I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 191 The advent of board games! Daqin kills!

There is still more than a month before the completion of the Daming Treasure Ship. If the three problems are not solved, I am afraid that even if they reluctantly go to sea, they will definitely encounter a lot of trouble.

For a balanced diet, the solution for later generations is canned food.

The earliest cans were made of glass bottles with cork and wire tightly plugging the mouth of the bottle.

In history, the French emperor Napoleon led his army to conquer the Quartet, and the seamen who lived on the ship for a long time fell ill because they could not eat fresh vegetables, fruits and other foods, and some even suffered from serious life-threatening scurvy.

Because the front line was too long, a large amount of food would rot and deteriorate after being transported to the front line. He hoped to solve the problem of food storage during wars and marches, so the French government used a huge bonus of 12,000 francs to seek a way to store food for a long time.

If someone can invent technology and equipment to prevent food spoilage, he will be awarded this huge sum of money.

Many people have invested in research activities in order to win prizes.

Among them, the French Nicolas Appel and his wife, who are engaged in candied food, used all their energy to conduct continuous research and practice, and finally found a good solution:

Put the food into a wide-mouth glass bottle, plug the bottle mouth with a wooden stopper, put it in a steamer to heat, then plug the wooden stopper tightly, and seal it with wax.

After ten years of painstaking research, he finally succeeded in 1804. He processed the food, put it into a jar, put it all in a pot of boiling water, heated it for 30-60 minutes, and plugged it with a cork while it was still hot.

Reinforced with wire or sealed with wax, the technology was disclosed after it was patented. In this way, food can be preserved for a long time without spoilage. This is the prototype of the modern canned food.

The most primitive canned food is the most useful. For the current Da Qin, many of the techniques of later generations have not been mastered, so the more basic the canning method is, the more likely it is to be implemented.

However, in order to realize the production of cans, white and black must at least refine the glass in advance.

Unless he can find a way to make iron cans, but obviously, making iron cans requires more skills, and it is difficult for the current Da Qin to satisfy this.

As a result, Baihei temporarily assigned the problem of nutritious meals to canned food.

As for food storage, there are several primitive methods in today's Daqin.

The first is the most common cellar method:

According to different geographical environment, use cellars or warehouses to store food.

This method is mostly used for storing large quantities of grain, fruits or vegetables.

According to the production drawings of the Daqin Treasure Ship, although it is impossible to store in a cellar at sea, it can be easily done in a dry warehouse.

In this way, as long as 11 Zai sends a special person to screen every day to dispose of the spoiled food in time to prevent other things from becoming moldy, even on the ship, the food can be stored for a long enough time.

In addition, the most common storage method is the sealed method:

Under sealed conditions, due to respiration, food continuously consumes oxygen in the environment and produces a large amount of carbon dioxide. This change will in turn inhibit the respiration of food and reduce the consumption of nutrients, thereby maintaining the freshness of food.

The storage objects of the sealing method are mostly fruits. You can use containers, sand mud or wax, etc., such as dig holes in live bamboo, put fresh fruits such as cherries in, and seal the holes after filling, which can be stored for a long time. Not spoiled.

The sealing method is also suitable for storing fruits, but it is not suitable for cereals.

The drying method is also commonly known as the drying method:

The growth and reproduction of microorganisms are inseparable from water. When the moisture in the food drops below a certain percentage, the activity of microorganisms can be inhibited, which is helpful for the storage of food.

Dry food can take advantage of natural light and wind, such as cutting beef into thin strips, hanging it in a ventilated place in the sun, and drying the meat into jerky for preservation.

When natural drying cannot meet people's needs, heat energy will also be used to evaporate the moisture in the food. For example, after the lychees are harvested, the lychees will be dried in the sun for several days until the color of the lychees changes and the lychees are relatively dry. , and then heat it with fire until the core is very dry and hard, and then store it.

Jerky and bacon are the regular food of the seafarers of later generations after they go to sea, and they are also one of the few foods that can be stored for a long time.

