"Your Majesty proclaimed, the auspicious beast, Bai Zhu, was named "King Protector", and the land of ten counties was added, and Jingyang Prefecture was promoted to Jingyang State.""

"Sir Rui Beast, congratulations."

Although Li Si had always been submissive in front of the First Emperor, it did not mean that he was against white and black.

On the contrary, in front of him white and black, he is even more obedient and obedient.

The reason is also very simple, the first emperor still needs at least one reason to kill, but white and black do not need it.

He only needs one look, no matter who makes him unhappy, Li Si has no doubt that the lunatics of Jingyang Mansion will definitely cut it into eight pieces.

Therefore, with the decree personally sealed by the First Emperor, Li Sishang rushed to get close to the white and black suit, as if the decree in his hand was sealed by him.

After listening to Li Si's words, Ying Yinman let out a "Yeah" and immediately came to Bai Hei, aiming at Bai Hei's chest and pulling a hand.

"Little auspicious beast, you are about to become emperor!"

Tong Yan Wuji, Li Si immediately lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Although the first emperor clearly ordered Jingyang, Bai Hei would not say anything even if he was the first emperor, but when Ying Yinman said this, the meaning was different.

Bai Hei also keenly noticed Li Si's reaction, but he was not worried, and given Li Si a hundred courage, Li Si did not dare to slander.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if he really dared, Shi Huang would definitely not believe it.

Sitting down on the rattan chair, White and Black lazily took over the order, muttering:

"Old Zhao is really stingy, and he doesn't want to be serious.

"The land of ten counties is so big, I'm really too lazy to manage it."

Listening to Bai Hei's complaints, Li Si was sweating on his forehead. My dear, the whole Daqin would dare to say that, right?

And listening to him, doesn't seem to be very satisfactory?

After reading the edict over and over again, Bai Hei shook his head uncontrollably:

"No, I don't agree, take it back. 99

Like thunder on the ground, Li Si, as if he didn't hear clearly, stepped forward and asked:

"What did Lord Rui Beast say?

Baihei aggravated his tone and repeated it.

"I said, I don't agree, except for the title of "Guardian King", the other two refuse to be awarded!"

Refuse to be banned!

The four big characters were like four heavy hammers hitting Li Si's heart.

Thunder, rain and dew are all graces.

You are good, the first emperor gave a great favor in vain, and many people struggled all their lives just for a little fief and nobility.

"Lord Rui Beast, this is not good..."

Hesitating, Li Si finally spoke up.

"Your Majesty promised it personally, if you don't agree, I'm afraid His Majesty will be unhappy.


Baihei was noncommittal, turned over, and continued to sleep lazily.

Yes, Li Si was speechless.

He knew that when he came to Jingyang Mansion to do business, he would definitely not be able to do it smoothly!

"Since Lord Rui Beast insists on not being banned, I will retire.

Saying something loud deliberately, seeing that Bai Zhu still didn't respond, Li Si turned around and prepared to leave.

If Baihei did not agree, the task would not be completed, and when he returned, he really did not know how to communicate with His Majesty the First Emperor.

Just when he was about to reach the door, suddenly, Bai Hei seemed to remember something.

"Li Si, wait a moment.

Li Si froze for a moment, turned around and looked at Bai Hei:

"Lord Rui Beast, what else is there to order? 99

"You come here, I can't let you come in vain.

Listening to the first half of Baihei's sentence, Liston was overjoyed, my dear, when did Lord Ruiwu become sensible?

But soon, Bai Zhi's second half sentence made him almost die on the spot.

"Invite Master Li into Jingyang Tower, and let Young Master Hu Hai treat him well."

A staggering, Li Si almost died on the spot.

Let son Hu Hai treat him well?

good guy.

What is the identity of Mr. Hu Hai?

He came to Jingyang Mansion to pass the decree, and ended up having a meal from the young master Hu Hai, and when he returned to the first emperor, he still didn't peel himself off?

Besides, what kind of craftsmanship Hu Hai is, can Li Si know?

Not to mention Li Si, all Xianyang knows it now!

Just a few days ago.

In order to try the dishes, Hu Hai almost ate all the people who tried the dishes to death.

Anyway, when Hu Hai found Xiao He, he had to pick a day to cook for Jingyang Tower by himself.

