I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 190 Preparations for the ocean going to sea!


Li Si's eyes widened, he wanted to stand up and resist.

But obviously, with the current level of illness, he can't do it.

"Li Si, you don't need to be grateful to this king, but this king has to thank you, without you, how would I know that Lao Zhao could make me king, right?

Baihei patted Li Si's shoulder kindly, watching Li Si's face struggling, his heart was full of bad taste.

He must know what Li Si thinks, but he just doesn't want to get close to Hu Hai!

But Li Si didn't like Bai Hei very much, so Bai Hei had to send him to Hu Hai's side.

But since it was the first emperor's order, Bai Zhi also explained to Gao Chong:

"Tell Hu Hai, take it easy, don't play dead!"

"Yes, Lord Rui Beast."

"I'm going to change my mouth, and call me Wang Ye!"

Ying Yinman on the side reminded playfully.

"Yes, my lord.

Gao Chong immediately changed his tune.

"Fuck off!"

Bai Hei kicked Gao Chong's ass.

After sending Gao Chong away, Xiao He's figure quickly appeared in front of Bai Hei.

"My lord.

Due to Gao Chong's incident, Xiao He immediately changed his mind.

In this regard, White and Black did not object.

"How is it, how are the preparations for the official title?"

Being awarded an official title is a rare event in Jingyang Mansion.

"If you go back to the prince, your subordinates are here for this very reason."

"Oh? Isn't this matter agreed?"

Bai Hei raised his eyebrows, if he remembered correctly, it was yesterday that he and Xiao He decided together.

Looking around to see that there were no outsiders, Xiao He leaned forward and whispered:

"My lord, I have a new suggestion. In order to silence the ministers in the court, we can add a post of censor and make Young Master Fusu serve.

Xiao He wisely didn't say anything next.

He knew that Bai Hei would definitely understand.

Xiao He's suggestion is understandable to Bai Hei. No matter what, Fusu is currently in Jingyang Mansion.

Although the first emperor would not pursue anything, once the ministers in the court jumped up, it was annoying.

It's not that "Seven Seven Seven" Bai Hei is afraid of them, but that he is too lazy to care about them.

"Well, this matter is entirely up to you to handle, as long as you think it's appropriate.

"My subordinates have already prepared, please check it out."

Xiao He was already prepared, and immediately took out the pre-prepared documents.

"Let me see.

Bai Hei took the document prepared by Xiao He:

"Three Dukes:

Captain: Gao Chong.

Doctor Censor: Fusu.

Prime Minister: Xiao He.

Ministry of Officials: Zhang Yi.

The Ministry of Accounts: Shen Wansan.

Minister of Rites: Li Xin.

Minister of War: Guan Yu.

The Minister of Punishment: Zhang Han.

Minister of Industry: To be determined. ""

"Do it.

Without any sloppiness, Bai Hei agreed.

The new suggestion Xiao He said was nothing more than arranging a seat for Fusu, which looked very beautiful, but was actually useless.

Moreover, it can be seen that Xiao He still put in a lot of effort.

Not to mention the perfect integration of the system of three publics and nine ministers and the system of three provinces and six ministries, it also solves other possible troubles.

"Besides, there is one more thing."

After pondering for a while, Xiao He continued:

"The messenger came from Xianyang, and it is said that the people of His Majesty reported that they had found the descendants of Gongxu Ban. 95

Descendants of the public transport class?

Bai Zhi searched the memory in his mind and quickly understood.

At this time, the public transport class had already been buried, but he was negligent.

"Call them in.

Baihei waved his paws.

Xiao He immediately took the order and left.

After a while, Xiao He returned, followed by two men.

When the two men entered the hall, Xiao He immediately withdrew with interest.

"Leader of the Black Ice Terrace, let us down, and meet the King Protector."

Although Hei Bingtai had great powers, when he saw Bai Hei, he did not dare to disrespect.

One, as the first killer in the hands of the first emperor, Dunwei clearly knew that the first emperor had a crush on Bai Hei.

Both, Bai Hei's temperament has spread almost all over the Qin Dynasty, whoever provokes Bai Hei will definitely not have a good life.

"Give a seat."

The attendant quickly put on two chairs.