The last method, which is also the favorite method of white and black - salt method and sugar method:

Use salt or other ingredients to pickle fresh food.

This method mainly uses the high osmotic pressure of salt, which can reduce the water activity of food and inhibit the growth and reproduction of microorganisms.

The salt method mainly uses vegetables and meat as the main objects, such as various pickled vegetables, salted fish, and cured meat.

The sugar-making method is mainly used in the storage and processing of fruit products, and is usually made from intact fruit or block pulp after salting, candiing and honey frying. Foods such as candied fruit and preserved fruit are very typical products that realize food storage by this method.

The salt method and sugar method can not only make a lot of delicious candies, but also can be used to make small pickles for dinner. Baihei doesn't want to eat only dry food when they go out to sea!

It seems that even in Daqin, apart from the troublesome production of canned food, there are many ways to store food even when going to sea.

There is still at least a month before the production of the Daqin treasure ship and the sea trial. Since there is a temporary solution to the problem of food storage and nutritious meals, the rest is entertainment.

How do you find something on the vast seas that will keep the crew entertained so as not to make most of the sailing time too boring?

After some thought, Bai Zhu set his sights on poker and board games in later generations.

No matter from the perspective of personnel and the scope of use, board games and poker are very suitable as entertainment activities for sailing trips.

First of all, in terms of personnel, with the capacity of the Daqin Treasure Ship, there must be a lot of people on a boat, just enough to get together to play poker or board games.

Secondly, there are few restrictions on poker and board games. As long as the game mechanism itself is well grasped, Baihei believes that with the backward entertainment method of Daqin, it will soon be able to swept the whole Daqin!

By then, it will be more than the exclusive property of seafarers.

White and black can even be mass-produced in large quantities, and then sold at high prices to the nobles of the Six Nations who have nothing to do all day.

Anyway, they are stupid and have a lot of money, so slaughtering them with poker and various board games is perfect!

After figuring out the matter of the board game, Bai Zhi did what he said. He quickly called Xiao He and ordered him to prepare everything he needed.

Although the paper factory has not yet fully mass-produced, as long as the white and black need it, the first emperor will not refuse it.

A large number of "special" wooden boards and papers were sent to Jingyang Mansion. The white and black gates did not go out, and the second gate did not open. They locked themselves in the house and started making board games.

First, give the board game a name.

"Well, let's call Da Qin to kill."

After muttering to himself, Bai Zhi picked up a wooden board and wrote the words "Da Qin kills".

As for the board game board itself, White and Black didn't plan to write at all, anyway, few soldiers were literate, so just draw pictures!

"Draw a kill first, then a flash, and then a peach..."

When it comes to board games, Bai Hei is very attentive.

After going to sea, you can point to them to entertain your body and mind.

However, after persisting for an afternoon, Bai Hei finally gave up.

Not because of the board game itself, but because he suddenly discovered that his drawing skills were too bad!

No way, Bai Hei had to repair a book, ordered Gao Chong to go to Xianyang immediately, selected a few from the first emperor's royal painters, and dragged them to Jingyang mansion.

After three days of hard work, and with Bai Hei's disdainful insistence, after killing four painters in a row, finally, all the painters suddenly became enlightened.

According to Bai Hei's instructions, they drew the action of killing, dodging, and healing respectively.

In addition to the three basic cards, they also turned all the characters in Daqin into miniature portraits and drew them in.

The most eye-catching are the "Five Tiger Generals" and "Twelve Tiger Officials", each of them is drawn majestic, and on the back of the wooden plaque, some small characters are simply engraved.

Since it was the first time that a board game appeared in Daqin, Bai Zhi chose to be conservative and not many characters appeared.

In addition to "Five Tiger Generals" and "Twelve Tiger Officials",

Baihei also added the famous Li Si, Hu Hai, Fusu and others into it, and they made a total of thirty-six people.

If there are too many, the skills are mixed and difficult to remember.

So, after two full days of repairs, a brand new entertainment method - Daqin Killing, came out in Jingyang Mansion!