After Bai Hei's tacit approval, Xiao He decided that three times a month, on the third, thirteenth, and twenty-third day of the first month, Hu Hai could personally take charge of the Jingyang Building.

Over time, the third, thirteenth, and twenty-third days of the first lunar month became the days when Jingyang Tower closed its doors.

In the past three days, not to mention the Jingyang Tower, even in the streets of the entire Jingyang Mansion, there is not even a single person to be seen.

Except for the officials of Jingyang Mansion who had to deal with matters, they quietly took advantage of the terrain to sneak into the Yamen of Jingyang Mansion, and the rest of the people did not dare to show their faces.

The reason is very simple, Hu Hai's dishes are really unpalatable!

At first, when I was in the third year of junior high, when no one knew the rules, a prince and aristocrat were killed on the spot.

Not only that, three nobles from the Six Nations who ate at Jingyang Tower also fainted on the spot.

So, all of a sudden there was an uproar.

Helpless, for the voice of Jingyang Tower, Xiao He had to announce the days when Hu Hai was "in charge".

In an instant, on the third, thirteenth, and twenty-third day of the first day, Jingyang Building was not a single guest inside or outside.

Not to mention the guests, even the waiters hid, for fear of being caught by Hu Hai.

As soon as the people heard that Hu Hai was in charge of the spoon, they immediately hid far away. A few days ago, Hu Hai was hunting around for strong men, which has caused a lot of shadows in their hearts.

Gradually, the third, thirteenth, and twenty-third days of the middle school quickly became the "rest days" around Xianyang.

Every three days, the common people close their households and hide at home to celebrate the festival secretly. The big households in Xianyang hide far away and dare not take a step near Jingyang.

Even the first emperor himself, after hearing about this incident, also ordered that during the third, thirteenth, and twenty-three days of the third day, any decree made by the imperial court on Jingyang Mansion can be postponed!

After all, his own son's cooking level, he has personally eaten it, it is outrageous!


Right now, Bai Zhu wanted Hu Hai to entertain Li Si, and Li Si naturally apologized immediately:

"Lord Rui Beast, this minister is getting old, I beg Lord Rui Beast to let him go...

Tears were shed, tears were exchanged, those who heard were sad, and those who saw were weeping.

"Call Hu Hai and leave this matter to him. 35

Bai Zhu waved to the guards outside the hall.

"Lord Rui Beast!

Li Si disregarded the honor of the prime minister on the spot, and wailed and lay at Baihei's feet, begging Baihei to let him go with snot and tears.

In this regard, White and Black are indifferent.

It wasn't until Hu Hai came that the situation changed.

"Lord Rui Beast.

After several months of training, Hu Hai at this time not only knew how to be polite, but also respected Bai Hei a lot.

On the other hand, he took care of his filial son under the stick, and rewarded Hu Hai with thirty big boards whenever Bai and Hei disagreed.

After three times, Hu Hai was obedient to Bai Hei and did not dare to jump.

Just now, when I heard that Lord Rui Beast had an order, he hurriedly threw away his work and rushed to Bai Hei's mansion as fast as his butt was on fire.

"Unfortunate child, Prime Minister Li came to Jingyang Mansion today, this king really has nothing to entertain, why don't you take charge and let Prime Minister Li eat? 35

For a moment, Hu Hai's eyes were full of ecstasy.

"Lord Rui Beast, is this true?"

White and Black nodded.


"Lord Rui Beast!"

Li Si cried and begged with snot and tears, making Bai Hei very upset.

"Unfortunate child, look, Prime Minister Li doesn't really believe in your cooking skills, so you have to take good care of you?

Of course, these remarks have something in them, and Hu Hai was not stupid at all, and immediately expressed his understanding:

"Don't worry, Lord Rui Beast, I guarantee that he will lie down and meet Xianyang!""

Hu Hai's eyes are full of eager excitement!

Not to mention, just last night, he had an idea, and the gods gave him a new recipe:

With white rice as the main ingredient, add some poisonous mushrooms, and add an old heel, with cumin and pepper, it must be another famous dish!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, so Hu Hai made a move:

"Little ones, take Mr. Li to the first floor of Jingyang Building, and let me serve you well!"

Soon, Hu Hai's lackeys immediately "caught" Li Si into Jingyang Tower.

Looking at the back of Li Si's departure, it is not difficult for Bai Hei to imagine that if Li Si did not take off a layer of skin tonight, it would be difficult for him to return to Xianyang.