"My lord, this person is the descendant of Gongshuban, Gongshuliang.

With the order of the First Emperor, and the reputation of Gongshuban, Heibingtai found Gongshuliang almost effortlessly.

"You are Gong Shuliang?""

Baihei looked up and down the descendants of Gongshuban in front of him, and they seemed to be quite energetic, but he didn't know whether they had inherited the mantle of Lu Ban.

"My subordinates are the fair losers.

"How much of Lu Ban's ability do you have?"

"Less than a point."

From Gong Shuliang's expression, it's hard to tell whether he is not good at learning or simply humble.

Turning his eyes, Bai Hei quickly thought of a way.

He copied it, took out a "Daming Treasure Ship Map" from his pocket, and threw it to Gong Shuliang in front of him:

"Look, how long does it take to make it?

In order to test Gong Shuliang, Bai Zhu deliberately took out the most difficult to manufacture and the largest "Zheng He Treasure Ship" in the "Zheng He Fleet".

As the core of the entire fleet, the "Zheng He Treasure Ship" is 148 meters long and 60 meters wide, making it the largest wooden sailboat in the world.

The ship has four floors, nine masts can hang twelve sails, the anchor weighs several thousand catties, and it takes two or three hundred people to set sail. It is a large sea ship.

Not to mention in today's Daqin, even in the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He's treasure ship was a very special existence. The biggest difficulty lies in power and sailing, but in the production process.

This is the reason why Baihei did not hesitate to use the power of the first emperor to find Luban's descendants.

Gong Shuliang didn't seem to be in a hurry to agree, but looked at the detailed composition of the treasure ship in front of him in detail and slowly.

Seeing that it seemed to take a long time for him, Bai Zhu, who was beside him, waved his paw at Dun weak:

"Go back and return to your life, just say I'm very satisfied, thank you Lao Zhao.

I could feel that when I heard the word "Lao Zhao", Dunwei's body trembled obviously.

My dear, besides Lord Rui Beast, who would dare to call the First Emperor like that?

"Follow your lord's orders.

Dun weak quickly led the order to retreat.

While Gong Shuliang was attentively looking at the structure of the treasure ship, Xiao He's figure appeared in the hall again.

"My lord, there is a Mo Xue who claims to be a descendant of the Mo family outside asking to see you."

Mo Xue?

Baihei shook his head, the Mo family's mechanism?

Looking at Gong Shuliang in front of him, Bai Hei shook his head helplessly. It wasn't that the enemies didn't get together. It seemed that there was bound to be a battle between the two.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard the words of the descendants of the Mo family, Gong Shuliang's eyes instantly became sharp.


White and Black nodded.

Although I don't know what Mo Xue is here for, it's good to have a little competition.

Soon, Mo Xue walked into the hall.

As soon as he entered, he bowed respectfully towards Baihei:

"The descendant of the Mo family, Mo Xue, pays a visit to Lord Rui Beast."

Since Mo Xue came alone, it was not known that Bai Hei had been promoted to King Protector.

Mo Xue is a woman.

Bai Hei's first impression of her is that she is free and easy and straightforward.

In Jingyang Mansion, a place where Li Si would be trembling when he came, Mo Xue in front of him was actually not afraid, on the contrary, he looked a little curious.

"Why are you here?

Bai Zhu looked at her curiously.

During the Warring States Period, let alone craftsmanship, isn't everything passed down to men and not women?

The Moxue in front of me is...?

For Bai Hei's question, Mo Xue did not hide it, and admitted it generously:

"I heard that Lord Rui Beast recruited skilled craftsmen, and Mo Xuete, a descendant of the Mo family, came to answer the call."

Mo Xue's tongue was eloquent, and the news of Baihei's search for public transport classes was deliberately called a call for skilled craftsmen.

Nodding, Bai Zhu still had some appreciation for Mo Xue's frankness.

He took out another drawing of the "treasure ship" and threw it to Mo Xue.

"The Minister of Work of Jingyang Mansion is still vacant. If the two of them can build the Great Qin Treasure Ship, they can become the Minister of Work of Jingyang Mansion."

"Of course, for your small private research, Jingyang Mansion provides various raw materials for free. 35

It seemed that it was difficult to attract the two of them just by virtue of their official position, so Bai Hei immediately threw out a big temptation.