In addition to sending the "Da Qin Killing" as a tribute to Xianyang Palace with great fanfare, Bai Hei also placed it in the most conspicuous place in Jingyang Tower.

When the diners in Jingyang Tower were eating, when the dances were interrupted, a soldier who was able to talk was sent to publicize the "Da Qin Killing".

That's right, the marketing model is similar to the advertising sales on the airplanes of later generations.

With the help of the fiery popularity of Jingyang Tower, the "Da Qin Killing" was widely advertised.

All ages!

Free delivery for the first 100!

First come first served!

Combining the bells and whistles of the marketing methods of later generations, Bai Zhi is really clear about how to attract more popularity.

Not only that, in order to increase the popularity of "Daqin Kill", he also deliberately refined a batch of "Collector's Edition Daqin Kill".

As an auction item, it was sent to the auction house for auction.

In fact, Jingyang Mansion has attracted much attention since its establishment.

Not only because of Baihei's special status, but also because he is the first and only "king" feudal country under the county system.

Therefore, when Bai Zhu deliberately promoted the "Da Qin Kill", the "Da Qin Kill" spread like wildfire.

Originally, Baihei wanted to cultivate a group of people who would explain the rules of the Daqin killing game, but due to the rush of time, there was no time.

However, to his surprise, this incident turned out to be self-defeating and became one of the reasons why the "Great Qin Kill" became popular among the nobles of the Six Nations.

Since there are characters behind "Da Qin Killing", everyone has corresponding skills, so people who are illiterate can't understand it.

At least, the illiterate people can only gradually become familiar with the game mechanics through the method of "watching the game" after the literate people understand it.

In this way, the nobles of the Six Nations, who had been about to be forgotten by everyone, once again found an opportunity to show off.

Since "Da Qin Killing" was produced by Jingyang Mansion, the court gave a green light to this, without any restrictions.

However, the officials of the dynasty did not have much time to study the "Daqin Killing", and the common people were illiterate, so the nobles of the Six Nations seized the opportunity to show their "superior" value.

In order to reflect their self-worth more, they are full of praise for "Da Qin Kill" and use the popular "Da Qin Kill" to satisfy their inner sense of superiority.

In this way, it also provides more market for "Daqin Kill".

After doing all the propaganda work, Bai Hei lay lazily on the rattan chair, waiting for Xiao He's reply.

Just now, the newly produced batch of "Da Qin Killing" was also shipped to Xianyang, and was personally escorted by Xiao He and Gao Chong.

Look at the time, it should be almost back.

Sure enough, Bai Hei was still thinking about it at the last moment, and the next moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the hall.

"My lord. 35

Without rushing, Xiao He and Gao Chong walked into the hall side by side.

"Well, how are things going?"

"One hundred sets, all sold out, most of them were purchased by the bequests of the Six Nations.""

Xiao He stepped forward and reported softly.

"My lord, the painters have already lost seven, and the rest can't hold it anymore.

As a last resort, Xiao He still told the matter.

Up to now, more than 300 sets of "Da Qin Kill" have been produced.

Naturally, Bai Hei was the boss, but it was painful for the painters.

Seeing that the four colleagues died in front of them, they were naturally trembling and resigned.

After two consecutive days of sleepless nights, three hundred sets of "Da Qin Killing" were finally produced.

Of course, at the same time, the painters recruited by Baihei also fell one after another. As the chief executive of Jingyang Mansion, Xiao He had to intercede for them.

In the early stage of propaganda of "Da Qin Killing", there were extremely strict requirements for the work intensity of the painters.

Due to the backward productivity of Daqin, "Daqin Killing" is difficult to mass-produce, so each set must be painted by the painter himself.

This situation led to the fact that the painters had to work day and night in order to produce the required batch in time.


Hearing Xiao He's report, Bai Hei lazily got up from the rattan chair.

Indeed, what Xiao He said was indeed a problem.