However, he was not worried. Although Hu Hai himself was always willing to make a fool of himself, he was still able to make a move. For a minister of Li Si's level, he did not dare to play too much, so he was not afraid of Li Si's death.

After Li Si left, Ying Yinman pinched Bai Hei:

"Little auspicious beast, why don't you accept your father's reward?


Reply in black and white.

"However, the land of the ten counties is almost half a county, and if Jingyang can seal the country, you are not a little emperor, you are so majestic!


Still a two-word reply.

Ying Yinman:

Cai Yan:

Diao Chan:

Zhen Mi:

Cao Festival:

Well, it turns out that white and black are really lying flat salted fish!

On the night when Bai Hei slept peacefully, Li Si suffered inhuman pain.

Throughout the night, in addition to the dozen or so dishes that Hu Hai had prepared, he also "invented" seven or eight new dishes on the spot for Li Si to taste.

In just one night, Li Si experienced all the sufferings in the world.

That night, Li Si swore that if he could walk out of Jingyang Tower the next day, he would definitely change his past and become a new person!

Until dawn, when Bai Zhu had stretched his waist and got up, Hu Hai's last dish was finally cooked:

“Steamed horseshoes are here for you!”

Excitedly, he brought the newly developed dish to Li Si, and Hu Hai looked at Li Si expectantly.

After a night of "fighting", it was difficult for Li Si to sit still.

Now he was lying on the chair by two servants.

Seeing that Li Si refused to do anything, Hu Hai waved his robe sleeves:

"What are you still doing! Start serving the Prime Minister for dinner!""

Steamed horseshoe is also a dish "invented" by Hu Hai on the spot.

Using waste horseshoes recovered from military camps and steaming them has become a new dish for Huhai.

Hu Hai also euphemistically called it: restore the most essential nutrition of food.

Nutrition is nutritious, and iron is very good, but why do I always feel like my neck is missing?

Huh? Why can I see my throat?

This is the Adam's apple just called out?

When Li Si almost died on the spot, Bai Zhu finally found out in his conscience and ordered Gao Chong to rescue Li Si.

"Get Li Si out, and quickly have someone take a look, don't let Hu Hai play dead.

After inquiring about Guan Yu, Li Si didn't leave Jingyang Mansion all night, Bai Zhu couldn't help but give Hu Hai a compliment. When it comes to the rise and fall of a country, everyone is responsible, and Hu Hai really did it.

Death must be death, whether it is happy or not, I don't know.

Under Li Si's incomparable expectations, Gao Chong finally rescued Li Si from Hu Hai's hands.

"Prime Minister Li, are you alright? 99

Looking at Li Si's appearance, Gao Chong knew that he must have suffered a lot, but he should be polite.

Li Si was speechless, stretched out his right hand tremblingly, and grabbed Gao Chong's robe sleeve tightly, tears flowing...

He secretly swore that even if the First Emperor turned his head off in the future, he would never come to Jingyang Mansion!

・・For flowers....

Woohoo... what a sin!

Carrying Li Si to Bai Hei's mansion, facing Li Si who was dying on the stretcher, Bai Hei silently patted his shoulder:

"Don't worry, in the future your wife will be my wife, your son will be my son, and your parents will still be your parents."

"Thank you... Lord Rui Beast..."

Difficult, Li Si spat out a few words.

Gao Chong, who was beside him, thought about it silently. Although Lord Rui Beast said good things, he always felt that something was wrong?

"Comforting" Li Si, Bai Hei waved his paws:

"Gao Chong, beat gongs and drums, and say goodbye to Lord Li."

"Yes, Lord Rui Beast."

Gao Chong quickly followed Bai Zhu's instructions and found a team of thirty-six people to open the way for Li Si.

"Clang clang!"

"Clang clang!"

"Li Cheng passed the decree, everyone gives way!

"Boom boom boom!

"Boom boom boom! 55

"Prime Minister Li returns to Beijing, and the people retreat!"

Li Si didn't sleep all night, originally thinking about taking a break on the way back to Xianyang.

It's a pity that Bai Zhu's team of thirty-six people worked extremely hard, and there was no rest for a moment.

Even outrageous, the gong smashed into Li Si's face.