Anyone who likes to invent or research something, especially in the Qin Dynasty, was mostly limited by the lack of materials.

Mo Xue came here precisely because the family's financial resources made it difficult to continue to support her in her professional invention and research.

The "rich and powerful" of Jingyang Mansion was famous in Daqin.

Therefore, Mo Xue just came to try his luck, but unexpectedly, he just happened to meet Gong Shuliang.


Hearing Bai Hei throwing out the conditions he wanted most, Mo Xue's eyes suddenly lit up.


White and Black nodded affirmatively.

"it is good!""

With Bai Hei's answer in the affirmative, Mo Xue immediately picked up the blueprint of the treasure ship and began to examine it seriously.

Contrary to Bai Hei's expectations, although Mo Xue arrived late, he took the lead in giving his answer: "I can do it!"5

At the end, I added a sentence:

"But it takes a lot of money! 35

"Money is not a problem, I will give you how much you want, but you have to remember that making a treasure ship is a treasure ship, and what is given to you is given to you, so you must distinguish clearly."

Before making the treasure ship, Bai Hei must beat him, otherwise if Mo Xue really embezzled 10 million yuan, wouldn't he be able to pay for her?

"I have 120 apprentices, and with their help, I can build a treasure ship within a month, at most a month and a half!

A month and a half!

Not to mention Gong Shuliang on the side was surprised, even Bai Hei, who was sitting on the seat, was startled.

Such a huge treasure ship can be built without three or five years?

Even if it doesn't take three or five years, it only takes one month?

Seeing that Bai Hei was worried, Mo Xue patted her chest and assured:

"As long as Lord Rui Beast can meet my conditions, a half-moon boat can't go into the sea, you cut my head off!

Mo Xue's words were sincere.

Seeing Mo Xue's confident look, Bai Hei nodded slowly:

"Go on, all your conditions. 99

"First, I need thirty thousand people. 99

It is not too much to build such a huge treasure ship with 30,000 people.



Baihei waved his claws.

"Second, I need money and food supplies. Although I don't know how much I need, you can send someone to keep the accounts. The faster the supply, the faster the completion. 35


Bai Hei didn't hesitate at all. Originally, the manufacture of the Daqin treasure ship was a labor-intensive matter, and he was not prepared to save it.

"Third, after this is done, I need 100,000 catties of wood!"

100,000 catties of wood!

Rao was white and black, and was surprised. Although it was not an astronomical figure, it was still difficult to practice.

"If you can help me build a fleet within a month and a half, I will agree to your request.

"Have drawings?"

Mo Xue tilted her head playfully.

Soon, Bai Hei threw out the blueprint of Zheng He's treasure fleet.

There are sixty-two ships in total, although not all of them are so huge, but the project is not small.

After briefly browsing the drawings, Mo Xue shook her head:

"It took about a month and a half to build the largest ship on it, and there are too many others to take into account.."

Even if Mo Xue distributed all the 120 apprentices reasonably, it would still be difficult for him to complete the arduous task.

Seeing that Mo Xue couldn't finish, Bai Hei turned his attention to Gong Shuliang who was aside:

"Can you finish it?"

Gong Shuliang took the blueprint, read it carefully, and smiled slightly:

"My lord, one month, sixty-one ships are guaranteed to complete the mission!""

At this point, the Daqin Fleet's affairs are quite clear.

Baihei nodded with satisfaction:

"The money and food you two need, I will send Xiao He to connect with you in three days. For three days, you can rest in Jingyang Mansion for the time being. 99

"When you have nothing to do, you can stroll around the Jingyang Building, see the auction house's business, and taste Jingyang wine.

"No matter who is the first to complete the task, the seat of Minister of the Ministry of Industry is his!"

"But if I find out that it is shoddy, or the quality is degraded, I guarantee others will fall!"

Adhering to the idea of ​​"big stick and bread", Baihei first inspired and then spurred it.

Finally, the two of them were ordered to write down everything they needed.

Taking the needs written down by the two, Bai Hei summoned Xiao He again.

"This is what Gong Shuliang and Mo Xue need, you can do it, within three days, it will be done one by one.