If it can't be solved, once the "Da Qin killing" becomes popular and needs to be produced in large quantities, I am afraid that even if all the painters are cut off, it will be difficult to complete the task.

After a little thought, Bai Hei quickly thought of the technique of "block printing".

Pulling Xiao He to sit on the rattan chair, Bai Hei tried his best to explain the "engraving printing" technique in his mind:

"You go to Mo Xue first and ask him to find some apprentices who are good at carving.

As a descendant of the Mo family's mechanical arts, Mo Xue obviously has many skilled craftsmen among her apprentices, and as for those who are skilled in carving, there must be some.

"You asked them to carve several wooden plaques, divide them into front and back, and then paint them on top and print them on other wooden plaques. In this way, will the production efficiency of "The Great Qin Kill" be improved?"

Although it sounds vague, but fortunately Xiao He is smart enough. After Bai Hei used the wooden sign to demonstrate it, Xiao He can probably understand it.

But, at the same time, he also raised his concerns:

"My lord, as a result, the quality of wooden plaques will definitely decline.

Xiao He was right to worry.

Once the "block printing" technology is used, once the paint on the carved wooden sign is unevenly applied or the mold is flawed, it is easy to cause many new problems.

"It's okay, the carved "Da Qin Killing" is sold at half price as the exclusive use of the common people.

"As for the painters, let them take a short rest, and then gather more painters to continue making collector's editions, which are specially sold to princes and nobles at a high price.

"By the way, Shen Wansan, leave this matter to him.

Because he has been busy with the "Da Qin killing" in recent days, Bai Zhu almost forgot about Shen Wansan.

"Back to the lord, Shen Wansan has returned to Jingyang Mansion two days ago and brought back fifteen hundred gold.

Xiao He reported.

Although he had expected this for a long time, Shiroi was still surprised.

In three days, 100 taels of money turned into 1,500 gold. Shen Wansan not only completed the task he had given him on time, but even exceeded it.


It's a talent!

"Okay, you can do as I said just now, and in the future, the sale of "Da Qin Killing" can be done by Shen Wansan, you can call him in for me.

"Yes, my lord.

Xiao He quickly retreated, leaving only Gao Chong and Bai Hei in the hall.

"Come on, I'll give you a copy of the "Da Qin Killing" that I just made!

Bai Zhu took out a copy of "Da Qin Kill" from his pocket and handed it to Gao Chong.

Gao Chong is no stranger to "Da Qin Killing", and he escorted this sale, but so far, Gao Chong has never seen the wooden sign itself.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward. 99

Holding a set of "Collector's Edition Daqin Killing" in his hand, Gao Chong was a little overwhelmed.

Seeing that Gao Chong was at a loss, Bai Hei promptly took out one of the wooden cards and handed it to Gao Chong:

"have a look."

That's right, the portrait on the wooden sign is Gao Chong himself.

After looking at it for a long time, Gao Chong saw the doorway:

"This is... subordinate yourself?"

"Look back.

Baihei glanced at him with a half-smile.

Gao Chong turned over the wooden sign and saw the words "Gao Chong" at the top of the back.

Here are a few lines of small print:

"Locking Skill [Courage]: There is no limit to the number of "kills" used by Gao Chong. In the card playing stage, if you have used "kill" in the current stage, you can use "kill" in this stage without distance limit.

After reading all the small characters, Gao Chong couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth. He really didn't expect that there was himself in "Da Qin Kill"?

"How about it, doesn't it seem interesting all of a sudden?"

Baihei grinned and looked at Gao Chong with a smile.

"Thank you, Lord, for your appreciation.""

Gao Chong put the wooden sign engraved with him back into the box.

He knew that Baihei put his name in "Daqin Kill", which seemed like an inconspicuous move, but it was able to make the whole Daqin know his name!

As a military commander, who doesn't want to be famous all over the world and sing praises for future generations?

Now, there are more than 300 sets of "Da Qin Killing" sold by him.

Moreover, listening to Wang Ye's intentions, more will be sold in the future!

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