In this regard, Li Si wanted to cry without tears, and it was not until he arrived in Xianyang that the situation was a little better.

The sound of the drums was reduced, but Li Si himself became the laughing stock of the Six Kingdoms legacy.

"Isn't it? I read that right? 99

"Li Si? Prime Minister of Great Qin?"

"What's the matter with him, why is he so miserable?"

As soon as they entered Xianyang, the sound of gongs and drums quickly attracted a large number of idle nobles from the Six Nations.

For Li Si's tragic situation, they naturally gave some ridicule without hesitation.

Although he no longer hated Daqin very much, the truth that the wall is pushed down by everyone remains unchanged.

Since Li Si made a fool of himself, they would just taunt him.

Finally, after passing the outer city of Xianyang, the ridicule of the nobles of the six countries disappeared, and the sound of gongs and drums disappeared. Li Si was about to rest for a while, when another group of ministers came to the court.

"Hey? Isn't this Prime Minister Li? What's wrong?"

"I heard that he went to Jingyang Mansion to pass the decree!"

"Jingyang Mansion!?

Someone expressed surprise, and then gave Li Si a thumbs up:

"Prime Minister Li, you are so brave!"

Li Si said it was very sad.

Seeing the tragic state of Li Si, the ministers in the court quickly spread word of mouth that Jingyang Mansion must not go!

The news quickly spread among the ministers of the imperial court, and it soon became a customary rule.

Anyone who goes to the Jingyang Mansion will definitely be ruined!

It was not until he returned to the palace and met the First Emperor that Li Si burst into tears in Xianyang Palace.


After just one night, Li Si seemed to have aged ten years.

"Why did the Li Qing family fall like this?"

In fact, Li Si wanted to tell him that it was your son who did it! Hurry up and chop him up for me!

But Li Si dared not.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, nothing, nothing."

Since you don't dare to report and expose, just break your teeth and swallow it.

"Lord Rui Beast, accepted the title of Protector King, but rejected the award of the ten counties and Jingyang Kingdom."5

One to five, Li Si told the first emperor of the white and black attitude, and did not dare to add anything to it.

After last night, he now just wants to return home and live the rest of his life in peace.

The first emperor nodded, and he was not surprised at all about the choice of white and black.

It would be strange if White and Black accepted it.

"I know, you go back and take good care of your wounds."

Patting Li Si on the shoulder, the First Emperor encouraged.

"Sir...it's okay.

Li Si's every sentence was very difficult, and obviously, he could no longer speak.

"Come here, pass the imperial doctor. 35

The first emperor quickly ordered, and the imperial doctor came to see and treat Li Si.

But on second thought, it doesn't seem right.

I heard that there are many strange people and strange things happening in the white and black Jingyang mansion. Since Li Si's condition is so serious, why not send him to Jingyang mansion for medical treatment?

"Wait a minute, wait until I personally repair a book and send Li Aiqing to Jingyang Mansion for treatment, Baihei will definitely have a solution.


Now Li Si can no longer speak, but when he heard that the First Emperor wanted to send him back to Jingyang Mansion, his eyes straightened.

He desperately wanted to stand up and say a word to stop the First Emperor, but his current condition did not allow him to do so.

Fortunately, the Shi Emperor noticed Li Si's abnormality after simply repairing a letter.

"Li Aiqing, do you have something to say to me?"

Li Si nodded desperately, then made a "woo woo" sound, and finally made a "kow" gesture with his right hand.

Seeing this, the First Emperor smiled reassuringly, stroked Li Si's arm and comforted:

"Li Qing's family, you are my servant, I should do something for you, so don't be grateful to me. 35

After speaking, the first emperor waved his hand to the attendants outside:

"I ordered someone to immediately transport Li Qing's family to Jingyang Mansion, and at the same time hand over my handwritten letter to Bai Hei, so that he could heal Li Qing's family well.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Soon, several attendants carried Li Si onto the stretcher again.

"Li Qing's family, take good care of your illness, I will wait for you to come back."

Li Si: I TM thank you!

He couldn't stop roaring in his heart, but Li Si couldn't do anything, he could only watch himself being carried into the white and black residence of Jingyang Mansion.

After briefly reading the letter from the First Emperor, Bai Zhu looked at Li Si on the stretcher and nodded:

"I heard that Young Master Hu Hai is studying medicine recently, so send Li Si to his house." Dao.

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