Feng Deng of the Five Grains", the effect of Shennong Temple: increase the ripening speed of crops by 100%, and increase the yield of crops by 20%! On the basis of this, it can be activated once a year to make the crops in Jingyang County instantly mature!

Of course, the scope of Jingyang County is also defined, which is subject to the time of exchange for Shennong Temple.

Otherwise, if the first emperor was cruel, and the whole country was assigned to Jingyang County, wouldn't it make a lot of money and make a bug?

However, even if it can only affect one county, the effect is extremely outstanding!

After Bai Hei recited the four words silently, the Shennong Temple with magical power suddenly emitted a golden light, shrouding the entire Jingyang County in it.

All the crops in Jingyang County, even the branches that had just been planted, began to emit a faint, golden light.

Immediately, the people who were enveloped by the golden light immediately began to kneel on the ground and worshipped.

Immediately afterwards, under the astonished gazes of everyone, the rice seeds that had just been planted quickly took root and sprout, then burst out of the ground, grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and entered the maturity stage at an extremely fast speed, bearing heavy seeds. fruit!

It seems that Jingyang Mansion is another harvest year!

In addition, even the branches that have just been planted take root very quickly, and then gradually grow into small trees, and finally grow up a little bit, and bear a lot of fruit!

"Long live!

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

One after another, shouts resounded throughout the Jingyang Mansion.

At this moment, the people who did not obey Baihei's orders are even more regretful.

"This...this, this?"

Jia Sixie on the side stared at the scene in front of him, his eyes full of disbelief.

He even stretched out his hands and rubbed his eyes, but he still couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

In an instant, the seed that has just been planted matures?

Rice seems to take at least four months to mature, right?

What happened just a moment ago?

Could it be the influence of golden light?

Just when Jia Sixie was at a loss.

"Protect the king to reproduce the miracle, and the subordinates worship!

Taking the lead, Xiao Hena bowed his head.

Afterwards, Jia Sixie and the rest of the soldiers also came back to their senses and fell to their knees.

Sure enough, it is the credit of white and black!

"Long live the auspicious beast!"

Bai Zhu: Good guy, what if Lao Zhao heard it?

"Get up, what's the fuss about, you look like you've never seen the world, how can you mess with me in the future?

Glancing at Xiao He and Jia Sixie, Bai Zhu motioned for them to stand up.

Xiao He immediately stood up.

Jia Sixie also stood up and said with a hint of excitement:

"The subordinates immediately lead people to harvest!

Almost shaking his hands, after Bai Hei nodded, Jia Sixie immediately rushed into the field with his soldiers.

"Xiao He, you ordered Guan Yu to bring Lao Zhao and let him see such a bumper harvest in Jingyang County.

Receiving the joy of harvest, Bai Zhu immediately thought of the First Emperor.

As the real king of Daqin, he was slandered as a tyrant, but Baihei knew very well that the first emperor hoped that the people of Daqin would be happy.

Because only when the people are happy, can Daqin's rule be long-lasting.

Therefore, he will now invite the first emperor to come and witness the moment of the miracle!

"Subordinates do it! 9

Xiao Hefei immediately went to look for Guan Yu's figure.

In less than half an hour, the hurried figure of the First Emperor appeared on the other side of the road.

"Little Rui Beast!"

Rarely, today's First Emperor not only had a smile on his face, but also looked extremely excited.

As early as when Guan Yu had just arrived at Xianyang Palace, when he heard of Bai Zhu's invitation, the First Emperor immediately put down what he was doing and followed Guan Yu to the Suzaku Organ Beast.

Even Yuwen Chengdu didn't have time to call, let alone bring half of the guards.

After all, with Guan Yu of Jingyang Mansion by his side, who can assassinate him?

From this, it is not difficult to see that the first emperor has trust in Bai Hei, loves Wu and Wu, and even Guan Yu and others who are deeply trusted by Bai Zhu, the first emperor also believes unconditionally!

"I heard you brought me some good news!"

When he was on his way on the Suzaku Organ Beast, Guan Yu had already briefly described the news brought by Xiao He.

However, the first emperor wanted to hear Bai Hei describe it in person!

【‘Lao Zhao, look!’】

Baihei pointed to the field in front of him and thought to himself.

When chatting with the First Emperor and Ying Yinman, Bai Zhi was too lazy to speak.

Looking towards the field in front of him, the first emperor saw the boundless golden yellow.

Each ear of rice is covered with heavy fruits and looks very gratifying.

As far as Guan Yu went to Xianyang and then returned, Jia Sixie and his soldiers had already harvested an acre of grain, and had already started weighing them.

"How many pounds?"

The First Emperor couldn't bear the joy and asked first.

・・For flowers....

"Go back to His Majesty, the yield per mu is 4,000 catties! 35


What is the concept of four thousand catties per mu of rice?

According to Daqin's conversion method, a pound of sixteen taels, converted into the weight of later generations, is about 2400 jins.

Of course, the 20% bonus of Shennong Temple is also thrown out.

After all, the scope of Shennong Temple's protection is only Jingyang Mansion, and the rest of the Qin Dynasty does not have this bonus.