The two need a lot of wood, money, grain, and migrant workers, and it may be difficult to complete within three days.

But for Bai Hei's request, Xiao He still agreed.

Although the required number is huge, Xiao He intends to adopt a "step-by-step" approach and provide a step-by-step approach.

First, gather all the military and civilians that can be mobilized in Jingyang Prefecture, and use them for the two man-made ships.

At the same time, from the nearby counties, the convenient Suzaku organ beasts are used to transport wood to meet the temporary needs of the two.

After the two people have started the construction, the follow-up needs are gradually provided.

Seeing Xiao He's promise, Bai Hei was relieved.

At the end, he did not forget to say:

"If there is any difficulty or the like that Jingyang Mansion can't solve, report it directly to Lao Zhao and let him solve it.

In this regard, Bai Zhi was not polite at all.

For the sake of the Great Wall, the first emperor did not sever corvée.

However, Baihei is not going to be forced to requisition, he wants to adopt the "employment system".

After all, there is no shortage of money in Jingyang Mansion. They hire people and provide money and food. Who doesn't want to come?

The problem of the people was solved, and the only thing left was the wood.

The idea of ​​black and white is simpler.

Isn't the first emperor's mausoleum under construction?

Anyway, Lao Zhao won't die in thirty years, it's useless to keep the wood, use it first!

It will be yours in the future!

When it comes to urgent use, where can you manage so much!

He gave Xiao He two ideas one after another, which shocked Xiao He to his jaws.

"My lord, in this way, the expenditure of Jingyang Mansion is bound to be huge, and the ministers in the court will not agree with the matter of the timber for the tomb of the First Emperor."

Regarding Bai Hei's suggestion, although Xiao He thought it was indeed a good idea, it would be difficult to implement it.

"You don't have to worry about expenses. When Jingyang Manor's inventory is not enough, go to Lao Zhao. In addition, I will repair a book and order a great Qin Ruishi to go to Xianyang to tell Lao Zhao that he will definitely have a solution.

For the majesty of the first emperor, Bai Hei has never had any doubts.

After Mount Tai was enshrined in Zen, there was basically no objection, and even if there were, they would soon be out of breath.

Black Ice Terrace will not let them go, and neither will the local counties.

Now the Huns have been destroyed, the rebellion has been suppressed, and the entire north and the west are in harmony.

The power of Da Qin was unprecedented, and the majesty of the First Emperor reached its peak.

Presumably the ministers objected to it, but as long as the first emperor insisted, Bai and Hei believed that no one would take the initiative to get in trouble.

As for money, one has Shen Wansan, the other has the construction of Chidao, and if he retreated 10,000 steps, he might just be able to take the opportunity to blackmail the First Emperor.

Why not do it?

There is no need to worry about food. In the early stage, you can top it with potatoes. When the super rice seeds are mature, the people will not be short of food.

"Xiao He, what I want to say is more important, it's not these two things.

"My lord, please speak.

Xiao He wondered, isn't the most important thing right now to build the Great Qin Treasure Ship?

"You think about it, what's the most important thing when a fleet of this size sails at sea?

After being reminded by Bai Hei, Xiao He immediately responded:


"That's right. 39

White and Black nodded.

"After sailing to sea, it often takes several months, sometimes several years, how to preserve food, how to follow up on nutrition, and how to spend time in peacetime.

The three things that Bai Hei said are the three most important points in the eyes of navigators.

Of course, the most important points, the heading and the map, are the simplest for White and Black.

With a miniature dynamic world map, what storm can't Baizhu avoid?

Can't find it anywhere?

So what Bai Hei is most worried about is not the heading and map, but how to better preserve food and the balance of nutritious meals.

Historically, "scurvy" was the first disease to defeat navigators. If it wasn't for the advancement of science, it could even block the development of the entire maritime industry.

In addition, the spiritual problem in the voyage is also worth noting, and the seafarers must have toys for venting and entertainment.

Therefore, right now, what is before Bai Hei is not whether the Daqin fleet can be built.

It is a question of how to go out to sea and how to ensure a safe return after completion.

For the three questions of white and black, Xiao He was at a loss.

After all, the limitations of the times are there, and Bai Hei didn't expect him to come up with any good solutions.

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