Therefore, after removing the bonus of Shennong Temple, the yield per mu is about 2,000 catties.

The maximum yield of "super rice" in later generations is about 1,600 jin per mu. Because "super rice seeds" are systematically produced, they must be perfected and refined, so it even exceeds the yield of later generations.

But at this time, the per mu yield of rice in Daqin was only a mere 100 catties!

Even if it is converted into Daqin's calculation method, it is only one hundred and sixty pounds!

Even if the bonus from Shennong Temple is removed, the output will be more than fifteen times more than once!

The First Emperor put his hand on his forehead, for a while he didn't know what to say.

After thinking about it for a long time, he could only stretch out his right hand and grab the white and black chubby palm:

"Xiao Rui Beast, I thank you for the people of Da Qin."

【‘Lao Zhao, this is my birthday present for you. 1

In 259 BC, the twenty-seventh day of the first month was the birthday of the first emperor.


After saying two words "good", it is clear that the first emperor was very satisfied with the gift of white and black.

【‘Come here, there is better! 1

Said, white and black are in front, leading the way for the first emperor.

The two came to the hill one after the other.

Looking at the fruit trees in the mountains, every tree is full of fruit, the first emperor was even more surprised:

"Xiao Rui Beast, these... are you doing?"

Shi Huangdi was not stupid. Now is not the season for fruit harvest. If there is a miracle, it must be because of Bai Zhi.


【‘Come, have a taste!’】

Saying that, Bai Zhu picked a peach and handed it to the first emperor.


The first emperor's face was full of joy, and after simply tore off the peach's skin, he quickly took a big bite.



"Good peaches! 35

The First Emperor praised loudly.

"Xiao He, bring back some peaches, pears, etc. for His Majesty.

Bai Zhu glanced at Xiao He.

"Yes, my lord.

Xiao He immediately waved to Jia Sixie beside him.

No one is more proficient in fruit selection than Jia Sixie.

"Little Rui Beast, come on, I also have a gift for you? 99

The First Emperor smiled mysteriously, and patted a white and black shoulder full of fluff.


In this regard, white and black is absolutely unexpected.

Lao Zhao also has a gift for himself?

"I'll show you right away! 35

After he finished speaking, the First Emperor strode forward, and Guan Yu immediately followed.

When the first emperor wanted to travel, he would have to take the Suzaku organ beast, and Guan Yu also served as driver and escort.

"Go, go around Xianyang first!"

The First Emperor took Bai Hei and sat on the Suzaku organ beast, and ordered Guan Yu.

"Yes, Your Majesty.

Guan Yu's thoughts moved, and he quickly turned around and flew towards Xianyang.

['Lao Zhao, what do you think of this Vermillion Bird's beast?']

Bai Hei thought about it, thinking in his heart.

"Nature is extremely convenient."

Obviously, the first emperor admired the Suzaku organ beast very much.

【'Since it's your birthday, I'll give you a ride!']

Bai Zhu immediately waved his hand generously and sent the Shi Emperor a fight.

I promised Mo Xue one, and there are 2,000 left. Now I don't want to make a zero, so I just round up the whole number, and then send it to the First Emperor, and get 2,000.

['But there are conditions!']

While the first emperor was overjoyed, Bai Zhu immediately put forward his own conditions.

The first emperor put on an "expected" expression:

"Speak, what you want, as long as I have it, I will promise you."

['Qin Tieying Ruishi sent me?']

"Send it to you!"

The first emperor was not stingy, he immediately waved his hand and agreed.

After all, Tie Ying Ruishi has been using it in Bai Hei's hands since he quelled the rebellion, and has hardly ever returned to Xianyang.

And there will definitely be a crusade against Baiyue soon, and those who come and go are no different from private soldiers in white and black.

Simply, the first emperor sold a favor and gave it all away!

Although for the first emperor, things were almost the same, but for white and black, it was absolutely different.

First of all, the most important point is the ownership of Qin Tieying Ruishi.

In the past, even Bai Zhu was still able to use the Iron Eagle Warriors, but after all, he did not belong to Jingyang Mansion's personal soldiers.

But now, the first emperor Jinkouyuya has opened, and after that, Qin Tieying Ruishi will completely belong to Jingyang House.

Even in the next official reward system, Bai Hei can also reward Qin Ruishi.

In this way, Qin Tieying Ruishi can completely belong to Jingyang Mansion in the future!

It's a pity that Qin Ruishi and Gao Chong are still shipping soda ash in the Chaka Salt Sea, so they don't know the news.

Compared with the ownership of Daqin Tieying Ruishi, Bai Hei was more interested in the gift that the First Emperor wanted to give him. Now that they have already flown to the sky, is it possible that the gift is still in the sky?

But soon, as the Suzaku Organ Beast got closer and closer to Xianyang City, the First Emperor also began to instruct Guan Yu to make a moderate descent, so that he and Bai Hei could clearly see the changes on the ground.

As the altitude slowly descended, Baihei soon saw the "gift" in the mouth of the First Emperor.

The galloping road that was originally under construction has now been completed. At least it seems that the part around Xianyang has been completed.

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